
First meet

Well my name is Jessica but for short you can consider me as Jess so let's start well I met a guy named Brayden but I call him Bray for short but let's continue so I was running late for work and not I'm running and not paying attention at all so I end up bumping into a guy now from the moment I saw him I knew that he was not human because just I had a big feeling something was off about him but I say "oh I'm so sorry I wasn't watching were I was going..." he said "oh it's perfectly fine now what's your name?" I kinda blushed as he looked at me with those sexy baby blue eyes and I was just shook so I said "sorry I spaced but my name's Jessica and you...?" he said "oh my name's Brayden so umm I have to get to work... here this is my number" as he hands me a card he said "call me" and he winks and then walks off then I remember oh no I still have my job so I start running again