
Wuhan Academy

In Wuhan city, Tong Er was doing his regular practice, After getting the books from his father Tong Er most interested in Blacksmith skill because it help him in forging.

Under his excellent learning and understanding ability he understood in just three day and started to practice it, with his mind, and last life memory he started to form secret weapons.

These weapon in his sect also only the inner clan member are know how to make.

In Wuhan City with powerful soul master there was a blacksmith association, His leader always praise Tong Er for his small achievement, but Tong Er didn't like it at all, because it always kept him distrub that he didn't like in last life also, he didn't like the person who come to him during his work, even it was normal.

Today was the day when he first attained the Wuhan Intermediate Academy, In this Academy there are only Five class, For each class divided by soul rank, means soul power with 11-12 are in class one, after in class two 13-14, In every class there was further distribution by ability of martial soul like attack, control, auxiliary, agility,defence, any other type.

The number of student excepting by Wuhan Hall, Is in Ten Thoushands out of which very less able to reach more then a soul king in there life, around thoushand or so.

In Intermediate Academy every class has age restriction, like you have pass the class one before age of 12,And pass the intermediate Academy before age of 19, this is criteria set by Wuhan Hall.

After Tong Er Enter in class with her mother because one of the best martial soul in attacking branch, his class number was 1-Ac

in his class there about 120 students, seeing his mother Eye he understood that, his mother ask her to take the seat.Tong Er sit at first bench after which his mother greeted all the student start the class with first started to introduce Tong Er to class.

In this Classroom Average Children age lie between 8-9 year, there are some whose age was around seven with face high with pride sitting in front, while some with low face sat at the back and many of them has already crossed the age of ten.

This only show there talent at the back they have soul power of twelve but at the age of twelve means not higher achievement in there life, as for front with high faces with self confidence are children whose age are around seven, eight or nine but there soul power was eleven or twelve or twelve peak which can easily breakthrough at most month and they can transfer to next class in the test that come every three months.

The Arrangement of academy is only to make them more competitive and practice hard.

On the first day in his class is about soul beast for Tong Er this knowledge he already have by trading books, this was also know by her mother so, she already gave her different book from Advanced soul master Academy about Soul Beast and tell him to just read it.

The Class was continued for two hours after which there have go to practice room where they have to learn how to more perfectly control there soul power and mediate, In Week five day they have to come Academy with four day first class on soul beast and soul master, soul ring and direction about their future path.

In second Class they will do medication and try to make there control over soul power more accessible.

On the last day of the five day, the whole class will enter in fighting mode, and have actual combat training, Entering in Fourth class of intermediate Academy there schedule was change by decreasing knowledge class and increased fighting class with large amounts of compact experience even fight with a soul beast .

But, just After class was finish Tong Er and Tong Hu ask by principle of Advanced Academy to meet there, After reach there they were suprised to find that Not only then but Tang Er was also present, The trio sit at sofa with principal permission.

Tang Er ask sir what happens to called my Whole Family suddenly, The principle smile and reply Teacher Tang it was order from pope to take your family for talk in pope hall, just last night this thing was decided. It's my apology for not informing on time because yesterday was already late so I just tell you now, Tang Er and his wife looked at each other both are seeing each other faced like in Disbelief upto now while loving in Wuhan City nither of them has seen the Pope let forget about meeting her, but now suddenly the pope order them to meet it was really out of unexpected, and ask them to come with there son they knew that something that they didn't want to world to know has silthly coming in the view, After slightly hesitation they ask the Sir principal about what happened and Why they have to go with there son, the principle also tell them the reason because with strength of pope there no need to lie and have need to hide what he has found Tang Er also understood that letting his son Cultivate HSD was his first mistake, and second was to rush to obtain the soul ring.

After that the trio with sir principal stand up and move towards outside the Academy to take the carriage and move towards the Pope palace.