
To The Undying

Necromancers can only walk an unholy path! In this world, there are mages and martial artists. Scorned and feared by all, necromancers who possess contracts with the devils. Those necromancers then gain the ability to raise the dead without mana. Here comes the protagonist on a quest to collect different artifacts under the guidance of the Underworld Sovereigns. Hidden under an inexperienced and quick-to-anger cover is her true goal of finding her father. Also will be on RoyalRoad!

WeirdlyHope · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Sovereign of Eternal Rest part (2)

That was the shallow excuse Calypso used to leech several drinks off Axel and Rye. The time she spent with the two flew by in a drunken blur. Crawling to her bed was the last thing Calypso could remember before a veil of sleep fell upon her. Unfortunately, this barely lasted a moment. "Congrats, Congrats!" A voice echoed. A child applauded from a high throne, oversized robed engulfing his adolescent body. This scene would be comical if not for the regal air he exuded.

The pressure in the area showed his authority! If not him, who belonged on this throne?

"Cali, you did well to find the first item." Calypso knew that mocking tone all too well. She approached the child and began to tie his long hair in a disciplined manner. This entity was the fourth Unholy Heir, Nox. Unholy Heirs are the seven sovereign devils in the Underworld. Nox was the Sovereign of Eternal Rest and the only devil who took the form of a child. However, his mannerisms were well-developed and sophisticated, ethereal in all respects.

"I did well? Excluding the elf situation, retrieving the artefact was simple," Calypso showed a wry smile. Of course, it was simple! She had all the details surrounding the artefact mapped out for her. Calypso's only complaint was that she had no idea how to get anywhere besides Capulta Caverns. She would have walked around Dalry searching for an inn if she had not met Rye and Axel.

Nox rested his chin on his palm, eyes looking nowhere in particular. "The next artefact will present you with a far more difficult challenge. I recommend you rest well till Nithar visits." How could she think about resting? Nox invading her dreams would tax her already hung-over body in the morning. Not to mention the upcoming visit from Nithar. The visit could be in the next month, and Calypso would not be mentally prepared. It was not that he was genuinely scary or showed her malice, but his personality was unnerving. If the Underworld followed typical labelling, he would be considered a black sheep.

Nithar was the third Unholy heir and the Sovereign of Sacrifice. Although he spoke in a regal manner, his words gave away that he had different mental functions. Calypso met all the sovereigns before and determined that Nithar was the worst. Her lips parted to complain, but another voice cut her off. "Tolerate it." Nox paid no heed to Calypso's sour expression, leisurely waving her off. There was nothing left to say, and morning would arrive shortly.

The old floorboards sank beneath her weight. Although Calypso could remember crawling to the bed, it became apparent that she did not make it that far. Making it to her room was a miracle in itself. As her aching body needed a few more hours of rest, the next course of action was evident.

Thanks for reading again!

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