

In Wuhan city....

After Tong Er birth, Tang Er Family was bless with heaven in just in five year, he cultivation make the breakthrough rank 60, and now he was 62 rank soul Emperor and before fifty he able to become a soul Emperor means he have chance to become a soul saint that he not even dream of...

After promoted to soul Emperor his status also improved in Wuhan Academy and promoted to Advanced soul master academy teacher, his wife also become teacher in intermediate soul master academy and now her current cultivation was rank 47 soul power rank, which means she has chance to become soul king...

Not only that there son was also slightly abnormal like he didn't like to play with his peers but always love to read books about history, Wuhan,soul master ,soul beast and cultivation...

He also wakeup early and do some excercise and love to help and learn cooking from his mother, he also have self created skilled for legs movements as called as Ghost leapord steps. There son physical fitness was also out of the normal which Was compare to any soul ring soul master.

Today was a new exciting day for Tang Er Family because, Tong Er going to awaken his martial soul, after completing breakfast the trio of Tang Er, Tong Wu his wife and his son come to living room to awaken there son Martial soul , Tang Er started to make arrangements.

Standing outside the hexagonal shape arranges stones Tang Er signal Tong Er to stand inside in it, after which Tang Er started to slowly passing the soul power to Tong Er and ask him to feel it, in Tong Er meridian the soul power was mixing with the heaven mysterious advanced technique that can only be practiced by inner sect disciple of the sect in both Tang and Tong.

In both sect it was never written on paper but always kept in there mind so that there direct descants can only know about its existence..

The soul power was mixing with Heaven mysterious technique and with his father guidance Tong Er guide this soul power to his abdomen, after his father instructions Tong Er released his right hand from which...faint black light bubbled out from the center of his palm, in a brilliant flash condensing, as a bizarre thing appeared in his hand.

That was an entirely pitch black hammer. The hammer handle was about half a chi in length, with a cylindrical hammerhead. It would appear to resemble a smaller version of the forging hammer, yet that hammer's pitch black surface had a peculiar light, and on the cylindrical hammerhead coiled a faint circle of a decorative pattern.

For some reason, just as the hammer appeared on the middle of Tong Er's hand, all the air in the room seemed somewhat heavy.

Seeing the Hammer both Tong Er parents smile and shook there head but they knew that it was only possible martial soul that there son can inheritance because in term of superior talent that martial soul was world number one martial soul, but to there suprised Tong Er take back his martial soul and opening his eyes he once again lifted his hand but this time it was not right but the left seeing this both the parent are trembling because it can only mean that there son is a rare twin martial soul holder.

Just after the left hand Martial soul come out the heavy surrounding become clear and golden light flash in the room, after the golden light faded Tang Er and Tong Hu are looking at there son Martial soul they are shock because it was Holy Scared Dragon, It was Ancestor Dragon martial soul from which both there Tong Sect Scared dragon and blue lighting tyrant dragon come from but there son actually has this as his soul that they never think of after one again there son take back the martial soul but seeing there son didn't open his eyes Tong Hu was in tension because now there Son has already completed the ceremony but he didn't open his eyes on the opposite Tang Er has bold idea that maybe his son has another martial soul three martial soul first in the continent just about he was going to tell his wife suddenly on the middle of his son both eyes another eye was open, After opening it made a golden light towards the room and the room where awakening taking place become warmer more not only that both his parents feels that there bottleneck has began to loose because what they feel it was already a shock..

After which Tong Er open his eyes, Tang Er controlling his excitement Tang Er Give a ball to Tong Er to test his martial soul, Just after Tong Er touch the ball, the ball shine brightly and fill the whole room, both parents and Tong Er hug each other because the trio know that means that there son has innate full level soul power, innate power.

After which, Tang Er stop his family celebration and her wife go to kitchen to make favourite dish of his son for celebration. Tang Er sending Tong Er in the room, sit on living room decided his son future path way to take as both him and his wife has only options was attack type soul master but there son have three, attack, auxillary and control. The main problem with there son was which martial soul he started to train with, like him with CSH which he didn't want because he never show his Wuhan to teacher so he can live a easy life, but his son need to show his Wuhan, and the eye which was spiritual type Wuhan that he think auxillary and control can only choosen but he was not sure that how far it can go, and third was scared dragon among his son three martial soul he think that his scared holy dragon was the most powerful martial soul, After some situations he decided that what his son future pathway was and at night after dinner he divided to talk with him and his wife about it.

At night, After dinner Tang Er call his son and his wife. They all sit in sofa, After which he looked at his son and ask Tong Er due you make a choice about among your three martial soul which you want to cultivate first, Tong Er shook his head because he have the basic knowledge about Martial Soul, Soul master but like him triple soul he never read or know from the books,or his parents.

Not only that he also didn't know about anything about twin martial soul, But he know that in the whole continent the only person able to cultivate twin martial soul was today Wuhan hall the pope Bibi Dong, Tang Er also know it but he didn't want his son Three martial soul knowledge to delared to world which can lead to have to many enemy at young age. Which he didn't want, After that he tell about his thought about choose as main martial soul as Holy Scared Dragon, After reaching soul sage at minimum he can ask The pope and tell about his situations as a soul sage the value will definitely increase with in other view. His son and wife nodded they didn't have any problem because CSH they even didn't have proper knowledge how to train it, they only has some books about Clear sky hammer tranning method at which there are 5-6 technique are present that Clear sky member pratice which was given him by his father as first meeting gift that he always kept as to more under his Wuhan.

The spiritual Eye, The Spiritual type soul beast are hard to find and they didn't have proper method to cultivate it. So, they can only Cultivate the Third Wuhan.

For Strated in Wuhan main school There was three month time was left, so he decided to tell everyone about his son martial soul was Holy Scared Dragon with Innate soul power Nine, in three months to cultivate one level and get the soul ring it was not a big problem for this level of talent.

After which They decided that tommrow morning they left the Wuhan City to go Star Duo Forest for there son first spirit ring. After which the meeting was dispersed.They left for sleep and make preparations for tommrow trip.

Next morning with rising of the sun, Tang Er book a carriage with his family moved towards the forest he and his family already decided that there son first soul ring was must come from a dragon type soul beast not only that but it was attack type dragon with maximum age was 550 years old after checking Tong Er physical conditions, and minimum should be around 450 years so that there son get best starting point.

After seven day of trip the Family of three Has Come to last town From Wuhan Side before entering the the great Star deo forest. Tang Er Family decided to rest after a night good sleep tommrow they enter in the forest for there son spirit ring.

After Having rest and check out from the hotel they lived for the night the family of three lived hotel on the same carriage, just before five kilometres, from forest the carriage can't go fruther. so, the family of three decided to walk there for a soul emperor and soul sect this distance was nothing, and there son physical training was not for the waste.

After Just some hour they come to the enterance of forest, smelling the fresh air and seeing the green long trees.

After that they enter the forest, with the help of information from Wuhan hall and Scared dragon Sect his wife family they already have the information, for which where they can find the soul beast with dragon bloodline or a dragon type soul beast was the first option.

After travelling in particular direction for three hours the trio stop, both the parents already at the alert stage because this was the outer region of the forest but sometimes there was ten thousand year soul beast come out to hunt, so they continue to alert themselves.

They started to move in side ways but not going deep further because this was a area where century year soul beast are found.

After travelling for one day and night with having camping for sleep the trio didn't find a soul beast suitable for there son, many soul beast didn't suit the discription that they decided, or if they Suit there age was only around three hundred year. Which was too low for their son.

After decided to move further inside and again started the search. This time may be luck was with them , they found a cave a near 800m from them there was a soul beast with small golden scale on his body, with small wings and large tale have a black eye his height was around eight feet, Seeing the soul beast the Tang Er released his martial soul CSH by releasing his first soul skill he move towards the soul beast on his side, His wife has to protect there son, After Ten minutes Tang Er come with soul beast and tell his son to kill it, Tong Er know this soul beast a Golden Dragon that have bloodline of golden dragon King, this soul beast has mutated from a powerful lizard type soul beast and his bloodline make him the king of this Area.

It has best defence and attack power then any soul beast , and his age was also in his calculation with his parents 530years old, which suit him the best.

After making the final blow on between head and neck which is the weak point of average dragon type soul beast.

A bright yellow soul ring condense above the body of the dragon, how to absorb a soul ring his father already tell him, so sit crossed legs he summon his holy scared dragon martial soul closing his eyes attract the soul ring which flotted above his head.

In side the soul space Tong Er already started to fight with golden dragon with some spiritual attack that he learned from his pervious life, after some deficulty the dragon soul make his last sound of submission, because from starting that soul already sense the existence of the holy scared dragon, but he checked his host body which was his pride to not accept anyone without strength.

After unknown ammount of time the absorption was started, seeing this from outside both Tang Er and Tong Hu are make a sigh of relief, because they are not sure that there son can able to Absorbed the soul ring which was around hundred year upper from limit just because his physical endurance.

It was there first time because of husband and wife first soul ring was three hundred year or less, After Teaching in Wuhan hall they also understand that in starting time the physical strength play measure role in absorption.

That why seeing there son talent and Dedicated towards praticed from Early age, the couple decided to make this decision.

After half hour more the absorption was completed.

Just like what they accepted there son soul power directly breakthrough from 11 rank to 14 rank.

Which lead there son a further start, After which Tong Hu smile and ask his son soul skill, Tong Er nodded with smile and possed his martial soul holy scared dragon, his body shine with holy aura, his body length increased by some centimetres during Absorption.

Now possing his Martial soul his height again increased, his limb, trunk are coved with golden scale with two large wings open behind him, a long tail come from it but nobody noticed at this time that the tail has golden orange colour not like other scale on the body of Tong Er.

A bright yellow soul ring released from under his feet, his body cover in yellow dark shinning scale with Yellow and black eyes, open his mouth my first soul skill was "Body of Golden dragon",

in which my attack power increase by seventy percent, which actually was fifty but due to his extra powerful tail(external soul bone tail)it was increased by buff of twenty percent, Which even Tong Er didn't know, and my defence also increased by Fifty percentage. The trio has smile on the faced because it was an auxillary soul skill, it may not used in Starting of the journey, but as soul master move further on his road this soul skill has always played the major role, and in later period during many soul master they even didn't want to used there century year soul skill because it was too weak to used just now if not for the cultivation of soul beast was so low Tang Er didn't want to used his first soul skill.

After Checking the skills,Tang Er and his family decided to move towards outside first then they camp at the enterance of the forest because sunset has already happen, it was not good to live in forest without a good reason and this time not any hotel was opened. After walking for Two hour in straight line, they stop and decided to camp here because there they already can seen the enterance of the forest in there way Tang Er at every thirty minutes released his aura of soul emperor, so that many trouble are solved without any action.

Next Day the trio book a carriage and started there journey towards the Wuhan city, And in there road in spare time both Tang ER and Tong Hu give pointer to there son, Taste the delicious delicates of difference place and also do some shopping.

The trip that take them Seven day to come from Wuhan City to The Forest, now take More then fifteen day to return from forest to Wuhan city.

After return to Wuhan city Tong Family lived low key but because they already obtained the soul ring and as they already decided the lie they tell their relatives that there son has awakened the holy scared dragon with nine level of soul power, After learning that many relatives started to congrats, there son for this.

While Celebrating there son Awakening with there family which was actually Wuhan academy teachers from primary to advanced and scared dragon sect people, there days become filled with happiness, Tong Er again start his training not only that the bottleneck that he faced during his pervious practice, has already loosen so it was the best thing that he can have, The simple life was going to change because someone in Wuhan hall already noticed that something was not right because Tang Er martial soul, the people of high level of Wuhan hall always have eye on him, to see if they contact his sect (spy of CSS),or not. They can never belived that a person with CSH Wuhan was rejected from sect because of his five rank soul power during Awakening.