
Too Late to cry

Life is a bitch f**k it or get f**ked

Bari_James · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Episode 3

Ann had not returned from work when Brian drove in. He was angry and moody. He regretted ever employing Karen or be the one to suggest that Karen come live with him. As usual, whenever he returns from work, the first thing he does is to go on his knees and thank God for the day. This day, he didn't just want to thank God but also to tell him how he felt. He dropped his briefcase on the bed.

Without removing his shoes, he knelt beside the bed and began to pray. In the process of praying, he began to sob.

"I took a hasty decision. I didn't seek you on the matter before asking Karen to move in"

While he was praying, Karen walked into his room and interrupted his prayers. The first time she would enter his room.

"What did you tell Charles? You are trying to poison his mind towards me and I don't like it. The fact that you took me into your home and employed me doesn't give you the right and effontery to control my life or interfere in my relationship with Charles"

"Alright!, Can you please leave my room?" He requested

Rolling her eyes, she hissed loudly before leaving the room.

"God!" Brian exclaimed "What audacity? What have I gotten myself into?"

He stood up and spread himself on the bed. Just then he heard the door bell jingle. He listened and waited for Karen to open the door for whoever is knocking but the bell kept jingling. He dragged himself out of the bed to the sitting room. He opened the door.

Charles stood at the door entrance so moody. As soon as Karen heard his voice, she rushed out crying profusely. She went to Charles and embraced him still crying. There was confusion on both Charles and Brian's faces.

"Why are you crying?" Charles asked.

Karen pointed at Brian still crying. Charles looked at Brian for explanation but he got none.

"Don't pretend that you know nothing. You have embarrassed and insulted me. You lied to Charles that I slapped you, whereas you are the one who slapped me, because I registered my displeasure over your suggestion." She looked at Charles, crying loudly. Brian your so called friend is making living in this house and working for him unbearable. Everytime he reminds me that I was accepted into his house because of you"

"What?" Charles exclaimed

"She isn't telling you the truth"

"What truth is she not saying?. That you are traumatizing her!"

"But I explained on the phone"

"She also explained her own side of the story when I called her"

Both of them looked at each other. The only sound was coming from Karen. She was still crying. Charles brought out his handkerchief and wiped her face, then he sat her on the chair before sitting beside her.

"I appreciate you for taking her in Brian, but traumatizing her with your attitude isn't nice"

"Are you for real Charles?, You think I will traumatize your fiancee?, Over what?"

He was visibly angry and Charles knew it.

"Just give me some time, and I will take her out of the house. I don't want this maltreatment. She doesn't deserve such"


Brian stood up, walked to his room and locked the door. He accepted his mistake. He would wait for his sister before making any decision.

If he decides to send Karen packing, she would have no where to go and he wouldn't want that. Slowly, he removed his shoes, showered and returned to bed. He would wait for Ann and they will put their heads together.

Charles took Karen out of the house and tried to console her. It was already dark. He boarded a bike and for close to fifteen minutes, the motorcyclist rode and stopped in front of a hotel. They highlighted and walked in. Karen loves it whenever she is alone with Charles. In the hotel room, she sat on Charles legs and began to cry again.

"How much more do I need to wait until you rent a house. I can't continue with them. His sister is even worse. Always poke nosing"

Charles sighed deeply.

"My salary is not that much Karen. Brian is paying you well. You receive a better salary than me. My salary is shared into several places. I am saving for a house, I pay rent for my parents and I support the feeding and other things in the house. Wait a little Karen"


"And Karen, Brian should not be disrespected. You need to respect him"

"I respect him"

"He told me you're working against the progress of his company. Why?" He asked

Karen frowned and cried. This time she cried loudly.

"He is a bloody liar. You want to know why I complained and why he actually slapped me?"

Charles nodded wiping her tears with his handkerchief.

"Because he wants me"

"I don't get you"

"He wants me on his bed and I warned him several times. He is just frustrating me because I refused to oblige his request. I can't stoop so low to sleep with him. God forbid!"