
Together, Forever?

Mia's family supported her through everything without hesitation all her life. They were there when she needed them without fail, and wouldn't pressure her into anything she didn't want. They knew schools wasn't a good idea when she became older, for her anxiety worsened as time continued. However, once starting her first day at Storm High, she became familiar with a certain face that welcomed her. Little did Mia know that her life was going to change for the better, and for the worst.

short_mystery · อื่นๆ
3 Chs


After dinner, my parents announced the big news they had been keeping from me for a few weeks. "You are going back to school!" They both cheered simultaneously. I think that was the happiest I have felt in a while. I did not understand why my parents decided to homeschool me when my anxiety became worse. If anything, I should have been near more people, and maybe a few doctor visits for medication to help me in that process. It feels nice, though. To have a change in my life that actually may benefit me. It is exciting to finally be able to go to school. So many people.. homework. Bells. Unsanitary restrooms.

The thought of being in a public restroom did not sit right with me. The ones I usually see and neglect to use usually have a lot of tissue on the floor. The worst I have seen so far is used pads on the floor next to a full bin of bloody toilet paper, some that had a rather weird fluid that was slightly discolored compared to the cloth, or dried-up wipes with excrement on it. There were a few times when all occurred at the same time inside a gas station restroom.

Who knows! Maybe I can have a friend to help me in the new environment.

Yeah.. just maybe.

I could not sleep when I knew I was going to school in a few hours. Human interaction has been close to none for the past few years. Only my parents saw me, but they worked most of the time, so even then time with them was limited for a while. It made me depressed, or at least I felt like I was. Being around those I was comfortable with back then helped me remain calm, but now, I do not know who I should trust and who I should stay away from.

I sighed and turned my back to the door, a sense of nervousness growing inside the pit of my stomach. What if the teachers do not understand my issues? What if the other students are mean and want to hurt me?

I felt my eyes grow heavy suddenly, a hand on my back with what seemed like short nails. For some odd reason, I did not freak out, or try to see what was touching me. I strangely felt comfortable about the situation, my body growing weaker by the second, and my worries disappearing just as fast.

"It is okay, my love. I will protect you." She told me.


Who is she?