
Top Quality Beauty:Cultivation System

Wether it’s Pausing time, turning back time, or reversing the time of specific objects/person, and even predicting the future… Su Lin has control of time.Being able to stop time;dodge attacks and avoid mishaps, Su Lin is steered clear of harm’s way. Reversing time; He has no regret, no need to overthink. With reversing time he can repair any object and heal any person, Su Lin becomes a miracle doctor. By Predicting the future; he can hide from natural disasters, buy the winning lottery tickets and stocks,Su Lin is always right. ~~~~ this is a translation I am not the original author,I’m using a MTl which I will then correct the grammar and make it flow better enjoy,if you have any works you’d like to be translated inform me and I’ll look into it

BurntToest · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

time stop

"It's too late! It's too late..."

On a small road in the morning market of Jian'an City, Su Lin weaved and pushed his way around the crowds. The time was already 7:50, and there were ten minutes to get to class.

"If I knew that there were so many aunties in the market, I wouldn't have taken this shitty shortcut!"

In the crowd , there were alot older lady's standing around taking space grocery shopping and bargaining.Su Lin's heart was broken as he shouted at them to move aside while trying to squeeze out the market.

'It's over for me! Yesterday,Miss Lin already warned me that if I am late again this week,she's going to call my parents.I can't believe I overslept…There's always a teacher at the school gate, if I'm caught by them at the school gate, Im guaranteed to be late...'

Just this week alone Su Lin was late twice, but he couldn't help it!Su Lin could only make excuse's like blaming how good the weather was for sleeping and not his pig like sleeping tendencies.

'There's no worry's yet, there's a few minutes. If I pass the food market and make a left at the corner, I'll be on the direct road to the front of gate, then it's up to me to run faster,and I'll still be able make it before the bell.'Su Lin was with the thought that Miss Lin couldn't tell him anything if he made it in before the bell.

Looking at his cheap watch Su Lin saw the time and quickly blood circulated faster in his heart.

Finally, after a long three minutes, Surin finally made it to the corner past all the aunts.

"There are still six or seven minutes left, I have to run faster, I have to make it!"

Su Lin took a sigh of relief knowing there was still time but he would have to run all the way to the school, but soon he found that at his exit of the vegetable market, the door was surrounded by a bunch of people.

"So many people crowding up What happened? Is it a car accident?No that can't be right...This market does not allow for vehicles to drive at the door..."

Su Lin thought to himself out of curiosity, it was common for Chinese people to watch as a form of entertainment. Anyway, Su Lin couldn't be around for a long time so he squeezed into the crowds,managing to put his head inside.

Su Lin saw that In the middle of the crowd, there was a white-haired grandpa lying on the ground, holding his chest and groaning in pain and the onlookers of the crowed were discussing in a hurry to send the grandmother to the hospital, but despite how many people were there none of them there truly wanted to help the grandmother.

"the old man is having a heart attack, and quickly call the ambulance... How can you young guys not move?"

"But what if I get to the hospital and they get me too?"

"I don't know but we have to do something... the old man can't do it..."

"If you care so much you call an ambulance, I know I don't want to pay."

"There's so many people arguing,even if the ambulance comes, I am afraid that the crowed won't make way..."


When he heard the words of these people, Su Lin's heart also understood the people who were afraid of sending the grandpa to the hospital, they were afraid they were being deceived and would be sued forced to pay the old man.Such incidents were recently being reported on the television , so nowadays, not everyone dared to be a good person .


Looking at the grandpa on the ground, Su Lin's heart hurt, He remembered his old grandpa and he couldn't help it anymore he broke away from the crowd and rushed forward to take the grandpa outside of the vegetable market so he could take a taxi to the municipal hospital.

"What a good Young man."

"Is this youth not afraid of being deceived?"

"Well thank god for him, oh...My CABBAGES!"


Su Lin ignored the words of the people in the crowd the only thought he had was the feeling of his heart which was that he wants to save this grandpa, regardless of how society is right now and whether or not he's being deceived. It was impossible to let this old man die just because of money!

"Grandpa hold on, I will send you to the hospital right away."

Knowing lots of time had wasted, Su Lin knew that every minute and second was important for the grandpa, he began to run towards the siren the only thought he had was how he could Bring the grandmother to the hospital as soon as possible.

"I need to Hurry up...I need to be faster"

Su Lin was five foot three inches tall and skinny, and he was so thin that running so far with the grandpa made it hard, but despite all his panting,he willed his way through it and soon Su Lin could hear the voice of the ambulance.

"Young man...thank you..."

The old grandpa who was being tortured by the pain in his heart had opened his eyes and looked at Su Lin, who was sweating, and thanked him with great enthusiasm.

"Grandpa, don't talk, hold on,the ambulance is near, I just need to get to the intersection, you can go to the hospital right away."

Making the final effort, Su Lin ran out to the ambulance that was stopped at the lane after seeing him, and the medical staff was setting up a stretcher.

"Please save this.."

Carefully placing the grandpa on the stretcher , Su Lin gasping couldn't finish his sentence.

"Young man, fortunately, you made it to us in time maybe any longer and he could've died you can rest assured!"

The doctor who was in ambulance briefly checked the grandpa, and didn't tell Su Lin anything,he immediately entered the ambulance and went to the hospital leaving su Lin standing on the road.

Looking at the ambulance zooming away, Su Lin was relieved the grandpa made it but When he looked at the watch on his hand,he only had one thought.FUCK I have to go to school and it's already 7:57,there's only three minutes to ring the bell.

"God damn it! I'm late..."

Su Lin sweared and began running , but he did not know, at this time, in the void , a being of Great power, a bored God in charge of time saw the scene of Surin's rescue through infinite time and space. Hearing this sound of Su Lin swearing being late the god of time, wove his time scepter,then a blue wave flew through time and space sneaking into earth.

"Since you don't have time, then this great God will give you time."

As the blue wave flowed into Surin's body, Su Lin's body shook and he almost tripped ate the ground for breakfast.

"What just happened? Why am I suddenly so cold..."

The cold feeling disappeared and Su Lin ran to the school again. Although he had just ran to save the grandpa, the direction of his school was same, however from here to his school was More than a thousand meters.


There are also five hundred meters, and three hundred meters...

There is still a minute!

Su Lin saw Miss Lin, the teacher in charge of the class at the school gate.Lin Qingxue seemed to be far away from Su Lin carrying a bag, but at this time, the bell rang.

"Oh! No..."

The class bell rang but rather then a school bell for Su Lin it seemed to be a sentence to death with his parents.

"I was almost there just a bit more time just a little bit... more ,if I was able stop time , I'd able to run into the campus..."

Although he was late for the grandpa,Su Lin did not regret it even a little, however he now hoped that the time he used could've been a little les so that he could've avoided being caught by Lin Qingxue.

As, Su Lin let his imagination go wild the whole world suddenly stopped, Surin looked at everything in front of him. He had seen Miss Lin, who looked like she was about to yell at him frozen as well as, and the willow trees that were moving due to the breeze frozen on both sides of the school.

Stopped… everything is stopped.

Surin found that everything was stopped, but he was still able to move. Su Lin was still running fast, but it was a very strange feeling that everything around him was still, but Su Lin kept on running.

He had caught up to the general area where miss Lin,was and looked at Miss Lin's who was wearing black suit top,with a transparent white shirt, and a small tight black leather skirt with black tights.

Su Lin felt it was strange, and he ran to the teacher. She didn't even bother looking at him turning a blind eye to Su Lin, and even Lin Qingxue's long hair fluttering in the wind was stopped in the air.

"What the hell happened? How... How can everything be frozen?"

Su Lin's heart was full of horror, but he ran to the front school took tens of seconds to himself not doing anything then made his way behind Miss Lin However, when Su Lin looked at the watch in his wrist, he found that the watch did not move at all. It was like a broken watch.The time was fixed at 8:00 AM, and the pointer did not move.

Looking around again, Su Lin was fully convinced that time was really Stopped, and everything around him, except him, everything was stopped as well.

His first thought was how terrible, there's no sound, it's dead around him.

It's a terrible feeling it hearing absolutely nothing.

He got Scared!

Su Lin was really scared at this moment . If he were to live like this forever it was impossible to stay sane.

"Move! Move! You broken watch, please move for me..."

Surrounded by boundless fear, Su Lin roared at his watch, and everything around him suddenly recovered.

The stoppage of time was over and time was normal again.

The wind began to blow, the willow leaves were shaken, and the early readings on the campus rang through the speakers , and Su Lin heard a gasp of surprise from Lin Qingxue who was at the school gate.

"Huh?thats weird. I just saw that stinky boy Su Lin at the front of the school." 'Yesterday I told him that If he was late again today I'd call his parents…that's strange,where'd he go was i hallucinating?'

Upon hearing the surprise gasp of Lin Qingxue, Su Lin, who stood in the back of Lin Qingxue's school, knew that time had come back and didn't dare to stay by the school gate, and be found by Lin Qingxue, instead he quickly had the thought to rush to his classroom that was marked with a number (2).

However, as Su Lin was planning to walk away , Lin Qingxue turned around and found him "Su Lin, don't move!Stand still for me!"