(Volume 1 completed) A world where witches and warlocks practice witchcraft, bloodshed, sacrifice, and worship underworld deities. One witch, Elvira Cain, loses her heart to her species' enemy, a wizard while working as an undercover spy. Her heart is now torn between loyalty to her kind and the man who has opened her eyes to a new world of kindness. If she chose him, would he ever accept her true nature? Even if he did, would her family let her live with that decision? War, bloodshed, and consequences will surely follow whatever choice she makes.
In the blink of an eye, the town's hero had fallen victim to a brutal attack. If Elvira and Wivior had to suffer a childless marriage, Valaine would be responsible for it. Her sisters were leaving quite a humiliating first impression on her wizard fiance. One caused his ears pain with her earsplitting voice, and the other caused pain in an unmentionable spot. Let's say apologies were in order.
"Clear the way!" Elvira shouted, rushing down the narrow stairs of the inn. Leona closely followed her with a red cloth tied around her wrists. Since they couldn't let the humans know they were on the same team, they pretended as if some magical handcuffs were restricting Leona and making her obey Elvira.
A swarm of people was seeking shelter in the inn's hall from the outside rampage, and there was barely any place left to stand, let alone run. Still, no one dared to block their way, and they succeeded in exiting the building.