

The midwife cleaned the little prince and placed him beside the queen ,the demon king went inside the chamber and held the queen's hands

" Thanks for bringing our child safely into the world, it most have been really hard for you this past few hours,"

Smiling, she looked into his eyes " nothing gives me more joy than being able to give birth to your heir ,now your majesty don't need to worry about your bloodline coming to an end"

Walking to where the baby was placed,he looked at hin for some time ,then finally picked him up

" He's so cute,he looks just like you, my queen , just look at his face, the shape of his eyes ,his nose and his lips ,he absolutely takes after you in his facials, make me remember the time when we just got married "

After placing a kiss on the little baby's forehead, her proceeded to do same ro to the mother , whispering into her ear " I have to go now , I will be back after I finish attending to the ministers.

He turned to the maid and said " take care of the queen and my little snowball "

(He called the child snowball because his skin was extremely white like snow)

At the court , the ministers were all waiting, immediately the demon king came in ,they all bowed and congratulated him

" We congratulate your majesty on the birth of the prince , finally the demon realms has gotten it's heir "

The king sitting on his throne , answered them t "thank you .. thank you... thank you". "As you all know according to custom , tomorrow is the day the prince undergoes his first trial and also get his name , the ritual will hold at the nightless tower and I want the preparation to be carried out effectively. I want you to set up the formation for the ritual"

"Yes , your majesty". They chorused and finally left the palace.

The little prince was laid on a stone alter with nine pillars in the shape of a tail , apparently fox tail .

With a wave of the hands ,the demon priest looked at the sky and began to move his mouth , speaking in a low tone like a whisper, suddenly the whole place was dark and streaks of lightning came running at high speed towards the stone alter. When they strike the baby , they were absorbed into his body leaving behind smokes in the air .

After the thirty lightening had been absorbed by the prince , his body began to emit a powerful aura and his eyes began to shine like stars .

" Congratulations your majesty, congratulations your highness, the prince has passed his first trial".

The demon king went forward, with the prince in his hands " people of the demon realm , today l announce to you that the name of your prince is MA SHAN ".