

I'm a boy.

There is really nothing extraordinary about me. I don't know how to start but I'm starting anyways. I actually seem boring but I do have interesting stuff to tell.

I still don't know how to start and I do t talk that much. I do most of my talking in my mind and I don't like to be put on the spot.

To get to know me, you should know a few things about me.

First, I don't like talking. Again, I have two siblings and lastly, my father is not rich.

The last part is not a problem because most of my friends don't have rich parents so we don't care.

My father is a farmer and you don't want to be in his bad books or cross him. Mama is just sweet but we still end up getting into trouble with her sometimes.

I think that's all you need to know about me.

I leave the rest for later. But I'm boring so don't expect much like I said.