
Too Late to cry

Life is a bitch f**k it or get f**ked

Bari_James · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Episode 12

"I rushed here as soon as I heard your call" Rosa told Baba Ifa.

"I know. Who are you married to again"

"Stanley, his name is Stanley Baba"

"Hmmm! His wife came here. She wanted me to tie Stanley to her waist, but I told her he had been tied"

"His wife?, I am not sure it is his wife that came here. My husband's first wife is a Christian. She prays fire and makes me uncomfortable. I would have packed out of the house long ago if she was consistent. I just caused division between them. Now her guard is let down. Still I don't think she can come to…"

"But she came here with a woman. It's the woman that brought her here. The woman wanted you dead but your husband's wife would not have it. She doesn't want her hands stained with blood"

Rosa sighed deeply. Her thoughts travelled far.

"What's on your mind?" He asked.

"For attempting to untie Stanley. I will punish Chioma but I won't kill her. I will also spare her husband but I will punish her in my own way"

Baba Ifa nodded in approval.

"If I spare the other woman, she may take Chioma to other altars and even spoil my medicine."

"You are right"

"I want her dead Baba. She's an obstacle that needs to be removed "

He laughed baring his crooked stained teeth

"Shoot her"

Baba left her outside and went inside. He returned with a small bow and arrow. Rosa laughed when she saw Baba with such items. She knew what it was meant for.

Facing the direction of the sun, he started making incantations and chanting. Through with chanting, he released the arrow and turned his back against it, still holding the bow in his head. Rosa stayed with Baba Ifa to discuss other things before taking her leave.


Chioma left the bed very angry. Angry because everything is not as she planned. She had thought that visiting Baba Ifa was solution, but nothing like that. Now all she has for Stanley was hatred.

"I hate him now. I will never forgive him. Not on this earth or in the world to come"

She prepared her kids for school and then waited for Stanley to come out of the bedroom. She needed money. Her salary has been paid but after settling all her debts nothing was left for her. Sitting in the living room, she dozed off for she didn't sleep much in the night.

When she opened her eyes, she discovered that Stanley and Rosa had driven out of the house. When her kids woke her up, she was bitter. Very bitter that Stanley cared less about the welfare of the kids. She looked at the clock, then rushed out of the house cursing Stanley. By the time she got to school, teachers devotion had started. Chioma rushed to drop her bag in the class then rushed back to join the devotion.

Mrs Okoye was already leading the praises and worship session. Just then, she staggered backwards and held her chest.

"Something has pierced my heart" She said.

"I… I….can.. t.. bre…" She fell down with whitish foams from her mouth. Some of the teachers screamed and tried to resuscitate her. By the times she would be rushed into the proprietor's car, Mrs Okoye had given up the ghost. Shock was an understatement.

"Just like that?" Some of the teachers asked rhetorically.

There was pandemonium in the school, as the pupils were trying to get a glimpse of the situation. Mrs Okoye's husband was contacted and with the proprietor, her corpse was taken to the mortuary. With the corpse out of the school premises, teachers and pupils went to their classes scared and shocked. Teaching could not take place for all were devastated. Pupils stared curiously at Chioma as she kept wiping her tears and catarrh. Then her mind went to what Baba Ifa said "that the woman who tied her husband was a strong woman. What if it was the woman that killed Okoye?. Why not her?. Maybe Rosa is a witch or marine agent. Maybe she had no hand in Okoye's death. As witch or marine agent Rosa must know they visited a shrine. Chioma's heart began to beat faster. She wiped her tears again and places her head on the desk.

She heard a voice whispering in her ear. The voice was audible and firm.

"He who break the hedge, the serpent will bite"

Chioma jumped out of the chair and fear gripped her.

"Did I actually hear a voice or I imagined it"

Noticing the kids were staring at her, she sat down again and cried.

Karen was happy with her life. Everything is moving as planned. Kam loves her and making her his second wife is his priority. To further send home his message, he bought a car for Karen which caused pandemonium in his home.

The first wife wasn't ready to accept a mate. She made it clear the first day Kam introduced Karen to her. She promised to unleash hell if Karen does not leave her husband alone. Karen on the other, care less. She wasn't threatened. She made up her mind to pitch her tent in Kam's house. Not even the first wife's threat will discourage her.

She moved into the house with him. Kam gives her all she needs. Since she walked out of Charles life, he had never ceased to send her messages or try to call her. All she does is delete the messages. She was not ready to marry a handicap.

"Who will love such men?" She asked rhetorically.

Her live is for able bodied men, men who carry what she needs. For now, Charles is not in that category and never will be.

Mr Otumba, the production manager sat glancing through a document, when Karen walked into his office. He raised his head and smiled. He never seems to be amazed by Karen's way of dressing. He wonder how she couldn't differentiate between office wear and clothes meant for clubbing. She shows too much legs and cleavage and was unconcerned about it. He had talked to her, but she was just adamant.

Karen sat opposite Otumba and smiled again. He sat expectantly waiting for her to say the reason for her visit.

"I like you Otumba" She said smiling "and I am not the type that lacks words to express my feelings"

"Like seriously?"

"I want us to have something together. I mean, date and see how it goes"

"Are you for real Karen?. I thought you and the boss have something going?"

"We do but I have no feelings for him. His deep pocket only attracted me to him"

"Sincerely Karen, I am disappointed in you. That man is married yet you are destroying his home. God can never give you your own when you are holding on to the boss His wife will be in tears because of you. It is better for you to amend your ways now before it is too late"

"Come on Otumba. If I must leave Kam, I must first have someone to cling to. I don't want to be a loser. You are cute Otumba. Both of us can get married and leave this state to start our life somewhere else" She said.

Otumba laughed.

"God forbid. I am married Karen. I have eyes only for my wife who made me who I am. She is second to none"

Karen stood up and adjusted her gown.

"I know how to get men like you. I will surely get you" She said laughing softly.

"I can't be caught Karen. I am not careless."

"We shall soon see. Trust me, you will fall like a pack of cards "

Otumba watched her catwalk out of his office. He shook his head sadly.

"Don't be a tool in the hands of the devil Karen"

Karen walked into her office dejectedly. Mr Otumba is young and handsome. She never thought he was married. "Maybe he just said so to discourage me"

Kam was not her spec because he brag too much and not as handsome as Charles, Otumba and even Brian. She accepted him because he gave her a job.

Kam never asked her out directly. He would barge into her office and kiss her. It started with a peck then graduated to a kiss. By employing her, he felt he owes her . One hot afternoon, he barged into her office as usual, locked the door and had sex with her right there. The rest is history.

She needs a man that will make her heart beat faster. Kam does not make her heart beat like Otumba. He is nothing like Otumba, who has the quality she needs in a man.

"Otumba is not married. He is just lying to me"

Just then her phone alerted her for new notifications. She picked the phone and went through it. It was Charles sending her messages. She hissed, deleted the messages and kept the phone on the table. She picked the phone again and blocked him on all social media platforms.