
To The Undying

Necromancers can only walk an unholy path! In this world, there are mages and martial artists. Scorned and feared by all, necromancers who possess contracts with the devils. Those necromancers then gain the ability to raise the dead without mana. Here comes the protagonist on a quest to collect different artifacts under the guidance of the Underworld Sovereigns. Hidden under an inexperienced and quick-to-anger cover is her true goal of finding her father. Also will be on RoyalRoad!

WeirdlyHope · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Sovereign of Eternal Rest part (1)

The cavern held no more obstacles for Calypso. Once again, rubble shifted beneath her feet as she strode deeper. The sounds of her steps resembled a war march. As she entered the next chamber, Calypso noticed the smooth surface in the centre of the room. A small sigh escaped her lips at that moment. Finally, no more spelunking! The artefact she searched for lay below the smooth patch of earth. If a group of experienced miners dug to the artifact in question, it would take 2 hours. However, this was where Calypso's luck did not work against her.

The artifact's original owner died while clinging to his only treasure. Unfortunately, Calypso never had much respect for the graves of the dead. It comes with the territory for any practicing necromancer. Easy to say, the artifact holder's grave is toast! Calypso started to chant near the chosen spot, waiting for movement. The area began to shake, and from it emerged a skeletal hand. Within its grasp was a compass in the shape of a hexagon. Despite the years beneath the earth, the item maintained its luster. Even a blind man could feel the peculiar sensation the compass radiated.

Calypso gulped down her saliva before she grabbed the compass, stuffing it into her bag. This piece was the easiest of all the objects she had to obtain in the future, but Cali could not stop the spreading grin. No matter how small the victory was, it is still hers! Raiding graves and stealing treasure like a true treasure hunter! Who cared if she could not live normally? She could at least become the cutest treasure hunter ever!

This enthusiasm did not last long. Calypso soon found herself drained after cleaning up the cave incident. By the time she exited Capulta Cavern, the sky was already dark. She kept her bag wrapped in her arms the entire walk back to the town. Doing so made her quite conspicuous. "Ah!" A voice rang out in shock. Calypso's eyes darted in the direction the sound came. There stood a slender young man, looking at her curiously. He seemed a bit familiar to Calypso. However, she never saw the man next to the boy before. "Pardon me. I believe we met earlier today." The boy showed a sheepish smile before continuing to speak. "I was the one who delivered the note earlier. My name is Rye." The boy then indicated to the man next to him. "And this is my comrade, Axel." What a scary comrade he was.

Axel's body resembled an impenetrable fortress. He easily towered over Calypso and Rye. Perhaps he noticed Calypso blatantly observing him as he switched to a more relaxed posture and beamed. "We were about to head for a drink. Care to join us?" Axel asked. The fatigue on Calypso's face already answered the question. "A Tavern with an inn would be preferable." Calypso decided to kill two birds with one stone. It was easier to follow these two than wander alone until she found an inn. Technically, the two men were not even strangers! She knew both of their names!

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