
Torus Thrio: The Strongest God

In this wonderful world people are born with a seed, this seed can sprout in an infinite number of different ways; however, once sprouted, it can never return to its previous state. This seed is the seed to Godhood, the seed that forms the basis of ones divinity. And in this world there is one young man's seed that blooms into something unimaginably unique, this young man is Roy Thrio, read along as Roy explores his unique powers on his crazy journey to godhood.

Stealth_Panda · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

First Time with Master (R-18)


Letting out a small yelp, Sofia gave Torus' figure a glare as she rested within his arms, "Ah! Put me down, what will people think if they see us like this!" Sofia said heatedly, a look of admonishment appearing on her face as her cheeks turned a slightly rosy color. However, in response to this, all that she got in return was a wolfish grin from Torus, his figure not even slowing in its speed.

As she looked at this, Sofia could only let out a sigh of defeat, utterly accepting her fate. The truth was that she dearly wished to get up right now; however, she was still currently a bit weak-in-the-knees at her previous orgasm. This weakened state forced her to accept Torus' current actions, no matter how much she internally protested them.

Really, there was very little reason for Sofia to worry - at the current speed they were moving at, there was absolutely no chance the average citizen would be able to discern who exactly the blurring figures of the two were, let alone the state they were in. Aside from this, it was also the dead of night, meaning there would be very few people out-and-about currently.

As such, her protests were more a form of affection than anything else, just her putting up a token resistance. However, in her heart, only Sofia knew the joy her heart currently felt as she rested within Torus' large arms, something that brought her a warmth and safety she would never reveal to another soul.

With the rapid pace they were moving at, it took no time at all for the pair to enter the village, rapidly flashing through streets as they easily found their way to Sofia's home. Once there, only then did Torus put Sofia down, earning a glare from the woman as she pulled out her key, opening the entrance.

Even as this was going on, Torus' foot rapidly tapped on the ground, even the slight run the pair had gone on doing nothing to stop the all-encompassing lust he was currently feeling. The second the door was opened, Torus eagerly encompassed Sofia's figure, picking her up once more as his figure rapidly flashed inside. All this managed to accomplish was a defeated sigh from the woman, her face buried in his chest to hide the smile that appeared on it.

Faster than one can blink, the pair found themselves within Sofia's bedroom, Torus unceremoniously throwing Sofia's figure onto the bed. Even with the light toss, Torus barely put any force into it, careful not to hurt her even knowing the vast difference in strength between the pair. However, as she was subject to the seemingly rough treatment, a certain warmth and desire began to spread throughout Sofia from her core.

Rapidly yanking his shirt up and over his head, his shoes came off at the same instance as well as what ruins were left of his pants and underwear. With that, Torus now stood before Sofia in all his naked glory, his 'little guy' currently standing at full attention as it pointed directly at the figure of Sofia. As she looked at said 'little guy', Sofia couldn't help but to gulp in a breath of saliva, finding it to be nothing of the sort.

As Torus took in this change in her expression, a feeling of intoxication arose within him, nearly preening at the attention given to him. Obviously, his cock was only currently its previous length of eight inches, something he had chosen not to change considering he figured the size would be both intimidating and useless to have a cock any longer. However, even at this size, it still held a heavy sway to it and invoked a feeling as if it were larger than what it actually was.

Torus only stood there preening for a moment, before a wolfish expression suddenly overtook him once, his figure slowly stalking toward the bed with a predatory glint within his eyes. At the sight of this, Sofia took in another mouthful of saliva, this one showing a bit more nervousness as her eyes scanned her surroundings, as if looking for a way out.

However, as if he were a predator stalking a prey, Torus took this moment of distraction from her to pounce. His figure flashing forward, Torus used his much larger body to pin Sofia to the bed below him, eliciting a small gasping of breath from her startled figure.

However, this shock from her only lasted until Torus' movements carried on, his face coming down to press a dominating kiss onto her slightly parted ones. At the same time, he slipped his tongue deep into her mouth, as if searching for something. In response, Sofia eagerly returned the prompt make-out session, her own tongue coming out as if to cross blows with Torus' own.

Seeing this, Torus was eager to go further, his own tongue proving to be much more powerful than Sofia's as it quickly dominated her own. With the increase in length his tongue had undergone, Torus managed to wrap it around hers completely, their saliva being swapped with one another as they cleaned each other's tonsils.

The longer the kiss went on, the more Sofia seemed to notice something however. A heat seemed to be rising within her from out of nowhere, with her vision going hazy as a wave of lust slammed into her. Where before, Sofia was suitably aroused from the situation, she now felt an overwhelming need to have Torus within her.

It was only as he felt this sharp spike of lust that Torus seemed to remember something, 'Shit! I forgot that my saliva is a small-scale aphrodisiac.' he exclaimed internally, eyes widening slightly. However, he wasn't too worried at the situation, as he knew that the power of the aphrodisiac wasn't even enough to make one do something they didn't wish to, only enhance feelings that were already there.

As such, when Torus suddenly felt something warm and slick start to glide up and down his penis, rubbing against it, he was quick to glance down. As he did so, Torus' gaze locked onto the sight of Sofia slowly grinding against his cock, a desperate fervor in the sway of her hips.

With this newfound pleasure encompassing him, it took little time at all for Torus to react to this clear showing of desire with one of his own. With a suddenness that gave her little time to react, Torus waited for Sofia's hips to slowly rise up, her entrance slowly gliding to the top of his cockhead.

Once there, before she could start her way back down in what had started as a slow grinding but was quickly becoming something far more manic, Sofia suddenly felt the loss of connection as the cock she had been grinding on seemed to be pulled away. However, before she had time to react to this sudden shift in the situation, a new sensation overwhelmed her, something that caused her eyes to widen as her mouth opened, "Ooohhhh!!" She exclaimed, feeling it as the cockhead that had disappeared from its previous position now thrust upward, slamming straight into her with one thrust.

As she glanced down with her mouth still gaped, she caught sight of the look of triumph on Torus' face, clear evidence of the satisfaction he got out of her reaction. However, before she could do more than stare at him, Torus sent another spike of pleasure through her senses as he slowly pulled out.

Slowly pulling out of the clamp-like vaginal walls that encapsulated him, Torus couldn't help but to let out a low groan. This noise was forced out of him by the rapidly constricting walls of Sofia's nether regions, the force unlike anything he had ever felt before. Closing his eyes, Torus simply spent a moment to lay there, the feeling of pleasure and connection he was currently feeling giving him such a rush that he felt as if he were on cloud nine, nearly comatose in his state of bliss.

Reaching down, Torus let his hands rest on Sofia's sides, using the leverage to slowly drag himself back into her once more, eliciting mewling moans from her and leading to him letting out a slight growl of his own. This slow yet amazing pace between the two continued, gentle yet deep thrusts from Torus being how the rest of the night continued.

Eventually, the two would get enough of their bearings back together that they would intermittently devolve into deep kissing sessions. All the pair could feel was a new sense of connection, as if the relationship between the two had reached an even deeper state than previously.

And so, with gentle yet deliberate thrusts, the pair would fall into a pattern throughout the rest of the night and even into the early hours of the morning. So enraptured by the new experiences were they, that they would scarcely notice the passing of time, so busy wrapped up in one another.

And hours after they first started, with one final thrust, Torus let out a deep, guttural groan, filling the woman he had come to love to the brim, their lips locked the whole way as they let out sounds of pleasure muffled only by each other's mouths. Soon after, the pair would devolve into panting messes, where they would promptly clean up before returning to bed, drifting off into a deep slumber within one another's embrace.
