
Touched inappropriately By an Angel (BL)

"Did I hurt you when I fell from heaven, or is that just the look of someone who's never been kissed by an angel?" Isamu teased, breaking into Michael's uneventful life with a flair only a celestial being could muster. Michael, a waiter whose life is a repeating pattern of work and sleep, finds his ordinary world upended one night. His humble apartment unexpectedly becomes the crash site for Isamu, a charismatic and impulsive angel with a penchant for defying the rules of the heavens. Their first encounter is as bizarre as it is enchanting: a sneeze, an impromptu kiss, and a flurry of white feathers set the stage for their extraordinary relationship. Isamu, with his mysterious allure and cheeky confidence, pulls Michael into a realm beyond the ordinary, where divine beings tread the earthly plane. Balancing the daily grind of his job with the surreal occurrences that follow Isamu's arrival, Michael steps into an adventure that intertwines the mundanity of his life with celestial intrigue. With heavenly forces in pursuit and Isamu's complex history casting shadows, their growing bond is put to the test.

FujoshiPotato · LGBT+
7 Chs

Problem Unsolved

Michael swallowed thickly as he stared at the dark wooden door that lead into his apartment. He'd already been standing in front of it for a good ten minutes and still hadn't been able to bring himself to enter. The longer he waited though, the faster his heartbeat raced. 

Nothing had happened all day. Mrs. Graham had texted him back to inform him that she took care of his request but that was the only message he got back. What exactly did that mean? Had Isamu already left? Or had he been telling the truth about no one else being able to find him?


There was only one way to find out for sure. 

Michael licked his bottom lip before taking in a deep gulp of air as he reached for the door knob and slowly twisted it open.

Dead silence and darkness greeted the waiter as the door creaked open slowly. The only light coming from the open door.

Michael strained his ears for any unfamiliar sounds. When none caught his ears, he silently entered the apartment.

Using muscle memory, Michael flipped on the light switch next to the door as he continued to scan the seemingly vacant space.

"Isamu?" The waiter called out cautiously. He sincerely hoped that angels weren't similar to Vampires and that using the angel's name aloud wouldn't somehow permit him to install himself within the waiter's apartment. Silly as it was, Michael made a mental note to look into this later. 

Venturing further into the apartment, Michael began a thorough and deliberate search of every room, nook, and cranny in search of the unwelcome angel. 

The kitchen lacked hiding spots except for the fridge and oven, which were void of anything unusual. The dirty dishes in the sink remained piled in the same haphazard stack Michael had left them in the night before. 

The living room and laundry space were also empty beyond their usual cluttered state. Clutter that Michael would have to address one year when he no longer worked two jobs and had time to breathe. 

Once the main spaces were cleared, including under the sofa and behind the washer and dryer, as Michael didn't know if Angels could hide in such small, tight spaces, he moved onto the closets, balcony, and his room.

After checking the bedroom closet and ensuite bathroom for a third time, Michael sighed in relief. He was gone! He was really really gone! Thank the heavens, there was nothing for him to worry about. 

The waiter would have to thank Mrs. Graham for whatever she did, even if it was just her presence that made him leave. 

Not caring to change out of his work clothes or fix himself dinner, Michael allowed his exhausted body to fall back towards the bed. Tonight, he would finally get the good night of rest he sought. 

Or so he thought. 

Rather than the soft, fluffy cacoon he knew to be his mattress, the waiter fell back against something firmer. Before his brain could process what he landed on, two firm, strong arms wrapped around him as something soft brushed against his cheeks. 

"Naughty, naughty." Isamu's voice came out as a low murmur. his warm breath caressed against Michael's ear, causing an involuntary shudder to ripple down his spine. 

"Didn't I tell you once already that no one else would be able to see me? Yet, you still decided to go about doing what you wanted." By the time Michael's brain unfroze his body to be able to do anything, the angel had successfully pinned him in place against his body. Michael could hardly even move an inch as he tried to wriggle out of the other's grasp. How could someone who looked so thin be so damn strong? 

"I told you this morning you weren't fucking welcome here." The waiter growled out through gritted teeth. Frustration boiled as he attempted to break from the other's grasp. Warm air fluttered against his ear once more as the angel's low, deep laugh filled the air around them. The amusement was echoed by something darker behind it. Goose bumps rose on Michael's skin as the warmth made contact with his flushed, cold skin. That wasn't the only he could feel stir in response to the warmth, but the waiter did his best to ignore that. His body shouldn't betray him by finding anything pleasurable about this situation! 

"And I'm pretty sure I made it very clear to you that I would stay here for quite some time. Alas though, it does seem that the part about humans not being good listeners is true." Isamu shifted his position to pull them fully onto the bed but refused to let Michael go. Michael could only guess that the unusual softness below them was caused by the Angel's wings acting as cushions.

"I swear to god, if you don't let me go right now and get out of here, you will regret it." Michael thrashed once more against the other, twisting as much as possible to gain an advantage against his captor. If he could use his knee or elbow to make contact with something sensitive, he knew that he would have a greater chance of getting the other to let go of him. 

Michael thought briefly that he'd won against his celestial captor as Isamu's tight hold eased. The surge of adrenalin at the belief freedom was close at hand was short-lived when the angel made his next move. 

With the ease of someone manipulating a weightless ragdoll, the angel swapped their positions in one simple but elegant motion so that Michael was pinned under him. 

"I think you will quickly realize that even god can't protect you from what I have planned. " Isamu's face hoovered mere inches above Michael's own. Dark amethyst orbs trailed across the human's body. Michael felt his heart rate pick up as something more than fear began to bubble in his stomach at the dark promise radiating back in the angel's eyes as they locked gazes again. 

"I think a proper lesson in listening would go a long way in helping us to be better roommates, wouldn't you agree?" Isamu didn't wait for Michael to respond as he dipped his head down to capture the human's perfectly cupid lips in his own.