
Together With You: Water, Wind, Earth and Fire

This is a fantasy romance novel with elemental powers. Two couples, no prolonged misunderstandings, questionable r-18 things, or major drama (as in, ML's ex-gf attempting to rape and kill FL several times). ----------------------- So I'm actually going to stop writing this. I'm not the greatest with world building and this particular story that I was thinking of is not quite what I feel like writing at the moment. I may or may not pick it back up later, I will still read comments to see how I can improve, though.

catthidang478 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

First Impressions


Two boys stared back at us, just as speechless as Amelia and I. The one closer to Amelia had dark brown hair that fell just above his shoulders, which would have made him look brooding if not for bright emerald eyes twinkling against his olive skin. His dark lashes were motionless as he gaped at my best friend. She gaped right back, a blush starting to steal over her freckled cheeks. He was tall, tall enough to look Amelia in the eyes, actually, tall enough to look down to meet her eyes, not an easy feat when she was 5'9". As interesting as their mutual gawking was, that wasn't what made me stop.

Another boy stared at me, his ice blue gaze intense, taking me in slowly and thoroughly. This boy was even taller than the first, making me feel absolutely diminutive at 5'2". His silver-white hair, cut short on the sides and long on top, fluttered in the slight breeze. High cheekbones and full lips on pale skin drew my attention. I forced myself to pass over them, determined to study him the same way he was studying me. Corded muscles and a taut stomach strained against his white T-shirt, his muscular legs filling out dark blue jeans. I felt myself start to heat. This had never happened before, such a physical reaction to someone, and I wondered if this was what attraction felt like. His gaze collided with mine, the intensity in his eyes grounding me, mesmerizing me. Jesus Christ, what was this, a cheesy romance novel?

All of a sudden, sound rushed back in as someone slammed a car door near us. Amelia and the brown haired boy finally closed their mouths, blushing furiously, but the boy in front of me continued to stare.

"I-I-" Amelia stuttered. She obviously liked this boy, but was too overwhelmed, and damn if I was going to let him get away from her. I took a few steps toward him, noting how the pale boy's eyes followed the movement, and stuck out a hand.

"Hi, I'm Lan, and this is my amazing best friend, Amelia," I said confidently. "What are your names?"


"Hi, I'm Lan, and this is my amazing best friend, Amelia," she said, holding out a hand to Oliver for a shake. "What are your names?"

Her voice was clear and strong, her movements steady. She was beautiful. Her sleek black hair shone under the sunlight, revealing twinkling strands of brown and gold, her skin glowing in the sun. Her leggings molded to her toned legs, and her tank top showcased her slender arms and slim torso. She had thick eyelashes over her glittering brown eyes, her high cheekbones drawing his attention to her lush, pink lips.

"I-I'm Oliver, and he's-"

"Aric." I was still staring at Lan, unable to take my eyes off her. I had never been so...affected by anyone before. Usually, I rejected advances from overeager girls looking for a relationship, but Lan was just...different.

"Well, it's nice to meet you two, Oliver and Aric, but Amelia and I have places to be," she unlocked her car and gracefully slid in as her friend went round the other side of the car. "Goodbye!" she called through the open window.



Neither of us wanted the girls to leave. What did this mean, that we felt so connected already? I wanted as much time with Lan as possible, and judging by Oliver's blush and pleading eyes, he felt the same for Amelia.

"Would you want to-"

"Where are you-"

"What's up, boys?" Lan was smirking in the driver's seat. Amelia was smiling, and both of their eyes filled with mirth. They were laughing at us. I shot Oliver a look.

"We were just wondering if you wouldn't mind giving us a ride," I told them. "We drove in with someone else this morning, and it's looking like we're going to have to walk home at the moment."

"We have prior obligations and won't be done or going home until late tonight," Amelia said, an apology on her face.

"That's fine," Oliver was eager to pitch in. "We'll just tag along with you, if you'll let us. It's better than walking home to an empty house."

Hearing him say that, both girls softened. They both knew how lonely it felt to be greeted by a cold and lifeless house.

"Alright, hop in, but I will kick you out if you piss me off." warned Lan.

"Wouldn't expect anything less." I smirked. We climbed into the backseat, choosing to sit directly behind our girls. The car swirled with the scents of vanilla, jasmine, cinnamon, and honey. It must be their perfumes or lotions because they smelled heavenly. I glanced over at Oliver, who was staring at Amelia with naked adoration on his face, like a puppy. I snickered and he cut me a dirty look before turning his gaze back on the tall redhead. Usually, Oliver was friendly and outgoing but saw girls as a challenge to be conquered, but after just 5 minutes with her, he was treating her like his idol.

Lan flipped her obsidian hair over her shoulder, wafting an intoxicating mix of vanilla and jasmine toward me. Unconsciously, I leaned closer. It fit her, sweet as vanilla but mysterious and elegant as night-blooming jasmine. I heard a very obvious fake cough and looked behind me at Oliver, who was suppressing a smirk.

I sat back and cleared my throat.

"So, where are we headed?" I asked as Lan pulled out of the parking lot.

"Well, we work at a pet shop, and then we're going to the beach." Amelia replied.

"Fellow beach lovers, I see. I love that in a woman." Oliver flashed his signature grin and I could see Amelia's ears redden.

"No flirting in my car. I love Damian too much to allow you people to contaminate him with your...pheromones." Lan shuddered, rolling her eyes. I smiled, catching her gaze in the rearview mirror.

"You named your car Damian?" I snickered. How adorable. She blushed and bit the corner of her mouth, her eyes glaring at the road ahead.

"It's a perfectly fine name." she grumbled.

"Of course, of course, but...for a car?"

"I wasn't kidding when I said I would kick you out," she said.

"Okay, I'm dropping it." I raised my hands in surrender and settled back to watch her.


We were at the beach, but a empty stretch of it closer to the cliffs. It was almost sunset, the scene glittering with ocean spray.

"So..." Oliver looked around. "What are we doing?"

The girls looked at each other, sharing a secret look that made it clear they were hiding something from us. They squatted down and began clearing a circle in the sand. Lan stood and retrieved smooth gray rocks, placing them in a circle around their makeshift pit.

"Are we having a bonfire?" Oliver was clearly excited, a goofy smile splitting his face. Amelia and Lan smiled at him affectionately.

"Yep," Amelia said. "And one other thing, but I'm not crazy enough to do it."

"What do you mean?" I asked her. What did they get up to out here?

Lan piped up. "I'm going to go swimming after the sun sets."

"It'll be dark and cold, you'll hurt yourself." For some reason, I felt the urge to grab her and hold her tight, to make sure she didn't do anything dangerous.

"I've done this plenty of times, I like it. Of course I won't hurt myself." Lan pulls off her tank top and starts to push her leggings off, and I lose my train of thought.


Wearing a practical black bikini, she looks up at me. "I really don't need you to, but if you're that worried, why don't you come with me?"

Usually I am a fan of carefully thought through decisions, and this was obviously dangerous. Any careful deliberation would reveal this to be a terrible idea. We could get hypothermia, we could get lost, we could get hurt on the rock formations.


Hi again,

I dunno guys, are things going too fast here? And yes, I realize it's not realistic at all, but it is fiction and my first novel, so hopefully that earns me some grace. Stay safe!

catthidang478creators' thoughts