

Crackle *! Crackle **! Crackle *!

A huge storm was brewing in the skies. The world is dark. With violent winds scattering in grass and leaves.

My Life was cycle of regrets.

I couldn't save anything. Even after all these years I was still melancholic wasn't?...

My life sucks, all my life I was only lowest for the averages people. I was always unlucky with my life.. I'm jobless, poor, full of sadness, and alone with full of anger-

I was once an innocent kid who longed for complete happy family and a stable job..

But- reality hits different..

At the age of 5, I was forced to mature enough to face the reality..

I become an orphan.

Roamed the streets.

Just to survive, I scavenged food in the trash..

Until that day-


It's already been a decades but-

I was only further into the darkness...

Now was my chance to redeem myself from my darkness.

It's not only about REVENGE, when in comes to oblivion of anger..


I have a dark past but-

Looking at the planes window.. She already had a plan to start a new life..

Sunny looked at the other passengers in suite they are all lucky - to haved a normal wonderful life.. Now she finally had a chance to be like them.. A normal citizen -


A sudden sound woke up the young lady from her own thoughts as she looked at her front.

" LOOK-mom!, she's so beautiful, I wanna marry her someday! " A mother and son pair was sitting in front sit. the boy looked to be at 6-7 years old, busy looking at his camera and sneakily looking at sunny shyly...

The boy smiled showing his toothless teeth making sunny felt funny at his innocent looking face..

Look at this silly kid, he's so cute and-

Lovely ? - sunny thought holding her eyes at the pair.. Did the poor thing smashed his teeth out..an innocent child.. I was just like him...

The women smiled at the kid, her flawless perfect face with a touch of femininity. Even a Victoria's secret model will shy away with the girls blatantly beauty. She had Hazel blue eyes, that only 0.1% of the earth population. Adding to the fact that she had a rare eyes, mutation one with Hazel blue eyes and the other is yellowish green eyes with a specks of amber...

Long thick eyelashes and sword like brows.. That any lady will be envious off.. The girl has a beauty that can make you ashamed by just a glance at her perfect face...

The girl has tall height and porcelain white skin... Beneath her hoody is a perfect hourglass body that any man will drooled. Sadly there's nothing perfect.. The girl has a flattest chest.. Making other feels regrets at such a fine beauty.. Especially (boys).

Looking at the pouting kid crunching his throbbing ears..

"mom-" the boy said in anger and embarrassment from his new found crush.. The little pouted at his mom, shyly glancing at the beautiful lady.


"i-im sorry about him, dear.. This little munchkin -" the mother scold her son. Though she can't deny his sons preferences, the girl is really beautiful, if she hadn't marry her bastard husband, she will hock up with the girl, even it's only one night stand...

"it's okay-" Sunny said in low voice and smiled at the pair.. She doesn't give a fuck with anyone... Tapping her phone she glanced at the same time in the stewards seats...

Looking at them they look like posh..

"italy?"the mother asked.

Sunny looked outside the dark clouds hovering in the front.. Frowning at the storm brewing, she looked at the pilots door..

" no" sunny blandly said as she looks back at the clouds in confusion.. Why the hell is the plane not moving out in the clouds.. Do they need to fly past it?...

It's too dangerous

"I'm from bohol, half Filipino, half Pinay." I turned back at the duo smirking playfully, the mother nodded in understanding, making the young girl laugh softly.. Well she's natural born Australian but she had a root in Philippines, especially that memorable time in her vacation from dirty work.. She met someone interesting.

The mother didn't get her light jokes but sunny offered her hands out. It doesn't really matter if she give a friendly convo. She will HAVED a new life anyway.

"I'm Su-" the girl didn't get to finish her words when the plane shakes harshly, stumbling the stewards in the floor..

The people swayed as the seats.

The plane was having a turbulence..!!

Looking at the panicking passengers in the seat... Some shouting in fear, others are passed out from fear, some crying and praying to God's, sunny glanced at the rolling stewards...

Calm down its just probably some winds, sunny thoughts as she checked the planes window.. The clouds are dark.. It's probably night with only crackling sounds of mad heavens.

The place itself looks like a boat with some sharks banging its walls..

Despite tasting her own acid in stomach, sunny tried to hold her balance... Thankfully she had still a seat belt on...

"what-the-fuck-are-those-pilots-doing-" sunny muttered in anger.. This was supposed to be her happy day...

Clang. **!

A loudspeaker echoed into the plane..

"h-hello, we're currently under some turbulence -" the pilot didn't get to finish his words when a loud curling scream resonates at the speaker..


the crowds turned in silent, ... The plane dropped some inhalers,.. The plane was showing some holes in the process.

" MOTHER FUCKERS,!! I DON'T WANNA DIE IN PLANE CRUSH-!!!!" the pretty faced girl wearing a black hoodie with sounds speaker on, couldn't hold back her fear anymore as she passed out from a flying object...

"THIS-IS-PROBABLY RETRIBUTION *" Sunny thought in bitterness as the memories of her life flashed in her brain...



This is her first love-

yes-sunny is gay everyone...


WOMEN are beautiful.. ~

"I hope when I love in my next life, I'll see her again..." sunny closed her eyes bitterly... She can't grab a parachute, with her paralyzed legs, it's impossible... She knew it's her end..

Aged 42, Sunny Thanus a skilled hit man in earth, no. 1 most feared criminals in the world "THEBLACKMOON" died at a plane crash.

Or so was, she thought -....
