
The trap

The gun was obviously not loaded... Did she know that? She didn't hesitate for a bit, even this other man she's with barely had time to stand up in panic. Now she's calmly handing me back the pistol. Ah, her hand's trembling... I like it better like this, but I still fell overwhelmed a little. What's wrong with these two? A coward and an idiot... Something seems wrong.

The General is laughing his life out, obviously. Sometimes it really seems like he's treating all of this like nothing more than a game. If he weren't such a good leader and my life saviour, I could never tolerate this behaviour, especially from a superior.

I'm tired. I should have already inspected my men by now and sent them to bed. I wonder how much longer we're gonna waste in this damn hole...

"This woman is a spy."

"?!... General?"

What on earth is he thinking now? I look at her. She's frozen with fear. Hmm... Well, that doesn't say much. Either answer could be true. Then what about the man? He just grabbed the girl and pushed her at his back. A normal gesture, right? But then why is even the general so keen on this..?

"Leon! This is an order... You have one week to find out the truth, or I'll make you marry the girl and dismiss you for good!"

(Hahah, that's right, that's exactly the face I wanted to see on you, boy. Don't look away in anger and blush, you're too old for that..)

"I don't understand, sir. Do you want her to be a spy? Do you want me to fail?.. What am I... supposed to do? "

My voice betrays me? I should have sounded revolted and bored, as I myself am, not... insecure....

"Suit yourself, boy. Nothing's out of the question, since it's in your line of duty. You'll have to live together, that's for sure, but for the rest, it's up to you."

Ah, so troublesome. I can feel his mocking smile even if I don't look his way. This woman... she looks even more shocked than I. I suppose that should put me at ease. And then there's this man... they really don't look anything alike, at second thought. He looks ready to stab me at any time. Some other look than he had until now. I guess family really is something in the end. So what? I just have to do my job as usual, nothing more. Watch the girl for a few days, make sure she's clean, than I'm free to take my duties seriously again. Yes, that's all I need. I'll just get this unexpected problem over with quickly.

"I see. Let's go then".

What's with this turn of events? I wasn't ready.. what's the General thinking? He said I was a spy. Is it really that obvious? And what about ordering his lieutenant to guard me? I'm kind of scared of him.

He turned around and is leaving. What am I supposed to do? Follow him? And wait for another chance at the general? Should I ask to be watched by him personally, since such a measure is needed? But who am I to make such a demand... And I can't let him know what it is that I'm after. But being obediant doesn't guarantee me my safety. And Marcus? What about him?


The General is staring at me.

"This is your chance at freedom. Convince lieutenant Leon and I'll set you both free, you and your brother. Do we have a deal?"

"Y-yes, sir".

I have no choice. It's Marcus. But he won't let go of my arm.

"It's all right, I'll be back", I say and hurry up  to that man. I start running until I catch up with him. He's not even checking if I'm behind him or not. We walk a few corridors and pass through the huge crown hall and up the left wing stairs... Is this a coincidence...? We arrive in front of my old bedroom. He opens the door and lets me enter first.

This should do. I'll let her stay here and I'll sleep downstairs. Richard will be thrilled to have me anyway... I don't keep any military documents in here, so it should be alright.

"Get some rest. I'll have someone get you some supper."

She doesn't say anything. Maybe she's just uncomfortable around me. Huh, what am I thinking! She has no reason to be in high spirits. A spy and a woman on top of it.. she doesn't stand a chance... None of my business, anyway.

He's leaving. Thank God. I'm so cold and sleepy. I guess there's nothing else to do for now. And this is my bed. Well, even so, I can't have him misunderstand. I'll just take the armchair...

"Leon! Haha, I'm so glad!"

Richard is as hard to read as ever. Despite his easy appearance and moods. Sometimes I wonder... He familiarly puts his arm around my shoulders. He knows I dislike it, but so do I know he enjoys showing off our life-long friendship, so I don't mind if it's him. His room is full, naturally. One of the voices speaks up ironically.

"Captain Richard, that's so cruel of you! Selfishly depriving lieutenant Leon of his lovely company this evening!"

"By my word, I didn't know!" says Richard a bit confused and looks at me. "I didn't invite him, since he refuses so often..?"

I sense the hidden question.

"It's nothing like that. Anyways, I'll just stay here tonight. I feel like drinking."

What's with Richard's gaze all of a sudden... He suddenly looks like he's got some human feelings somewhere inside.

"I'm curious, he whispers in my ear. What on earth could have possibly made you run away like that?"

I smile.

"Did you actually think I wouldn't have anything I fear?"

Richard laughts and then loudly adresses everyone:

"Hey, I'll put a good word to my father for anyone who can tell me right now Leon's weakness!"

"Are you mocking us, Richard?"

Another captain aproaches us and frees me from Richard's arm.

"Come one, let's have some fun. You too, Leon."