
Tomorrow Dawn

The story starts from the city of Kinetan , a fantasy hierarchial city ,with two boys Tim and Kano attending their biggest cultural fest DRAGON FEAST ,following through a tragic chain of events which changes their lives forever .

trikom_0439 · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


After leaving Kano's house , Tim and Kano realaised ,they won't be able to make it to haenkang at 3 . So they aimed to get into in the nearest keits marks by any means .

Some low level flyers often passes passengers passanger at high speed in exchange of money .

They must have official licence for that though .

The nearest keits mark is in the 6th circle .so they atleast have to travel by bus or train or any means to reach the keits mark to get a flyer them selves .

But they in their mind know that they are making an gamble. Often xephyruses like Kano is hated and are refused to get a flyer.

Tim may not have that problems but common people like him are often ignored .

But if they dont use the keits marks they may miss their first DRAGON FEAST experience.

"If Iami was present !! We didn't have to worry , !"

"But using ones kensan energy continuously may drain ones stamina tremendously fast , and it's not safe for such a young aged girl like Iami to use that power ! "

The nearest railway station from their location is the rensan. Station.

"Wheres your sister ,Kano ?? "

"Oh Ayaka ? She will go later , its her second so maybe she will be go with her friends "

Tim can understand that Kano is lying .

Almost every body hates xephyruses in the society .

Even commen men.

But Tim don't find a valid reason for this hate.

Tim can't even use a bit of kensan powers ,but Kano can use some cool spells by himself .

"Oh we are here at the rensan railway station finally !! "

"Oh again with that xephyrus boy , you ,Tim ,how down can you go ?? Don't ever come back to this city ,leave kinetan already !!! ""You piece of shit "

It's Tims cousin , Decrepy ;

Decrepy hates xephyruses so much .

Tim wanted to go and punch him, but he felt Kano stopping him by helding his hands hard.

"Ignore them. .Tim !!! "

Decrepy kept shouting at them.

"You worthless boy !! "

" You better be careful , kinnes can come and enslave your best friend ,don't cry then ,you little baby !!! "

"Let get out of here !! "

Kano just grabbed the hands of Tim and quickly move out of that place.

"The station looks pretty much decorated !! Is not it Tim ! "

Kano tried to break that awkward silence .

"Kano , when we will become adult ,and have power like top kinnes we will punch them in face in public ,I promise you ,Kano !"

"Ah! Sorry man !"

Tim almost pushed a elder woman down in the floor .

"Be more careful Tim.be in reality , now ,wheres the train ? "

"Ah it's at 1:13 ,we have to wait another 6-7 minutes here , it's all due to your that damn RING ! who knows even such a RING exists in that container ."

" Don't be ridiculous ,you also got carried away then by just hearing about the RING "

"Iami doesn't still don't know about the RING ? it's a peace ,if she knew ,she would have been mad at me !! Atleast please do t tell it before u open the container ."

"Ahhh ,what's wrong with u Kano ? "

"-------shssshh ,look someone is following us , be careful more "

"How can you be so s.....uhm...."

Kano pinched hard in Tim's palm.

"[Tim in low voice ] : what can we do now ?

Why someone with a great pool of kensan energy will follow us ? "

"[Kano cautiously ] doesn't know but we have to careful in DRAGON FEAST "

"""" Train no. 7/B/3C is coming to Plaform no 7.2/3 ,all the passengers are advised to maintain a proper distance between the lines ,wish all a happy journey .....""""

The announcement like literally gave Kano a Peace of mind. Now this following stranger may not be able to follow them properly in the crowded train .

"Ah! Tim listen carefully ,we have to be separated a little from here ,we have to distract this man ..,you go to the left of the train ,I will be in the right ,if any strange things happen inform me immediately through chats or phones ."

"Ok ,but ...!! "

Kano already moved to the righ compartments , so Tum must have to hurry to the left .

Where the weired man gone ? ,May be he is following Kano ,I must hurry and figure it out

Tim make a run for the left .

In the train there's so many teens like him of age 16 ,dressed pretty well travelling with their parents to the DRAGON FEAST for the first time . Tim suddenly felt uncomfortable ,seeing people travelling ,wearing elegant dresses .Tim moved to a corner to a place where the chance of human interaction is least .

"Where are you ? Iami ??"

"I just entered the keits mark in the 5th circle .Just take flyer ride ,both of you or none you can't even get into haenkang before 3 "

"Yeah ,we planned that but there's a stranger following us from last 30 minutes "

"Is he still following you ? Like,right now is he still staring at you ? "

"May be he moved to Kano's compartment , I am not sure tho ,but I am still worried about Kano "

"Kano will be fine. , don't worry ,atleast he knows some decent spells ,has quite a lot of kensan energy ,he atleast can do basic defense before the guards come ,be careful you guys !!! "

"Ok see you there at keits mark 4 , wait there for us ."

"Also ,try to blend to the crowd .It will eliminate the risk of getting noticed by the stalker ,when we will reach Haenkang ,I will arrange a special security for us by our father ,Bye !"

Tim looked around him carefully.

There's an old man sitting beside him . A young man of about age 25 infornt him .Beside him , a large family member is sitting with 4 kids . The family is not clearly going to DRAGON FEAST . May be they are going to the Childrens park situated at N-3 .

"The next stoppage of the this train is 6/3 (means station no 3 in 6 the circle ) ,attention passengers ,be careful to look for your kids and baggage and money , railway authority will not be responsible for any type of ...

.....,.... DRUMM....BBBRUMM.


"Whats happened ?? Mm.....Is there any explosion ".....

"The lights are gone , Ah ,we can't see a single a thing. ....ah shit the train is inside of the 7/6 (a tunnel that connect 7 the and 6 the circle ) tunnel ,it's darkk.....AH....NO.....DONT KILLM....MM ..E.E...."."..

Blood ...Bloo...d.....




Tim just saw some ones head blown up 2-3 seats away .Tim jumped out of his seat .

He just got a glimpse of that stranger ,covered with blood ,staring at him .

That man was wearing a black suit and had a weired shaped ancient bracelet in his hand .Also he has a some type of weired looking geometric tatto in his hand .

Tim can sense the stranger is chasing him.

Tim jumped over a seat , come to the middle of the compartment .

Ah ...Dump m.....Dump ....m...Dumm..p...

Tim can hear 3 persons behind him getting smashed and killed by a whip like thing .

He stopped thinking whats beside him .

"Finally ,you are here ,alone ,without your that friend ,what can you do ? You common insect !! .....let darkness devour you like you can't ever see light ...."

Theres a pin drop silence in side the compartment .

Are all the passengers are killed ?? No it's impossible for someone to kill them all at once ?

Is it FEAR ??? ....What does FEAR feel like ? .....

From his childhood Tim only found humiliation ,but he never experienced a FEAR ,a TRUE FEAR !!!!!!!!

"All of you , I will spare all of your lifes , but theres one condition , hand over me that boy with red hoodie and the suffering is over for you "

"And if you dont do , I will slaughter every one present here before a kinne arrives ,not even a KID will be spared " .

"so you mere human insects ,choose carefully ,after all your life depends in this choice ,it's a simple choice ,the boy or all of these kids and other of your family member ".

"H...e.e...y lets.. hand over ...the boy ...we will be saved ..."

"Hand over the boy ,we will be sa..ved. ....".

Hand ove.r the .. boy ,we wil.. l be sa..ved. ....".

Hand o.ver .....the bo.....y ,we wil..l ...be sa..ved. ....".

Tim suddenly felt his head blank .

All others passengers just talking about handing him over to save their asses .

Will they ever hand me over if I was one of them ???...

Yes ,they will ....

People ,we human beings are always selfish !!!

We never want to experience the hell ,even in the exchange of others suffering .....

Humans are always self centric ,Thet try to act like heros but at last they just make other one sacrifice !!!!

""""Bindeno enclencho """

(a spell )

"... No ....ah...hh.."

Tim found a rope like thing surrounded him .He can't even move ;not even an inch !! .

"Thank you all !!HA HA ..!! Now ;experience the heavenly suffering ,

Suffer till breath ,you insects , you pathethic shit of humans , experience the true horror of death of pain and agony ,

See your loved ones suffer infront of you ,when you die. "

Is this the END ??

The END...?



Will Tim be okay ? It's about 10 minutes after the power outage . I should call Tim atleast once .

"The no you are dailing is currently out of service ,please try again later ....."

Shit ! Looks like Tim has some problem .

I still haven't seen the stranger in my zone .Looks like a real trouble here .

Kan is quite confused ;should he go for Tim ?or analayze the situation right from here .

Kan withdrew his sensory hidous .

Sensory hidous : a kensan technique to hide ones presence ,fear , anxiety ,blood list from other opponents using ones kensan energy to nullify the negative energy emission .

Kan got up from his seat and ran for Tim .

...'...."....Sh ...shh ...."....

"Don't shout ,.....little boy ....."

A masked man bounded Kano with a spell (a orange looking rope like thing which surrounds both his body ,limbs also blocking his mouth to shout !)

"Mission complete ....we got that boy ...

Let hurry to the next destination -