
Toji Potter

Toji (jjk) read Hp as a kid once and after death against Gojo he finds himself in Harry Potter's Body. All characters are from the Books/Movies of Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling, so unfortunately I don’t own them and same goes for Toji Fushiguro from Jujutsu Kaisen by Gege Akutami.

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13 Chs

Joining the Quidditch Team and Snape's change

Rumors of Toji's speed and strength spread like wildfire through the Hogwarts halls. The story of him outpacing Malfoy during the flying lesson and single-handedly defeating a troll had become legendary overnight. While most students whispered about the ''different form James'' "Harry Potter", a select few had taken particular interest—one of them being Severus Snape.

Sitting at his desk in the dungeons, Snape steepled his fingers and gazed into the fire, his thoughts consumed by the boy who had once been a source of disdain but had now become... intriguing. Harry Potter, the son of James Potter, had been expected to be just like his father—arrogant, reckless, and full of himself. Yet, this boy was different. He was calm, methodical, and had a sharp mind that seemed to embody Slytherin qualities to the core.

He had saved a fellow student from a troll, but not in the loud, showy way James Potter would have done. No, Harry had dealt with the troll with precision and deadly efficiency, a stark contrast to the flamboyant recklessness of his father.

"Perhaps," Snape mused quietly, "the boy is not his father after all."

It was a strange thought to accept. Snape had been burdened for years with the resentment of what James had done during their school days. But if there was one thing Snape respected, it was ability—and this Harry Potter, this Toji, had ability in abundance.

As he continued to think, a knock came at the door, breaking his reverie.

"Enter," Snape commanded, his voice smooth but cold.

The door creaked open, and Marcus Flint, the Slytherin Quidditch captain, stepped inside. His large, muscular frame filled the doorway as he gave Snape a respectful nod.

"Professor Snape, I've come to discuss Harry Potter," Flint said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Snape raised an eyebrow, motioning for him to continue.

"I've heard the stories, sir," Flint said, stepping forward. "Everyone's talking about how fast he is, how strong he is. The kid's got raw talent, and we could use someone like him on the Quidditch team."

Snape leaned back in his chair, his fingers tapping the desk rhythmically. He had considered the possibility. If Harry's physical prowess translated onto the Quidditch pitch, he could be a formidable asset. And though Snape had no particular love for the sport, winning matches—and especially beating Gryffindor—was always satisfying.

"You believe he'd be an asset?" Snape asked, his voice careful and measured.

"I'm certain of it," Flint replied confidently. "We haven't had a Seeker this promising in years, and from what I've heard, his game IQ is off the charts. We should at least give him a chance to prove it."

Snape's eyes narrowed as he considered the request. It was not just about winning or losing; it was about giving this boy an opportunity. Perhaps, if given a chance, Harry might show more of this unique potential that had already set him apart from the rest.

"Very well," Snape said finally, his decision made. "You may offer Potter a place on the team. But I expect results, Flint. Make sure he's worth our time."

Flint grinned. "I will, sir. I'll set up a training session."

Later that day, as Toji sat in the Slytherin common room, reviewing his plans for the future, Marcus Flint approached him, his usual swagger replaced by something more cautious.

"Potter," Flint called, catching Toji's attention. "Mind if I have a word?"

Toji glanced up from his notes, arching a brow. "What's this about?"

Flint cleared his throat, trying to appear casual. "I've heard the stories about you—how fast you are, how strong. Slytherin could use someone like you on the Quidditch team. We need a Seeker with real talent, and from what I hear, you've got it."

Toji leaned back in his seat, considering the offer. He knew of Quidditch, of course, but he hadn't bothered much with it before. It seemed like a good opportunity to test his reflexes, though, and perhaps get a better understanding of wizarding sports.

"Alright," Toji said after a pause. "I'll give it a shot."

Flint's grin widened. "Good. We've got practice tomorrow morning. Don't be late."

The First Practice:

The next morning, Toji arrived at the Quidditch pitch. His fellow Slytherin teammates were already gathered, murmuring amongst themselves about whether the rumors surrounding Harry Potter were true.

When Toji mounted his broom and took off, it became immediately clear that the rumors didn't even do him justice.

He zipped through the air with an effortless grace that left his teammates stunned. His natural speed was unmatched, and his sharp reflexes allowed him to spot the Golden Snitch in mere moments. Every turn, every dive, was executed with precise control, and his ability to predict the flow of the game made it seem as though he had been playing for years.

Flint, watching from the ground, was floored. "Bloody hell," he muttered. "We've found ourselves a prodigy."

Even the older Slytherin players had to admit they had never seen anyone like him before. As the training session came to an end, it was clear that Toji was a force to be reckoned with, and Slytherin had just gained an invaluable weapon for the season.

After the practice, Toji returned to the castle, expecting to have a moment to himself. Instead, he found himself ambushed by a group of Slytherin seventh-year girls. They giggled amongst themselves, glancing at him with playful smirks as they led him into a private room under the guise of needing his measurements for new Quidditch gear.

Once inside, they closed the door, blocking any escape. The leader of the group, a tall blonde with sharp eyes, grinned. "Alright, Potter, let's get those measurements. Strip down."

Toji raised an eyebrow but obliged, removing his outer robes, though he knew this was less about measurements and more about their curiosity. As he removed his shirt, he could see them all eyeing him, their eyes widening at the sight of his well-defined, muscular form. One girl even got a small nosebleed, quickly wiping it away.

He could tell they were more than just intrigued—they were clearly enamored. They lingered, their hands brushing against him unnecessarily as they took the supposed measurements. Toji smirked inwardly, knowing full well what was going on. These upperclassmen were taking liberties they had no right to, but he decided to play along.

As they finished, the blonde tried to sound professional. "Thanks for your cooperation, Potter. You're... impressive."

Toji's smirk widened. "I noticed you all got a little too comfortable. I think next time, I'll return the favor."

The girls blushed furiously, their eyes gleaming with excitement rather than embarrassment. One of them whispered, "Maybe we'd like that."

Toji sighed as they left the room, shaking his head. Being handsome was truly a pain.