
Chapter 1 (MAN BIRD! ")



Pain. *!!

How painful..!, my head throbbed in pain after gaining a consciousness.. Everything feels surreal..

It's not like it's my first time feeling this, with everyday sleep paralysis, I've grown to wait until I woke up in my sleep..


As the eerie silent sounds ribrated into me.. My hearing comes back to me. But I can't still moved my body. A numbness tingling on my body as I tried to wiggle my muscles but sadly I couldn't somehow find a way to move it.

" is this the feeling of dead?"

Wait-isn't being dead, unfeeling..

LIKE every scientist said if you die, your body will lose the feeling bit by bit as then the senses and feeling...

"did I get vegetative state?" I thought out loud in panic. After remembering the planes crash and how did my body died in there I was sure, I was going to not make it. The moment my head flew out in my body and multitude metal pierced into my decapitated body..

So painful.. * that's the only thing that crossed sunny after gaining consciousness. As the pain traveled across her head.. It's like pierced into the head with pole, again and again with some twist added into it. I've tried to feel my body. Feeling weak, I've tried to sit up and figure out how did I get here. Waiting for the pain to subsidize, I wait patiently to familiaze myself.

As the cold winds caress my skin, I figured out.. I was laying in unfamiliar cold floor. As the darkness eliminate the walls with only the lamp to light the unfamiliar place ..

As I stand up in confusion, I've tried to walk in the place feeling restlessness..

Standing in stupor, I was met with a bronze old mirror... A girl looked at me in a few minutes only to find out, its actually me.

"what kind of divine or person is this?" Sunny thought as she touched her face..

Her head throb from the pain.. She felt weak because of it..

Sunny was in uproar, who wouldn't be?... If you wake up in unfamiliar place and found out, your face changed dramatically...

The face itched its shock in front of her.

It's not about beauty that she felt flabbergasted, becouse the face itself had none of it.

She didn't recognized the face in front of her.. This lame lady in front of her was unfamiliar.. A haggard looking teenager stood up in front of the puddle water. With the moon that only give lights on the unknown place.

"t-this can't be right...!!" sunny said in desbelief.

Wrong body, Death, Unfamiliar Place, Plane Crash-... No... This can't be right!, she was supposed to be dead at the plane.!

"Fuck..!!, I REINCARNATED..!!" sunny said in horror as she cursed out loud... This is the only absurd thing to think about....

Cough.. **!!

the girl stopped her breath in disgust as she frowned from the foul smell coming out of her mouth...

"disgus-!!" the girl didn't get to finish her sentence when, she inhaled her breath, in every sentence she said... The smell flows into her mouth..

Tearfully she looked back , also crying in resentment...

She knew it's real, she wasn't dreaming... Her breathe proved her at that point...

Well actually the smell slapped her hard at the reality. The foul smell felt so sureal to eat fake.. Her spirits immediately forced her to wake up from daze.

A nauseating smell can be an effective way for someone to wake up.

Immediately she felt like double dead from her situations...

"pls give my life backwards -" sunny prayed in defeat at the gods who dumped her in this situation... Carefully not speaking out loud...

She wasn't that hygiene freak, but this was another history.. " disgusting shit.. -!" crying internally she immediately looked for any water in nearby... The most important thing to do is cure her God damn, bad breathe..

Covering her mouth she proceeded to look at her surroundings, it's so dark, like in the middle of the woods.

"was I, alone?" sunny thought as she look the surrounding area ..

"it sounds, funny-" sunny thought as she picked a sound... Hearing a crying sounds far away.

It's dark outside with only fireflies illuminated the dark woods outside.

"I need some info.. In this disturbing matter" I muttered in defeat.. Looking at the unfamiliar things in situations. . She wasn't that dumb to panic and think about how to go back in old body.. If she was still in earth, even if she killed herself now theres a slim chance she will go back. Or was she actually reincarnated..

"cococroo **!!

A wild spooky sounds vibrated at the same time ..

Frowning sunny look up to find a black small crow, aproching in the black branches of the dead tree. staring the surrounding area in killing intent with it.. Making sunny her frown and immediately laid back in her usual position. Or precisely hide back in the muddy ground she laid-off...


" is this magical world?? "wait a minute is this like some sort of cultivating, pills, and flicking a mountain into dust.. Or some sort like I read novels and animes... Laying in bed thinking of the possibilities of her situation.

" it's really hard to survive as a bird.. "the crow said in taunting manner.. As I felt its stared up in the dark sky.. With a storm brewing on it...

Puff-... **!

A sounds of multiple bones vibrated into the room..

"no human.." the voice said as it locked its lips in hunger..

Fuck-the crow is a cannibal.!, I felt my body go numb in nervousness as I tried to pry open my eyes on the nearing creature..

" wtf...! " sunny said in her mind.. Who wouldn't be.. In the middle of the night a hideous looking creature straight out from the kids nightmare, in front of you.


The black crow changed its form into humanoid with a glazing red eyes stared at the surroundings menacingly. 7 feet hideous slim body It' had a black hairy skin, red eyes, and big sharp claws. The creature checked the surroundings and immediately changed back to its form and flew back.

Is that a talking bird?..

"NOW I'M SURE THIS ISN'T EARTH" sunny looked up the ceiling.. Her mind immediately flash an important thing.. Opening her mouth in anticipation. for scream. This is the first time she felt dread..

Sunny read about some novels in her spare time.. She felt connected to the Mc's in the anime, or some wuxia novels.. They had a Common...

"a hope to have a better life.."

that's the essence of desire, without a power to clasp with the governments rules.. We only hope to be in another place to HAVED a better life..

But this isn't right..-

"tangina!" sunny cursed in her mind.. As she thought she was really unlucky..

"menu..!, interspace..!

Wait-a minute maybe I was saying wrong words let's give it a little try.. Sunny felt fear

" system.? System interspace! Shit-"sunny robbed her temples as she tried to think..

A loud sounds of SIGHS, ribrate into the woods... at the moment... Sunny heart beat leaped in nervousness.

Sunny felt her heart beat stopped as she looks at the blood mark left by the crow..,


Calming herself in the situation, sunny didn't want to be panicked with the unknown, the best thing to do is relax.

" am I unlucky to the point where, I don't HAVED any golden finger?.


The old owner doesn't give her some memories like other transmigrated, novels she read in her past.... but felt shit also, wheres her golden finger..!.

Frowning sunny smartly go towards the outside , she doesn't want to act like a fool and blow her head up with the windy air of the place. Who knows when a wondering rocks flew out in her direction.

This is dangerous place even for her, a cannibalism bird.


Opening her cold eyes she eyed the clothes hanging in the bushes.

A dirty white dress with some little patches... Probably bathed in millionium ages based on it appearance...

The clothe really look like rags if it's even in low districts standard in earth's. The rough texture of the linen felt so unright.

"I need to get out here." she muttered in dispirited manner, the girl give out a sigh and look out the rocks. Only to be stiffened on her sights.

There was a group of 5 people in the side river. As the trespassers neared at sunny, she immediately hide beneath the rocks.

"guys, I think we're lost - " a deep voice man asked in fear as he asked his companions.

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HI it's me, angel author niyow-

LIKE my stories so far..

Pls, give this book a chance.. The Mc was still developing.