
To meet the past (Boruto Fanfic)

Where are they? How did they end up here? Just minutes before they had been... ...ambushed. And then.... ...then what? Team 10 and Team 7 find themselves in a tough position when they somehow wake up in the past. What will they do? How will they get back? And what's that around Shikadai's neck?

ZephyrVII · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Chapter 2


'Hmm?' Boruto thought as he rubbed his eyes. Why was it so windy?



"BORUTO!" Sarada screamed with desperation.

Boruto snapped his eyes open.

"Wha-AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Boruto screams with his hands on his face.

"EVERYBODY HOLD ON TO EACH OTHER!!" Sarada yells over the extreme winds.

ChoCho flapped her arms trying to stay straight.

Inojin held onto ChoCho to stop her from spinning.

Mitsuki simply watched the sunset as he fell.

Who knew free falling from 200 meters in the air was this beautiful...


...yet terrifying.

"Wait! Where's Shikadai!?" Inojin seemed to notice the absence of his teammate.

Boruto looked around in a panic while Sarada activated her sharingan.

"Over there!!" She pointed off in the distance and they could faintly see him.

"He looks unconscious!" She yelled. Sarada looked to her side where ChoCho was.

Key word 'was'.

The moment they saw Shikadai, Inojin and ChoCho had left. Maneuvering through the harsh winds as they fell, they eventually reached him.

"Crap!" Inojin noticed they were quickly approaching a piece of the mountain they were above. He quickly drew a bird on his scroll and summoned it but had to take a second for his vision to refocus. That one jutsu drained alot out of him.

No, it wasnt the jutsu.

Why was he so tired?

After catching Shikadai, himself and ChoCho, he quickly flew towards the other three.

- - -

"What the hell was that!!?" Boruto exclaimed.

"I don't know..." Sarada too, was at a loss for words.

After landing, Inojin and Sarada had to take a second to replenish their energy.

They didn't know why their chakra was so low.

Shikadai was still unconscious and had signs chakra exhaustion.

'Is it connected to what happened before we ended up in the sky? Did it drain our chakra?' Sarada thought.


"Hmm?" Boruto stopped his yelling to look at his teammate.

"Transfer Shikadai some of your chakra. His is dangerously low." She stated as she crouched down next to Shikadai's still form.

"...ok." He said nervously as he started to transfer some of his chakra to Shikadai.


""Shikadai!"" Inojin and ChoCho coursed at the same time, although Inojin a bit less loud.

"Wha' happ'nd?" He slurred as he tried to get up. Sarada pushed him back down.

"We were hoping you knew." She said, hope slowly diminishing.

"Why-" Shikadai cut himself off as he remembered what had happened. He slowly looked down to his chest to see the hourglass still there.

He let out a sigh of relief. If it had broken he didn't know what exactly he would tell his dad. It seemed even more important now that he knows it can levitate you into the air and seemingly teleport you to some random place in the sky.

"Let's just go back home and give this thing to my dad. I feel nervous just holding it." He said with a another sigh.

'What a serious drag.'

"I can hold it-" Boruto started.

"NO!" Everybody yelled. They had sensed the importance of it as well.

- - -

"I'm hungrryyyyy!" ChoCho complained.

"We'll be there soon ChoCho." Sarada simply stated before looking back foward to continue their treck home.

Mitsuki smiled and patted ChoCho on the shoulder as she whined some more. He read that it was supposed to be comforting. His smile slowly dissapeared though as he looked up at the darkened sky.

'Something feels wrong...' He looked back foward. 'Are we even going towards Konoha? It doesn't feel right.' He thought with a frown.

"I can't take it anymore!" ChoCho said as she fell to the ground with a thump.

"We've been walking foreeeeveeer! I need a break- and food." She said as she leaned her back against a tree.

"Oh come on! We took a break for you less then 30 minutes ago!" Boruto yelled as he pointed his finger towards her.

"Chill out Boruto. She gets tired easily without her food. Which you took her away from to show us some crystal ball that actually turned out to be a trap set by my mother and uncle." Inojin stated with a deadly smile.

"Wait, trap?" Sarada asked.

"Yes. They had warned the three of us-" He gestured towards himself, Shikadai, and ChoCho "-that they were going to put traps half a mile or so away from the border. We had no clue it would be in the shape of a blue crystal ball though." Inojin said with his arms in the air in a show of innocence.

"Nor did we know Boruto would lead us straight into one." ChoCho said tiredly.

"Its not my fault!" He yelled.

"Nor did we know it would even work." Shikadai stated as he rest his head on his hand, ignoring Boruto.

"On that topic, what exactly happened with that thing?" Mitsuki asked, pointing towards the hourglass still around Shikadai's neck.

"I'm curious too. The reason we're even here is because of it." Sarada said, crossing her arms and giving Shikadai a pointed look.

*sigh* "What a drag. I don't really know what happened. I found it in my grandmas shed and it looked important. Plus, it was underneath the box that my dad freaked out about so I took it to bring to him" He started.

"Then you got kidnapped by our friendly neighborhood troublemaker." Sarada continued.

"I'm right here!" Boruto said with a tick mark on his forehead. They paid him no mind though.

"Right. Remember when I reached my arms out towards you and Boruto?" He asked.

Sarada flinched. "You mean when we were about to..."

"Yeah-really stupid move by the way." Inojin piped up from behind Shikadai.

"I had a plan to stop them okay? Or at least I did." Shikadai scratched the back of his head.


"Yeah, before I could carry it out my body froze and then we all started flying. Next thing I knew I couldn't take my eyes away from the hourglass."

"As if in a trance." ChoCho said in a dreamy voice, moving her arms in a magical motion.

They all sweatdropped at her antics.

"And then you said 'Shimamis Naka' or something like that right?" Boruto asked.

"Where in the hell did you hear Shimamis Naka?" Sarada asked, looking done with Boruto.

"That's what he said!" Boruto yelled, looking at Shikadai.

"He said Shikaku Nara you dimwit!" Sarada punched the top of his head.

"OW! Sorry I don't have good hearing like you! Gosh..." Boruto held his head.

"Its alright Boruto. If it makes you feel better, I didn't hear Shikadai say anything at all." Mitsuki said with a placating smile.

"Hmm..." Shikadai looked toward the grass as he thought.

"Hm... anyway! We've rested enough. Let's go!" Sarada, ever the focused one, said while clapping her hands.

Shikadai got up and started to stretch. He really couldn't wait till he gave this to his dad. It felt like to much of a responsibility for him to carry. Something about it felt dangerous.

As they started walking, something caught the corner of Shikadai's eye. He stopped and walked towards the bushes.

"Shikadai! What are you doing?" Boruto called back to him.

He didn't get a response.

"Jeez, I swear... I'm getting tired of getting ignored. " Boruto cursed under his breath as he started walking back towards Shikadai.

"What are you doing." He asked while grabbing Shikadai's shoulder. Shikadai still said nothing. He just looked foward with a face full of shock.

Boruto narrowed his eyes. "What are you looking... at..." Boruto paused as well when he looked.

"Ne, how long do yo-" ChoCho had started to ask Shikadai but stopped when she noticed he and Boruto were gone.

"Saradaaa, Boruto and Shikadai stopped." ChoCho sang.

If she couldn't take her breaks when she wanted to then they couldn't either!

"Huh? Oi! What are you two doing!?" She yelled, running up to them. The others followed.

"Hello?" She waved her hand in front of Boruto's face.

Boruto gently grabbed her hand and pulled it down.

Sarada looked at their shocked faces.

'What are they looking at?' She thought.

There was leaves from the bushes in her way so she pushed them aside to give the rest of them a view...


All of their jaws dropped.

"...are we sure we're not in a genjutsu right now?" Shikadai asked.

"...yup..." Our resident sharingan user supplied.

"Oh my." Mitsuki eyes were wide open. He had gone to the hokage monument with his parent the day before and he was pretty sure there were seven faces.

But the hokage monument he was looking at right now did not have seven faces.

It had five.

- - -

"Any traces?" Naruto asked hopefully.

"No lord seventh. We apologize." The Anbu captain said with his head bowed.

*sigh* "Its fine, you may go." Naruto sat back down in his chair.

"We'll find them." Naruto's advisor Shikamaru, said. It almost sounded as if he was trying to convince himself rather than his friend.

"Your right. We will." Naruto said with conviction.

"SIR!" Both ninjas whipped their heads up as a chunnin came barging in.

Seeming to remember where he was he apologized.

"I apologize for barging in without permission ir!" He bowed down. "But I found this half a mile away from the borders of konoha sir!" The chunnin took out the half empty bag of chips from behind his back.

"A bag... of chips?" Naruto tilted his head to the side in confusion.

Shikamarus eyes widened in recognition.

"Not just any bag of chips. Its ChoCho's." He said, taking it from the chunnin.

"Why would ChoCho's bag of chips be all the way out there?" Naruto asked with disdain.


"They mightve been kidnapped." Temari slammed the door open and came in along with Sasuke, Sakura, Choji, and Ino. She looked pissed.

"Temari?" Shikamaru asked.

She looked Shikamaru in the eyes. "Theres signs of struggle in our backyard near the shed.

Shikamaru's eyes widened at that. The shed was where he last saw his son. When he told him to continue working without him as he ran towards the house with his father's box in hand.

But their backyard was apart of the Nara forest and he hadn't sensed anyone that didn't belong in there. Except for Boruto.

He told the rest of the occupants in the room exactly that.

"Maybe Boruto was taking him to go hang out or something." Sakura suggested.

"He did say before he left the house that he was going to hang out with Shikadai..." Hinata said.

"But he knew that Shikadai was busy today. We told him yesterday when he was over." Temari said with a frown.

". . ."

*sigh* "Were getting nowhere with this. Temari."

Temari's head turned to Naruto.

"Have your brothers gotten back to you yet?" He asked, hopeful.

"They did. They said they were going to investigate into it when they could and provide as much help as possible." She said.

"Good, good. Then, for now we keep an eye out." Naruto glanced at the darkened sky through the window. "I'd tell you guys to go home and get some rest but I doubt any of you would actually do that." He said with a chuckle.

He face turned serious.

"Go find our children."

They all left and started to look for clues-anything that could point to where their children had gone.

Shikamaru figured he'd start with the last place he saw Shikadai.

The shed.

- - -

"...Mitsuki and his friends has gone missing?" A sly voice asked.

"Yes. Lord seventh already has people working on finding them. He sent me over to inform you so you may help if you so wish." The anbu said, unhesitantly.

"Hmm, alright. You may go now." The sly voice replied.

The Anbu dissapeared and left a couple of leaves in his wake.

Orochimaru frowned at that.

*sigh* "Those konoha shinobi always leave a mess behind. It's annoying." He bent down to pic up a leaf.

"Now..." He smiled viciously.

"Time to find the one who took my child." He crushed the leaf in his hand.

- - -

"...ok... so let me get this straight. That hourglass thing-" she pointed to the thing still around Shikadai's neck "-brought us... back in time?" She whispered the last part as if it hurt her pride to say it. It probably did seeing as her father had left with Boruto to go back in time once, thus leaving her behind.

The possibily of being back in time just also seemed so unreal.

They had decided to enter the village after they had seen the hokage monument.The guards let them through due to their ninja headbands although they gave them weird looks.

Shikadai cringed.

Their clothes were alot more brighter in color and way too different in design to pass off as clothes from this Era.

They were going to have to change their clothes weren't they? And most definitely change the way they looked before someone found a resemblance to their parents.


'How troublesome.'

- - -

"Do I have to wear this?" ChoCho asked, looking at her new clothes in disgust.

"For now, yes." Shikadai said as he fixed his hair.

Shikadai had changed his shirt to get rid of the Nara clan symbol and had settled for a dark green long sleeve shirt. He had a black cloak-

"Why do YOU get a blanket?" Boruto complained, hugging himself as his teeth chattered.

Ahem... he had black blanket tied around his neck, acting as a cloak. The hourglass tucked away safely within his new shirt.

Much to his dislike, he had to let his hair down from its ponytail. Otherwise he would REALLY look like his father. He instead settled for taking two little handfuls of hair from the side of his face and tying it back.

It was starting to get colder so they were all wearing winter based clothing.

Shikadai noted that it wasn't anywhere near winter when they had left.

ChoCho had changed into her skinny form and changed her kimono to a dark blue winter dress.

"Arg!" Sarada was trying to tie her hair in a ponytail but it kept falling out. She had settled for a red kimono based for ninjas.

Boruto wore brown contacts that he got from Mitsuki. Where Mitsuki had gotten them, nobody knows.

Mitsuki and Inojin themselves didn't need to change anything.

"Soooooo... what now?" Boruto asked lamely.

". . ."

". . ."

Nobody knew what to do next now that they had their disguise.

"...well we need a backstory right?" Mitsuki said helpfully.

"Your right! Let's see..." Sarada got into a thinking pose.

"We could say that we're traveling..." She started.

"Without parental guidance or a guardian?" Shikadai said.

"Were siblings who got lost...?" Boruto piped in.

"We look nothing alike and that's some bad sense of direction that we ALL somehow manage to have." Shikadai said back.

"I don't get it, are we acting like civilians?" ChoCho asked.

"No, our chakra levels are too high and were not good enough at masking it anyway. They'll just notice we're lying and become suspicious of us. Which is the exact opposite of what we want."

"What DO we want?" Inojin asked?

"To stay low until we find something that can help us get back home."

"Why not ask for help?" Mitsuki asked.

"...if word gets out and rumors start to spread about how we have a key to time travel..." Shikadai looks at where he hid the hourglass.

They all paused at that. They could be in some serious trouble if the wrong person got their hands on that. Plus, it IS their only key home.

"...ok. Ok! It's okay. We can do this." Sarada said. "First let's get some sleep. We'll try to find some leads tomorrow."