
Totally Hooked

Love seems like a beautiful thing for everybody. Its everything everybody craves for. That perfect man sweeping you off your feet, its every girl's dream. I never knew that someone would have me TOTALLY HOOKED.

L_A_5349 · สมัยใหม่
61 Chs

Chapter 10: Another Run-In with the Past

After my talk with Shin, my head did clear up. We said our goodnights and we went down the treehouse together. I stopped by the kitchen to get me a glass of milk then immediately head up my room with it. I grabbed my phone from my dresser and decided to message my boyfriend.

{You really had to tell Shin to check-up on me. Good call. You really know what I needed. Good night love. Thank you. I love you Vin Andrews Dela Cruz!}

I put my phone down and chugged the rest of my milk before lying down on my bed, getting ready to sleep, but then I heard my phone ping. I grabbed it again and it was Vin. I didn't expect him to reply to me, I thought he's already asleep. I opened the message and it was a video message.