
Don't Move [+18]

T/W: NSFW content… I don't know how I ended up writing smut… but here is the first part. *yeets to hide in shame*


Slender fingers took hold of XueYa's wrist, and before he knew it, LiangLin had flipped their position. XueYa was on his back on the bed, with the snake straddling him beneath his body. Slender thighs pressed into his hips on both sides, blushing knees dug into the bedsheets.

XueYa's breath caught in his throat as he let his gaze roam over the naked body on top of him, mesmerized by the bare flesh.

The snake god smiled down at him, eyes tinted red, clouded over with lust - a hint of victory swirling within the dark wells. LiangLin's tongue slid out to lick at his plump lips, slicking it with saliva, and XueYa felt his body itch with expectation. His hard-on was painfully strained and under LiangLin's mercy.