
Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi

Mukoda Tsuyoshi is a civilian who has been summoned to a world completely different from his own by accident!!! And he doesn't know What kind of interesting adventures await him. His fighting skills compared to the heroes of the new world are at a very low level, and the only thing he is good at is the "menu", which enables him to order foods from his real world and prepare them for the characters of his new world. What adventure awaits him and what are the elements of the sword and other magical things that he will discover? The hero of our story!!

Proffesor_Videos · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Chapter 1: Caught up in the Hero Summoning

Hello I am a new translator called


And my editor in Evi

Well since I am new at this. I will end

introduction here



Author Note: tried writing a story

that happened around New Year's

day off.

We made this R-15 for insurance




My name is Mukouda Tsuyoshi. By

the way, I am a 27 year old bachelor

I was a poor businessman living in

the cities of Japan

That said, as for why I'm in this

Middle Ages fantasy world of magic

and swords, that's because I was

caught up in a Hero Summon


I read web novels just to kill time, but

it never occurred to me that it might

be possible that it could happen in


Moreover, I'm not even a hero. I was simply caught up in it... well, don't shit with me

It was a country called Reisheru

Kingdom that performed "Hero Summon Ritual. Only three people were supposed to be summoned, but instead four

people showed up because I showed

up. Everyone there had a puzzled

face. But we,who were suddenly summoned to this world, were

confused the most

Then suddenly, Brave Hero

Since I read web novels before, I

immediately figured out that we were summoned to another world. Honestly, I was expecting a bit since

they called me Hero

I soon realized that my expectations

were incorrect

It's because our status was appraised

on the spot

With the appraisal magic tool, our

status was examined.

The appraisal of the status of the

other 3 people (I think they were all

wearing uniforms from high school)

had the job title of Hero that came

from Another World, while I only

had A Person that was Dragged

from Another World (TLN: get 3

and get 1 free)

Moreover, the physical strength and

Magical Power of the other 3 were

700-800 while I had only 100 But I was only saying things like decent power because these values exceeded the average one of this


However, I didn't want to be

comforted for paling in comparison

to the other three

The numbers of skills I have are

different compared to the other three

In Addition to their having Appraisal

and item box as common skills, they

have the skills Sword Saint

"Spear Master, and Expert

Magician which left me


They also had fire, water, earth, wind,

lighting, and ice magic skills.

Yup, they have cheats And yet I only had an unique skill of Online Supermarket. Iya, it's like a 'what is this kind of

feeling. (TLN: Iyaya mean no, no, so I decided to just have it lya) Yes: Online Supermarket what? you know what I mean. I am probably going to become

indebted gravely But a skill, is a skill There would been something else

magic-like, but

The otherworlders didn't know

anything about this, and I was

laughed at by the 3 heroes, so thanks to this peculiar skill, was quickly treated as useless Even so, it was certain that I had been summoned to this world

through the Hero Summon so I also attend an audience with the Icing, but the king's story was shady. The King said,

-The Demon Lord often invades this

country, but with no intention to rule


-It somehow stopped, but we do not know for how long

-In such a situation, the people of

this country are suffering.

-We rely on an ancient ritual called

the Hero Summoning.

-In Addition to summoning heroes

for convenience, and telling you a

selfish wish, I want you to help the

country somehow or another.

It's not known in this country how

to send you back to your original

world, but the Demon Lord is known

for excelling at magic, having lived a

very long time.

It was a manner of speaking that gave this sort of feeling It is obviously suspicious

Especially the part about how to

return to our original world

If the king is saying that the country is in a crisis situation, then why do the pathetic people here have no common sense at all?

Besides, the king had ample proportions and was wearing a cloak that was inlaid with many gems

which screamed of corruption. (TLN

Ample proportions = Fat.


Beside the King, wearing flashy

clothes, is his wife, and at the side is

the princess (now we've done it) (TLN: This got me confuse. If you guys go something better than this or I made a mistake, please tell me. Here is the raw 王様の隣に座ってるお妃さ




The King is anxious when the nation suffers, so should he be really be dressed so lavishly?

After analyzing and judging various factors, I came to the conclusion that

this was a different type of another

world summon I know of

Even though the Heroes will be

forced into war for the territorial

expansion of this country and will

only be used for the good of this country

Moreover, I am not good at handling this because I am not the hero, and most likely to be executed at worst.

My judgment was to get out of the

castle immediately.

But at the time being. I am poor.

I'm not a hero, and being here will just inconvenience everyone. Since it's painful, until I get a job, if you can

lend me money enough for two or

three months, I think I can do


And sure enough, I was given 20 gold

coins and expelled outside the castle.

so they could get rid of a nuisance

And I am now walking on the streets

of the Imperial City

I do not know if 20 gold coins is a big

or small amount, but this money is

enough to let me live for a little while

longer, anyways.

I need to learn more about this world

ahead of time, including the currency


Then, leave the country quickly as


Although the King said that the

country was a good one, I feel like I'll

meet an evil eye if I stay here.

Yosh, let the action begin.