
Togabito’s Second Chance

After death a man finds himself, in a place he would have never thought. When a god doesn’t allow him to pick certain wishes and with holds more pressing information. Watch as he moves into a world from his past life, one he thought to be fantasy. Finding his way and where he fits in to all of this. A man who never knew anything but violence, love was never kind but that never stopped him. In this world even in this situation watch as he tries to change his life, find love, and fight to enjoy this new life. The Mc is strong as hell, doesn’t mean he will one shot everyone. This has drama in it, love and fighting. In the beginning there will be a lot of slice of life. You know world building if you want all cannon this is not for you. The Mc will have 2 girls but I’ll try and handle it as best I can, so if you have ideas for girls lmk. Tags: romance, action, sliceoflife, action, drama, tragedy, 2girlsmax Please enjoy, I own nothing everything belong to bleach and there respective creatures.

Sinner1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 6

(Mc pov)

Waking up, i let the voices calm down as i rubbed my head, feeling my sword on my shoulder. Leaning forward as i held it in my hand, rubbing it as i stood up. Walking to the center of the room i started to focus.

'I have all the time in the world, i don't need to rush this. What i need now is to train more. Find away to open hell and think about where i really want to go first. I have a idea where to start but uh, that can wait i also need to be able to get into the soul society without the help from Urahara.' Thinking as I sat down on the ground, placing my sword on my lap as I went deeper into my mind.

Images of memories from both me and the original kokuto flooded my mind, seeing images of hells guards, other sinners and places I saw in the movie. A large stone like mountain, which was overflowing with hot magma, a giant skeleton that sat behind it. It's arms out stretched as it hung over the magma, then to a person standing on top of the skull. Before two others joined, all putting on mask before opening a gate that looked like a eye.

'I got it, I can remember where it was from kokuto body. Now.. huh?' Thinking while my consciousness pulled me deeper. Seeing different people scream, seeing kokuto cut them down. Feeling his emotion as he felt joy for killing them, then anger for the sorrow that followed. Even if he killed, no matter the people he made feel his pain, it would never bring his little sister back. A flash of him holding a body and turning the girls dead eyes to him. Watching as he squeezed her body and cried as the girl's face, that was burnt and bleeding shot to life. Forcing me to open my eye as she did.

'Kokuto, I know you were crazy. Being in this place for so long and I understand why you did it. Even if you went overboard, the pain, of losing yourself and her broke you, didn't it. Sorry, but as long as I live. You will not be forgotten that is a promise.' Squeezing my sword as I thought for a while, I did not want to take others from people.

'I know it's not from this world but that saying reminds me so much of this one. The illusion of both aizen and others. And there belief's in becoming strong even at the cost of those around them. Never seeing the holes they dug into so many others hearts.' Thinking I put my hand up to my still heart. Closing my eye I never heard the small cry's from my sword.

While closing my eyes, the world around me slowly started to crack. Light shined from around my body as I went back through the moments, I had felt true pain in my life. Seeing a persons face of loneliness, watching the sad look on there face as they sat by themselves. the world around me, started to fold in on top of me. The light shined more as thunderous sounds of the guards rushing to this location could be heard. Drowning them out as a sea of black enveloped my mind, hearing the voices of a woman.

'Why were you born! You took everything from me! I'm not your mother! You monster! Why won't you just die!' All kinds of voices echoed as the world shifted again. As a massive sword came down from above my body disappeared.

The wind blew as my hair moved, a vast world of sand, white stone and pillars. The moon shining down on this place, giving life to the shadows that danced in its glow. My eyes remained closed as I sat on a tall pillar, my leg hanging off the side as my spiritual pressure ran wild. The world shook as creatures who could not handle this much fell. The world started to calm as I opened my lips, while voices from the past over lapped on mine.

'Uh, what was that just now.. huh who?' A person thought, getting up from the ground as they looked around. Turning back to see the back of someone they hadn't noticed or even made a sound.

'A shinigamI? Here? why would they be here? Of all places? What is wrong with them? Sleeping in a place like this?' The being got up slowly, moving quickly as they dashed around to the other side of the pillar, seeing the man's eye was closed.

'It makes it easier.' Thinking to themselves, they rushed in dashing at the man as they held their left arm out. When it was only a few inches away from the man, they stopped hearing the man speak.

-song- (Man of the world- Naruto OST)

"I decided to die trying to save people i didn't know, to protect those people, no matter what anyone says, to me the you who could not protect me, is an imposter. To me there were people not meant to die and suffer as I did, so I can say I to am also, an imposter. Those people are only them alive! These worlds systems, there factions, living beings themselves. They all created these circumstances, what caused me to despair, are these worlds themselves, these counterfeit worlds! Look at me! There is nothing left in my heart, I stopped feeling pain a long time ago, there is no need for anyone to feel guilty for my death, this hole was opened up, by these worlds of hell. I only had pain inside my heart before, but really, what's the meaning in that? So I abandoned it all. Meanwhile there are others who still suffer, even the ones inside me. All I want, is to find something, anything! to make you beat again." i Shouted while leaning forward, i gripped my chest hard, at my heart that refused to beat, even if I wanted to cry, I couldn't. Having images of my mother flash in my mind and the times I started to lose faith in humanity, and what drove me down this path of death. I was not sad about my own death. In the end I gave up my life for others to try and right the wrongs but, no matter where I went, this hole never filled itself up again. While flashes of two people in this world raced in my mind. Maybe I could stop there suffering, just maybe, I could fill this hole.

'What a painful, existence.' The being thought to themselves, listening to the words the man had yelled.

Opening my eye, I was shocked for a second. Looking up at the moon that was so close, then to the sand below, feeling the many creatures that roamed this land and shook my head.

"Hueco Mundo?" I said my deep voice reaching my ears Finally. While my eye had a gleam casted over it by the moon. Turning my hand, reaching out and grabbing on to the blade beside me.

'Why is she, here?' Looking up along the thin blade, it looked to be made of bone. With sections that looked like gills closer to the bottom, seeing the bone run up her left arm and to her smaller chest. Seeing her tan skin very little a few places. Her bone armor with out blue like I remembered. Her smaller height and the bone mask that didn't cover her neck. Her blonde hair and beautiful green eyes.

"Beautiful." The words came out before I could stop them, seeing the conflicted look on her face.

"Can you, let go of my blade. And stop staring." Her sweet voice came out, while turning her head from me and to her blade.

"Strange, seeing that you planned to take my life. But very well." I looked up at her and smiled while I let go.

"Do you plan to fight me because of it? Do you not know of this place and its rules, shinigami." In a neutral voice she said but I could see she was on guard.

"I know of this world, if I wanted to do so, you'd already be dead." Flash stepping as I appeared behind her. Her eyes looking back as she had to look up at me.

"Then come on." She said, turning her blade out. Trying to think of how to best handle this situation.

"I am no, Shinigami. Just breathe." Letting out spiritual pressure, I saw as she wobbled her breathing becoming fast as sweat came down her forehead. Standing I let it raise more as her eyes started to shake.

"Breathe, that feeling you feel right now. You could let it be a crushing weight or something to push passed." Disappearing as I went to a pillar higher then the one she stood on.

'What the hell, was that. Breathe just breathe.' Thinking to herself she looked up at me, leaning over a little as she held herself up with her sword.

"What Is your name? You have one right?" Looking down as i leaned on my hand. Seeing her get herself together but didn't speak.

"It's just a.." I was going to say.

"I do, not remember. Why Does it matter." She said, standing up straight as she looked at my eyes.

"Names hold meaning to them, if you do not have one. Hmm." Acting like I was thinking for a second and watching her turn away, walking away from me.

"How about, harribel? Fitting don't you think." My eye shined a little, seeing her walk away until she heard the name. Freezing for a second as she jumped down to the sand. Not before hearing my last words.

"Until we meet again, harribel." While I leaned back, looking up at the moon.

'To fill, this hole in my heart.' Looking up as the moon shined, its glow so comforting as I closed my eye again.

'Harribel, hm.' Thinking as she dashed away, stopping and walking as she looked back. Seeing the man look up, seeing the light that shined on his face and the sword at his shoulder. Watching the wind blow his robe as he closed his eye.

'And here I thought, I was lonely.' Thinking while she walked out into the sand.