
Toriko in the hidden leaf. {complete}

This is a story about a man dying alongside his family. His sibling and cousin also reincarnated however those are different stories Follow how this boy lives as toriko in the hidden leaf on his journey to become strong and provide for his family. Please support me at my patreon. www.patreon.com/Smithsonian86_

Smithsonian86_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
53 Chs

Strong, very strong.

While the three tails was collapsed and healing up from its injuries. It's body is trying to process the poison so I flicked some blood to my wrist and popped one of the storage seals. A set of butchery knives and a bone saw. I jumped on top of the beast forcing it to exhale heavily while everyone went on alert.

I tuck the saw to cut away at the shell but was having no luck so I signalled kakashi. "Kakashi sensei come up here and use your chidori to cut away the shell" "you can't be serious". I checked the sharpness of my blade and said "deadly".

He sighed and hopped up to me and made his hand signs. I told him to reduce the voltage so he cut slowly cut away at the areas I needed him too. The kiri medical and sealing ninja arrived and began working on the body after I secured a hefty amount of meat from the belly and one of the tails.

Next I used my wind style knife jutsu to cut the tail up and begin to boil it so that I could make lobster tail out of it. Next with the belly meat I decided to make a goulash with some vegetables and herbs sourced from the land of tea. After the lobster portion was done boiling I removed it and de shelled it so I could make a nice juicy lobster roll with my sisters secret sauce which was actually some garlic mayo with some herbs from our garden.

I also included some bacon, garlic potatoes and caramelised onions. Then I used the turtle belly to finish the goulash. Then I cracked open a bottle of fizzy lemon water that I got from the land of steam. When I bit into the roll I was bombarded with the taste of oysters, crab, lobster, turtle and shark meat. The fusion was a perfect blend of all sea food dishes I had ever tasted. I grew so addicted I quickly began tasting the goulash and the water and the flavour only intensified.

The spices of the goulash carried the strong turtle meat to higher heights while the bubbly lemon flavour wrapped around it. I began feeling heat course through my body after finishing the food while everyone in our camp was watching me the entire time. Some were drooling but some were afraid to be near me in case I mutated.

The feeling in the pit of my stomach grew stronger. My chakra began to condense and my kugi counted began to skyrocket. Electricity flowing under my skin thanks to food fighter making the counter jump from 35, to 42 then to 50 before plateauing. I thought there would be more I felt my bones and muscles tear. Oh shit.

I fell on my back and my body convulsed as the changes began. My body was being required from the ground up. My bones and muscles were smashed so they could be strengthened while condensing further than before then expanding back to the original size. My viscera felt itchy, oh so itchy while my pint of view rose by three centimetres.

My lungs vibrated and felt like rubber and then like a small ballon as they expanded and to reacted while I breathed. My lung capacity improved immensely but with it a greater change. You know what they say about turtle blood. It's good for the blood and the libido.

My little brother that I was oh so proud of before condenses like the rest of my muscles before thickening and lengthening a little more so than before. My anaconda became a dragoon and my eggs changed from starlings to carrion crows. The biggest change however would have to be my blood.

It felt like sludge that had just been filtrated and now clean water is flowing through the pipes and the valve (heart) grew to match it. The changes died down and I heard my heartbeat in my ears. One large thump awoke me from my stupor as I s

jumped up onto my feet startling those around me.

I saw some reaching for their pouches but then tsume asks "Toriko you feeling okay, that was pretty violent". I smiled at her just like usual though my teeth were stronger and shinier now. I saw the faint blush on her checks. "Never better tsume-chan just feels like an oil change. You gotta try this" I said scooping my ladle into the pot of goulash and pouring her a plate.

She sniffed it curiously while placing her spoon into it. The way the drool dropped from her mouth as she was about to taste it was mildly erotic to me. The other ninja didn't feel the same as they thought this might be the start of a zombie infection. After it entered her mouth she froze and then gulped adorably as she yelled "yummy!!" Like a little girl who just tried pizza.

Like me she shovelled it into her body as her skin complexion began noticeably improving. She then finished all her food and looked at me with her eyes lit ablaze with lust. I guess the libido thing isn't complete bullshit. She growled at me and unzipped her jounin jacket while panting at me. I quickly packed up the food in a seal for my sister to snack on later and grabbed her before bolting off.

"What's up with the leaf girl and and the young man". Asked mei who was intrigued at the process. All the women from Kiri were shocked seeing how tsume's skin improved while toriko grew stronger. Though the leaf ninja explained that toriko and his clan improves through eating tasty food they didn't explain by how much. While everyone was processing what just happened the ninken of tsume kuromaru said "she smelled like she wanted to mate really badly so the alpha took her".

Everyone fell ok the ground at that statement because it was spoken by a talking dog and the fact she wants some fun with a young man. Mei licked her lips then began to walk slowly towards the direction they took off while swaying her hips. The thought running through her head was "mama's hungry for hotdogs". Kakashi then dropped his icha icha for the first time in a while, he felt he needed to process a lot more trauma than he did while he was stuck in the anbu.