
Too Late to cry

Life is a bitch f**k it or get f**ked

Bari_James · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Episode 2

Stanley parked his car in the parking lot of a hotel. He made enquiry from the receptionist who directed him to a particular suite. As soon as the door was opened, a woman jumped on him hugging and kissing him. He dropped the travelling bag, then carried her to the spacious bed. Hurriedly, they undressed and he had his way with her.

They sat in the bed smiling and sweating. Stanley loves women. Not just women but fat women. Whether single or married, they appeal to him. Rosa is one of his women. So far, she is his favourite because she is very beautiful and wealthy too. She doesn't depend much on him for money. Sometimes he wonders why he stayed married to Chioma for 8 years. He loves her, but wonders why she would not add weight even after two children.

He could not stop himself from falling in love with her those days. He told himself she will add weight after birth. To his chagrin, nothing like that happened. Since his encounter with Rosa, he is finding it difficult to connect with his wife. Sharing same bed with Chioma was difficult. He sees her as a stranger. Yet he knew that if there is anyone who loves him more, that person is Chioma. Though he had not said anything to Rosa, he planned to take her to the registry to formalize their marriage and then send Chioma packing. He would also ensure that she doesn't go with his sons.

Presently, he came to the hotel to pick Rosa for their trip to Dubai. He planned to spoil her there. Rosa had always wanted to do her shopping there. Now he is fulfilling his promise to her.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked touching his nose

"About you" He said smiling

"I am hungry" She said.

Stanley called the hotel for food and drinks. As soon as it was delivered, they both ate.

"You promised me a car" She said

"Yes I did and I will fulfill it when we return"

Rosa smiled and nodded.

"How is your wife?"

"She is fine"

"You love me more than her. Right?"

Stanley studied her well constructed face and smiled

"I do baby. She can never take your place"

Rosa smiled, for she likes to hear him say those words to her. She dropped her spoon and kissed him so deeply.


The door was opened for Charles and Karen to come in. It was a well furnished apartment. Brian welcomed them and introduced his sister, Ann to them.

It was an exciting moment for all of them as they shook hands and laughed baring their well structured dental. Brian also told Karen the position she is to hold in the company. He hoped she would contribute meaningfully to the growth of the company. Karen thanked him for offering her a job and then for the accommodation.

"I will do my best" She assured him

Ann was instructed to show Karen the room prepared for her. She loved the room from the painting to the furnishing. Before Charles returned home, he promised to visit her weekends.

In earnest, Karen started work and she was a hardworking girl. She put in her best all the time. At home Brian was a big brother. At work he was the boss. She was also surprised that Brian was a born again Christian. He was intelligent and considerate. He was also soft spoken. As time went on, she began to compare him with Charles. She seriously wished Charles was Brian. Karen wanted Brian to see her more than just a sister.

On several occasion, he had cautioned her to dress decently, yet she keeps ignoring. Ann had also told her to behave well.

"We are Christians. My brother asked me to advice you to dress well. You show too much flesh. What do you hope to gain by exposing the body you hope to cover"

Karen rolled her eyes and hissed. She tried to adjust her dress, but it wasn't working.

"Charles loves the way I dress and he doesn't complain"

"But this is not Charles house. Be modest" She became angry

Brian would notwant anything to come between him and his friend. Never did he report Karen's indecent dressing to him. Rather than reporting the issue, he gave Karen money to purchase clothes.

"Buy some decent clothes. I can no longer condole such dressing in the workplace"

She refused the money. She picked an offence and accused him of embarrassing her. Karen withdrew money and bought some clothes for herself. She bought her pots and gas cylinder and started cooking on her own. Not only that, Whenever Charles comes visiting, she pressuyre him to get an accommodation.

" I know. Just a little while. Be patient" he would tell her.

"For how long?"

Charles never knew Karen was acting badly. He thought all was well because nobody mentioned anything to him. At work, all was well. She started dressing the way everyone expected her to dress. But deep inside of her, she wasn't happy. She is curvy and has nicely shaped legs. Wearing clothes that reveal and accentuate her curves, appeal to her.

In the company, Brian makes it compulsory for all member of staff to hold 30mins devotion every morning. This did not augur well with Karen. She formed a clique with other staff member who didn't like the suggestion. They revolted. She spare headed the whole thing. On one of the days, they met Brian and told him their minds.

"We pray before leaving our homes. There is no need coming here to do same. Actually, that 30mins devotion can be channeled to something better"

Brian listened with surprise.

"Alright, you can all go"

Surprised that he didn't give them answer or commented on their complaints, they filed out of the office one after the other.

"Wait Karen"

She turned and waited for others to leave the office.

"You are becoming a thorn in my flesh. You are already biting the fingers that fed you. You used to be nice and hardworking. Four months and you are are tearing everything apart" He complained

"Are you accusing me of working against the progress of this company?" She asked with anger and embarrassment on her face

"There are things I am condoling because of my friend Charles. He is a nice person. What I am doing for you, he would do same for me"

Karen ranted and ranted. Brian only just watched her raise her voice. He was disappointed. He only tried to control his anger.

"You have attitude problem Karen and I think Charles is choosing a wrong person for a life partner"

So angry, Karen lifted her hands and slapped him

"Don't you dare interfere in my affair with your friend. It's none of your business"

She marched out of the office banging the door. Brian was stunned. He rubbed gently on the spot the slap landed. He picked his phone, looked at it for a while and dialled Charles number. Closing his eyes and sighing deeply, he waited for the phone to ring