

Ma Shan was growing rapidly and was loved by everyone around him , people praised him for his beauty and also for the way he behaved even at such a young age .

The king held the boy in his arms, talking to the queen "Shan'er will be there months old in three days and will show his true form , but I feel nervous, it's like something is not right, the blood mark should have shown on his forehead by now ,but nothing is happening , if Shan'er doesn't change into his true form,he will not become the crown prince, you and I know that well ".

" Alright... Alright , it's okay , let's have faith in our son , I believe he will change into his true form easily, and besides , it's still three days away, it's enough for the blood mark to appear, so put your mind at ease , everything is going to be alright" ,she said taking the baby from him .

After the king left, the queen looked at the baby in her hands and said to him " Shan'er , your royal father is worried about you , you must have the blood mark and change into your true form, you mustn't let your father and the Ma family down . Mother believes in you ". The little child looked at his mother and smiled, his blue eyes shining


On the third day , a feast was organized to celebrate the prince three months birthday , all ministers and dignified demons were invited. At the entrance of the slaughter palace, a dark mist covered the whole place with purple lightning, everyone seems to know who has arrived.

Meanwhile, the demon king was pacing in his chamber, he was sad and feeling down " how could this be, after so many years of waiting for a child , I finally had one yet he does not have the blood mark, he's not going to be able to change into his true form ". He was still thinking when one of the servant came to inform him " your majesty, the king of chaos is here ".

"What, my brother ,Ma jing is here, I knew it ..i knew it, he must have known that Shan'er doesn't have the blood mark , so he came to embarrass me ".

At the feast ,Ma jing was talking to the ministers, in a mocking tone ,he said " oh my ...oh my, my little nephew doesn't have the blood mark ,how is he going to change, I really want to see, hahahaha "..

The king and queen arrived at the feast with the prince in his mother's arms ,the priest was already waiting at the alter to perform the ritual for the prince , after seeing that the prince has no blood mark ,he looked at the king who was already dejected. He placed the baby on the alter and began the ritual , after an hour the formation was activated and the essence of the heavens were all gathered into the prince body .

After all the essence were gathered into his body , nothing was happening ,the prince was not showing any sign of changing, and this caused the whole palace to be in an abnormal silence. Amist the silence, the voice of someone laughing sarcastically made the people surprised

" Hahaha, what do you all except, he has no blood mark , how do you expect him to change , hahaha isn't that giving your self false hope. My dear brother , seems like you will have to give the throne to me in the end ,since your precious son is useless, hahaha".

Suddenly, a bright golden light busted out from the alter covering everyone's vision . The light then gathered and move towards the alter , surrounding the creature on the alter to reveal a nine tailed white fox with the tip of it's tails coloured red and three red mark running from its forehead and meeting between his brows to reveal a spiritual third eye. His eyes were shining and were golden in colour.

The maid nearest to the alter shouted " his highness.. his highness has changed into his true form".