
Tom Riddle (SI)

Daniel was a ruthless criminal who rose to power on the streets through his cunning and willingness to do anything to survive. Now, in a strange twist of fate, he has awakened in a new life as Tom Riddle - a student with extraordinary magical talents attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Faced with memories of both his dark past and Riddle's looming future, Tom must decide whether he will follow in the sinister footsteps of his predecessor, or forge his own path and channel his exceptional gifts towards a new destiny. Note:- I do not own Harry Potter and the cover picture as well. If the owner of the cover picture wants me to take it down just contact me through the comments section of the story.

_Solomon_ · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
7 Chs

Questions Without End

"I will ensure my name is known throughout history as the most powerful sorcerer that ever lived," I declared, my magic flaring wildly in sync with my bold words. As my magic flowed through the chamber, the candles lining the walls flared with bright, noble green flames that warmed my soul. I had found my calling.

This, it seemed, was where I was truly meant to be - and I would settle for nothing less than absolute dominance over the wizarding world. My destiny was set. The die was cast.


A burning sensation stirred within me as I drifted off to sleep that night, thoughts swirling with ambitious plans. At first, the heat was a low simmer beneath my skin, barely noticeable amidst my racing mind. But as unconsciousness claimed me, the flames grew in intensity, licking at my insides with an agonizing fervor. 

Crimson light pulsed behind my closed eyelids, growing brighter by the second until it seared through. With a gasp, I jolted awake, finding myself no longer within the familiar four-poster bed of my chambers. Blinking away the dancing spots clouding my vision, a breathtaking sight emerged before me.

Towering spires of obsidian and marble stretched endlessly skyward, their pinnacles lost amidst billowing clouds. Runes of an unknown language were etched in lines of molten gold along every surface, glowing with inner magic even in the daylight. Between the soaring structures lay open plazas and gardens filled with alien flora, their blooms shimmering in hues not found in nature. 

Crystalline fountains tinkled melodically, their waters flowing from sculpted serpents, dragons and chimeras. Marble walkways wound between reflecting pools filled with silvery fish unlike any I had seen before. Their scales glimmered in shades of amethyst, topaz and emerald as they darted through the enchanted waters.

This was no place from my world. I had seen nothing in my studies to compare to the magnificence surrounding me. Yet some deep recognition stirred as I took in the impossible cityscape. Memories not my own whispered of a lost city in its prime, a civilization beyond all others in magic and wonder. 

Was this truly a glimpse of a legendary place? I pinched myself, wondering if I still dreamt. But the sights, sounds and scents washing over me were too vivid to be anything but real. An invisible force drew me down winding paths, past citizens in flowing robes who paid me no mind. Their features were fair yet strange, hinting at distant elven or fae ancestry. 

My awestruck wandering soon brought me to the city's heart. A colossal palace rose before me, its outer walls inlaid with mother-of-pearl to depict epic battles and feats of magic. Atop sweeping staircases, two towering doors of solid gold stood open, revealing wonders within. But before I could cross the threshold, the world began to spin. 

With a gasp, I was thrown back into

consciousness, finding myself once more within my four-poster bed. My body was drenched in sweat, heart racing as if I had truly experienced the impossible journey. Slowly, reality set back in, and I was left with nothing but questions. What strange magic had allowed me to glimpse the lost glory of Atlantis? And what deeper mysteries might it portend for my future?

I gasped awake once more, heart still racing from the vivid visions. Yet as the images of that impossible city faded, their afterglow seemed burned into my mind. Never had I witnessed such splendor, yet I had no explanation for what I was seeing. 

Frustration grew as my research throughout the day revealed no clues. No place I knew of could compare to the shining metropolis from my dreams. I racked my brain, trying to make sense of the enigma. 

That evening, exhausted from my efforts, I drifted off to sleep still pondering the mystery. Before long, the familiar burning sensation returned beneath my skin...and with a start, I found myself once more amidst the city's glory. 

Yet still, I had no name or understanding for this marvelous place that stirred strange familiarity. Its meaning, and why I alone was being shown its wonders, remained an enigma that haunted my every thought. I gazed around, hoping a new clue would reveal itself - but the city remained as much a riddle as when first I saw it.

Frustration and confusion swirled within me, trying to understand the meaning of the vivid yet impossible city I kept seeing. I knew I would find no rest this night unless I could calm my restless mind. 

Pacing provided no answers, so I sat upon the cool marble steps to meditate. Slowly, my chaotic thoughts stilled. In this peaceful state, I opened my awareness - but found no new revelations about the city's nature or purpose.

However, as I meditated I noticed my occlumency skills seemed easier to access. Being able to clear my mind so fully helped strengthen my mental barriers. This was an unexpected benefit, though it brought me no closer to deciphering the true meaning behind these strange visions.

With a sigh, I opened my eyes to dawn's light once more. Meditation granted a sense of ease, but no further insights into these mysterious dreams. It seemed the visions' secrets would remain elusive, at least for now. And so chapter two ends, with Tom no closer to answers about the wondrous city - or himself.



Sorry for the late update, I was and am really busy IRL and have very little time to write as I have to prepare for my CA examinations... I know some of you might feel like the chapter was very short, infact I myself feel that way but once my examination is done in December, I will upload longer chapters, but I cannot promise you on the update schedule...

Anyways thanks for reading and sticking around with me and let me know how was the reading experience... Also I'm open to criticism so do your best...

Have a Nice Day ☺️