

The glare Tariq shot at Kora made him silent:

"How can you think like the people we are fighting? Disgusting you say, don't you know it's the Adams involve that made these little ones this way? I can't believe how despicable you are at heart. Let's go everyone."

Tariq carried four kids in his arms while Zora and Anko packed two kids each. Idalia had already flown away. Keturah also had two kids in her arms. They were lucky not to be attacked by the XY specimen guarding the facility because Tariq had stayed up for days using Nirvana to fight them all. Although Kira was around and hiding somewhere or plotting. At the moment all that Tariq cared about was saving the little ones. He was disappointed at Kora. While they were about to run away Kora decided in the last minute to get the lady who had so many tubes connected to her body even though she was almost lifeless. He thought she might help and even if she doesn't, she will at least get a befitting burial.