
Tower Defense Survival: I Defend the Whole Country Alone!

Every twenty years, the world of Tower Defense arrives to take away people and make them participate in the survival game. You can get unimaginable rewards if you can win. You can also inflict severe damage to your country if you lose. Pierce finds himself in this world, and sent to the Tower Defense alone, while other teams have a hundred people. Fortunately, he awakens golden hint system. Not only can he see useful alerts, he can also discover the fatal weaknesses of his enemies. Every monster he takes down rewards him with top-tier prizes. While the other players are still struggling, he is already swinging his swords to take the lives of gods.

Alexender · แฟนตาซี
286 Chs

Monster From the Clouds!

นักแปล: Atlas Studios บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

All the teams were ready, and Pierce was leisurely waiting for news of the eighth invasion.

His expression was indifferent, and there was no sign of panic. Beside him, the others were the same. They were all calmly waiting for the eighth invasion, waiting to see what the monster would be like this time.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the ears of all the contestants. It was simply a sound of terror to the other contestants.

It was like the sound of the bell from hell. Once it sounded, their souls might dissipate.

[The eighth invasion has begun. All contestants, please prepare for the battle!]

[The rules of this invasion are the same as the previous invasions. Please work hard to survive this invasion!]

Pierce suddenly felt the surroundings begin to turn dark, but strangely, there was no sign of darkness in the sky.