
to blame

A group of rich kids trailed down to lake Kivu from Kigali in most ecstatic trip where they escaped to the lake without their parents permission. While they unleash the permanent ropes put on by their parents thinking that they are finally tasting freedom but little do they know that they are falling instead to the honest kidnappers who goes by the name judges. The judges don't need money as a ransom but want something more valuable. During the trip and kidnapping, they get to know the deadly secrets of each other and moreover they get to know the horrendous sins of their parents. The whole country is shook by the exposed crimes of their parents and after that the country will never be the same. *********************** Would do something lawfully wrong to do what's morally right? Could you risk your life over your beliefs? "I am a man of my words, I didn't promise them better life or life at all, I promised them justice and I am giving them justice" (This novel consist of verbal abuse, physical abuse, extreme violence, mature language, tense emotions. I therefore warn you if you are easily triggered.) This is a work of fiction.

9cappucino · สมจริง
12 Chs

Worst of best

~~Stone cold by Demi Lovato~~~

Six years ago....

It was Linda's fifteenth birthday.

And that meant a small party at Kabera's mansion which included the elite group and their family.

The children laughter died slowly as they ran into the backyard leaving the teenager and adults in the front yard, it was always Bwiza anna the sibling of Chloe, Ineza Clara siblings of Ritah and Rema Mercy the younger brother of Bill, this kids always had games to play no matter which situation or place, it was always a sight to see for the others.

The devious children ran far from the crowd laughing mischievously clearly implying that whatever they were about to do wasn't very nice but no one minded harmless pranks from them because they had had worst with the kids who recently graduated, when they were also young, they didn't do pranks, they caused chaos.

There was this time where Bill and Hughes hid themselves in different suitcases during hide and seek only to be lifted by their fathers ended up on Kanombe airport, their parents were shocked beyond words that they decided to stop their business trip to consult their children sanity.

But that wasn't worst compared to when Manzi, Ritah and Chloe decided that they should get painted as rainbows and painted numerous colors on themselves resulting into a serious asthma attack from Ritah who have inhaled too much acidic smell from the Ameki color paints.

If someone mention disastrous, there was this time David, Hughes and Linda built a house in mud and small rocks outside the Kabera's mansion but the mud and stone wasn't very faithful when it decide to fall on David who was inside the mud house while others have went to fetch water and mud which left a permanent moon shaped scar on his forehead.

But in all that mischief and chaos, they caused, Shema was nowhere to be seen or he was around only watching making sure that Linda doesn't get hurt and it reflects on him, He was always expected to act mature for his age, he never played with others as his father always told him it was idiotic to play such fool games, he always sat in the window staring outside while Linda played happily running through their large garden with the other kids, he tried to feel resentful toward them for playing such fool games but his heart ache to every time he heard childish laughter echoing through the garden, he sometimes wanted to defy his father but feared that his father would be enraged and beat his mother.

Mugesha Fiston was standing next to Habakuki Jean Marie Vianney and Nyinawayo Gloria the wife of Ruremesha Claude, mama chloe tasting the local beer inkangaza  which was made from banana and honey baked which Sibomana Jean de dieu claimed to be original and that he got it from Kayonza district, they were trying to prove who is a great taster of alcohol but Gloria was proving to be more experienced.

Teta Shadia and Rugero Ivan the older siblings of Manzi and David respectively were standing on the balcony chatting as it was almost four months since they last talked face to face, they last talked to each in person when they were to depart to go to study in Canada but in different counties and Linda's birthday was a better opportunity to meet and talk as they were closer to each other than to any other elite kids because they grew along each other given that they were the same age and oldest.

Uwase Natalia the wife of Sibomana mama Bill was serving the birthday cake smiling but neglected her duty as she stopped to gossip with her namesake Usanase Natalia the wife of Habakuki that they didn't even notice Mugesha Bruno who took the plate away.

Mugesha Bruno placed the plate in front of his twin, Mugesha Brian, his older brother, Hughes and David who were playing mortal combat on turns, they always played it but ended up arguing saying one of them cheated but it was always Hughes they were against and it always resulted into a dancing mini contest.

Uwera Assumpta the wife of Kabera, mama Shema and Ituze Agnes the wife of Rubagisha, mama Teta were in the kitchen making the last desserts 'french crepes'  talking usually about life, it was a striking difference how Assumpta was a humble woman and more younger while Ituze oozed pure confidence and was older but they were best friends as Assumpta always confided in Agnes.

Bill smoking his cigarette on the other left side balcony next to Manzi who was staring into space. If someone looked closely both of them including Shema who was in the basement trying to count the number of drinks left, they all acted like outcast in the elites families, they always seemed like they belong somewhere else.

Rubagisha Faustin and Iyamuremye William were sitting in the corner of the salon trying talking about how Rayon sport should have defeated APR FC if they have changed the attackers in the 50th minute.

Chloe have insisted that the girls make a fantastic live video everyone complementing Linda as it was her birthday, everyone was against the whole idea saying that it was too vulgar and that only the slay queens did that but you could never say no to Chloe as she was very persuasive (she promised them that she would take them to Switch, a popular restaurant or else she would make sure they wake up with no hair).

And  that ended up with Ritah, Linda and Keza Louange the older sister of Rita sitting in front of the phone with smug faces their voices coming out as leeches but the video ended up being much fun as they laughed at their smugness.

Kabera and Ruremesha also sat in the corner of the house looking serious in their conversation with no trace of Kabera usual smile, it looked as if Ruremesha was reporting something to him and whatever it was, it didn't look as if it was good news.

Sibomana was enticing Kayitesi Beatrice and Nirere Josiane, mama louange the wife of Mugesha with his fantastic tale about his travel in Birunga where a gorilla went in psycho mode when he hit his chest and they had to put it to sleep.

Shema came from the basement and handed a cork-opener and the Alcoholic champagne to Sibomana who gladly stopped talking to show off his skills, everyone outside entered to have some champagne except the kids who were playing with the household dog in the backyard.

Sibomana opened the champagne carefully making sure not too much was spilled, everyone clapped admiringly and he handed it to Shema who responsibly started to pull some in adults' glasses.

"How I wish I had a son like you instead I am stuck with lazy girls who can't even clean their room!" Gloria mama chloe said admiringly as he patted his cheek, she pinched his cheek smiling, he smiled back awkwardly, inkangaza looked as if it had done it job very or overdone it.

"That's not necessary....Mama chloe"

"I know, he is such a beautiful sight" Uwase Natalia Mama Bill joined in smiling at him and she brushed her hand on his bare arm which bothered Shema because the older women were turning pedophile on him.

"Mama Bill..."

He looked around for help and met his father's eyes who was already staring at him back indicating that everyone was hearing the conversation.

"I heard that he passed the national exam with flying marks " Sibomana said with a thin smile but his eyes shone with envy as he knew that his son Bill couldn't even lick Shema's shoes "73 marks, I am impressed"

"The brains and the looks your father must be proud"Rubagisha said as he elbowed Kabera in the ribs playful but Kabera only gave him a bitter smile.

"Of course, afterall his son is stepping in his shoes" Kabera replied after considerating or the pro and cons, his words clearly carrying other meaning, his eyes bore into Shema's eyes  your father is clearly happy in heaven but I always get the last laugh.

Shema stiffened obviously seeing that there was a subtext but no clue what it was.

"Thank... you?" He answered scratching the back of his head.

"I bet you are his favorite child" Habakuki said beaming as the inkangaza clearly indicated that it have done it's job as he was beaming a reaction opposite to his permanent angry face.

Linda almost choked on air stopped stealing a sip from Nirere's Glass as she heard that, not because of envy but because she was afraid of Kabera's reaction.

"Let's say he is my favorite son" Kabera remarked as he drowned the left champagne down in his throat " Now people let's enjoy the birthday of my favorite daughter"

Habakuki beaming face frowned as he noticed the change in tone of Kabera and that was not good.

"Do you mind singing for Us? Your mother once said you have a beautiful voice!" Uwase Natalia suggested as he tugged her arm in his still batting her eyelashes at him.


"Come on, don't be shy" Nirere pouted.

"I can't..." Shema replied as he untugged his arm from Natalia feeling dizzy for the moment.

"Come on Mr handsome" Teta yelled from the outside.

And everyone started to chant his name, he gulped as he felt Kabera staring at him he could feel his taunting voice in his mind you are nothing but a show off like your dad, just pathetic they way you seek attention.

Kabera patted him lightly on his shoulder "Sing for them a love song son" he spoke loudly for everyone to hear and chant even more and leaned closer in Shema's ear "Because you may wake up with no vocals one morning just a fatherly advise" he patted him even more and headed outside on the balcony.

Shema swallowed hard as he felt like it was more like his funeral than Linda's birthday he was going to sing for but started nevertheless his voice sounding heavy as the burden he always carried but beautiful anyway.

Wateye imbuto

Imbuto you rukundo

Iyo mu mutima wange

Ndarwumva rugenda rukura buri munsi,uhh darling

The heads started swaying left and right to the left to the rythm of the song.

Have I ever told you

How much I adore you

My queen my lovely Valentin

Twigumire aha let's forget about time

There is a fire burning in my eyes

Everytime I hold you in my arms

Ese nahera he? Nkusiga?

I am yours and you are mine

Nabura byose ark woe sinkubure

Uri indirimbo

Nandikiwe no biganza bya rurema

And now I believe in love, believe in love

Oh baby!

Everyone clapped apprehensively even more enthusiastically but Shema was more pleased to disappear from the suffocating crowd and even more happier to find Bill sitting there alone he sat beside him and let out an exasperated sigh.

Finally someone who make me feel invisible, Shema thought as he glanced at Bill who barely acknowledge d his presence, they sat there in a long comfortable silence.

Now Shema thought about himself after all this week, he hadn't even put it into consideration that he have finished highschool, he have worked hard that he could get admitted into ivy league University, now he have gotten better marks but waiting for one email as a green light to his life, he wanted to be free from this frenzy facade of life, he wanted to escape Kabera's claws, he wanted to be free from constant torture, a torture because he was born and he was perfect, he wanted to travel abroad to see everything the world could offer instead of being trapped here but all he wanted was freedom that's all mattered at the moment.

"Do you want to smoke?" Bill broke the silence as he handed him a cigarette.

"No, thanks" Shema replied with a thin smile.

"Good, it was the last one anyway" Bill replied effortlessly as he swiped on the lighter and put it back on his lips.

Shema chuckled.

"You always surprise me" he added.

"But you amaze me" Bill turned slowly to face him "Deep down you hate attention but here you are singing a love song and attracting every damn woman in the universe, Do your father hold that much influence on you?"

Shema averted his eyes on the troublesome children who were trying to climb the wall lifting each other by shoulders.

"You have to cut ties with him right now that you don't need to depend on him"Bill continued on " This is the only time you have or else you will stay under him forever"

Shema nodded his brain still failing to form words.

"Anyway, I was planning to start a strip club and employ you as the main stripper I would really pay you well now that you sure have your ways with women, any thoughts on that?" Bill said looking serious as if it was a normal.

Shema laughed now his chest falling in relief "I am quite expensive you know, I am quiet the whole package, beauty, charm, glorious body and brains" Shema added pointing to his body parts respectively.

Bill snorted.

Manzi came back from the kitchen looking as if he had had a scolding.

"Where is the wine?" Bill asked as he glanced up.

"I found my mom and yours sitting near the wine tap protecting from everyone who has broad shoulders apparently it's reserved for women" He added with an eye roll and sat beside him " and when they asked me what I was doing in the kitchen with a murderous glint in their eyes I said that I wanted mangoes"

"Enjoy your mangoes" Manzi said as he handed them the washed mangoes earning a sickening laughter from them.

"Well, they should have let you, you have small shoulders"Shema joked earning a playful shove on the elbow from Manzi.

"Tsk, what's the use of coming in party and go home without being wasted"Bill complained but took a bite anyway.

"Well, they are acting modesty being Ministers and all they need to be strict to their children to show example to the society" Shema said with a snort.

"But we are almost the legal age to drink" Bill said "I mean almost the legal age, one year doesn't mean anything" Bill added after remembering his actual age.

"It's okay to drink but they don't want us to be drunk" Shema suggested.

"But it's only one drink and any female wine version can't bust me up really bad" Bill scoffed suddenly losing interest in smoking.

"That's sexist, you should have seen your mom or Mama chloe and we all know how they are heavy drinkers in the whole house"

Bill rolled his eyes.

"You are already high" Manzi offered.

"Not wasted..." Bill replied without falling off the beat.

"Getting wasted now isn't a good idea because parents are around" Shema also provided.

"Come on, haven't you ever seen a wasted Bill? I am fucking calm that no one would suspect it, I don't even speak because I am in cloud nine so please people I need to get in cloud nine I think I left my conscience there please help me to get it" Bill cried out and threw his half cigarette.

"At least I brought you mangoes, eat them to cover that cigarette breath and be satisfied" Manzi said getting annoyed with his friend tantrum, he threw him another mango which Bill caught it flawlessly regardless that he was high.

"See, not high enough" Bill said and munched on the mango.

"Well, take me in, some girl once said that my beauty is alcohol itself" Shema commented as he touched his face.

They all snorted.

"Anyway, I heard my father saying that your father has an exquisite wine he got from Italy from the last trip and I assume that it is in his home office" Bill said looking at Shema, Manzi also stared at him.

Shema stared back trying to figure out their purpose.

"No" he stated blankly.

"Come on, one glass per each person" Bill said clasping his hands together.


"I will buy the tickets for the whole BAL matches" Manzi suggested his eyes enlarging trying to look adorable.

"Oya, do you want to hear it formally? I totally disagree" Shema insisted.

" Just do it for us, your close friends"Bill  also insisted.

"Going to that office would be like signing my death warrant and vividly I want to enjoy my youth" Shema bellowed trying not to fall for their tricks.

"Fine" Bill said looking as if he was about to cry "I don't know what's wrong with him, I don't know what happened to him, he was always a brave dude and now he even smell like a coward, bro what happened to him?"Bill ruffled his nose and wiped his non-existent tears.

"I think I know what happened to him" Manzi added clearing his throat his sad eyes wandering around.

"Tell me, because we need to help him" Bill bellowed clearly ignoring Shema who was raising his eyebrows at their antics.

"We can't.....!!!!"


"We can't... because... because...his balls busted open"Manzi cried even more loudly and they both whimpered.

Shema almost laughed but remembered they were talking about his manhood.

"Guys, thanks for the show but..." He tried but they were busy fake whimpering and ignoring his presence.

"I have an idea let's stitch them up" Bill suggested and Manzi nodded.

They turned around swiftly and grabbed Shema forcefully who screamed his heart out.

"OKAY, I AM GOING TO DO IT" He cried out as he got up " But if I die know that my death is on you"

Bill gave him thumbs up.

"I will put some chewing gum in your casket especially Ting Ting your favorite" Manzi added with his mustered innocent smile.

"How did I end up with sadist friends?" He shot back but headed for the stairs anyway because the office was at the end of  second floor.

He took a deep breath when he stared at the door.

It's now or never

Many things have happened to him behind this door many outrageous things which shouldn't happen to a child let alone a human being.

He sighed.

This was stupid, he also knew it, a childish antic but he felt like it was worth it, he wanted to have lifetime freedom so breaking into Kabera's office without fear would be a step to emancipate himself, a stupid step but a step to freedom.

He opened the door and entered, he glanced around the empty room, he didn't switch the light on instead switched on his flashlight on his phone, he walked toward the cupboard where Kabera usually kept his liquors.

On the way, he stopped to the family photos.

One of Kabera, sitting alone wearing his fixed smile.

One of him, his mother and sister smiling heartily.

One of Kabera, Linda and his mother.

You could never see any picture of him and Kabera in Kabera's private place but of course you could see it in Jabana textile buildings.

And another picture was one meter far from others, the fraternal twin of Kabera who had a brighter smile on his young handsome features an opposite facial expression of Kabera's fixed smile.

Kabera Joseph.

My biological father.

I don't look like him.

Shema thought but turned around to do what brought him here refusing to let emotions take over.

He opened the cupboard and Immediately spotted the wine but before he could proceed he heard footsteps coming up.

His heart fell in his stomach before panick took over.

The footsteps were coming closer and closer as he was having internal debate on what he should do, his dignity wanted to stand straight and face his fears but his conscience told him to hide.

He decided he wasn't led to face his demons

"Shit! Shit!" He switched off the flashlight and jumped in a place in the cupboard reserve for suits.

The door busted open dramatically.

And the light switched off, Shema peeked in the small pinhole.

"I told you that I had it in control before you decided to poke your nose where it doesn't belong" a voice which belonged to Sibomana half yelled.

"Shhhh, be quiet our kids, wives  and Rubagisha are down there you don't want to attract their attention especially Rubagisha attention" Ruremesha whispered.

"If I didn't get to intervene with my men, Our drugs would have fell into the hands of those policemen and You used one of my trucks which I use in exporting the extra package and that would have pointed back to me" Kayitesi hissed back.

"And all thanks to your almighty brains? Where are they now,eh? To Nyarubuye sector's office? Is that a safe place for you?" Habakuki commented.

"Better than a police station" Kayitesi replied.

"Still, I already made a deal with the custom server, We agreed that...."Sibomana tried to defend himself but cut off by Kayitesi.

"You trust those worthless bastards? I am so sure that They celebrated in all that money you gave them and called the sector's to appease their morals" Kayitesi added and she threw herself in the nearest seat "I always told you that you should leave me the smuggling job to me and you stick to finding extra packages while I contribute extra packages from my orphanages because I am better than you"

"If a woman can do good, I can do best but you should stick to entertaining our guest and apply more make up because you are ageing" Sibomana replied.

"You... Sexist....pig"

"Did you just call me a pig?"

"Drop the act, you are no longer a Muslim"

" My beliefs are still intact"

" Tell it to someone else who didn't see you groping inkangaza down in your throat, coming to think of it that's the only profitable thing you did after making our whole plans fail in eastern province"

" You...."

" Shouldn't I be the one who have the right to get angry, I embezzled most of the funds for the MME and took some from my account to fund this new type of drug or aphrodisiac whatever Habakuki calls it and here you are arguing for dominance, who is the best and worst  because...." Mugesha took a deep breath "five billion rwandan francs are at stake because of your idiocy and impulsive decision, we could be sitting in jail right now if the aphrodisiac reach in the police hands"

Embezzling? Extra package? Jail? Police? Aphrodisiac drug?, Shema inclined up to hear more to even though his instincts were screaming to stop

"Enough" Kabera cried out in his low monotone.

His voice sent shiver in Shema's spine.

They all shut up and others sat down.

"Care to enlighten me why you are stupid?" Kabera sneered, they all stared at each other none replying, his influence appearing.

Shema wondered how Kabera had influence on people who held high position than him, senators and Ministers while he was only a CEO of a textile company.

"Who do you think messed up here?" Kabera said not subtly.

"I wanted to help...." Sibomana tried to reason.

"You.....you..disappoint me" Kabera added with an edge to his tone.

"The extra package trucks was supposed to arrive on Wednesday to meet our usual dealers and someone decided that their brain capacity have grown and sent another truck carrying the drugs beforehand on Tuesday and it fell into the hands of Executive of Nyarubuye sector's because he foolishly believed that he made an extraordinary deal"Ruremesha reported.

"Do you have anything to say for yourselves?" Kabera asked looking forth between the frowning elites.

"Before you even say something, I am tired and vindictive to always clean your messes" Ruremesha added.

" You refuse to talk? Fine! let me talk" he leaned closer  "As it appears, You are making Sibomana take the blame because he can't have access as he is only used to play safe at his office, you Kayitesi gave him the access to the trucks of course and you Habakuki gave him the drugs and let him do his amateurish smuggling to avoid put dirty on yourself, you think I am stupid? They don't call me a demon for nothing"

"We are really sorry, we shouldn't have been greedy" Kayitesi cried out as she fell on her knees shaking in front of Kabera.

"We are already greedy human beings but you went far because a little mistake can mess up the whole plan, you should listen to your orders before trying to go out off plan going behind our backs and mess up" Ruremesha commented.

"It's a little mistake, I promise it won't happen again sir" Sibomana said  now glaring at Habakuki who also glared back.

"We will clean this up" Habakuki suggested.

"I am sure you will and I will let this go because it's redeemable but next time if any of you fall into piece and make a grave mistake, You will deal it on your own, I won't save you" Kabera simply added.

"And about cleaning up the mess, leave it to me the silencer or else you would make things messier than it is already"Ruremesha said "and I think we need someone to coordinate us as everyone here is busy packed up with their own affairs...."

"I told you to include Rubagisha in the game, he could always help us with the police affairs"Sibomana suggested humbly.

"That man is too righteous for his own good, he can call the whole country upon us if he got a news about us" Mugesha replied.

Shema fell from the cupboard as it was tired to hold his weight, he fell in the middle where everyone gasped.

Burdening silence.

"Who else could it be except my favorite son at wrong place in a wrong time?" Kabera broke the deafening silence wearing his same fixed smile.

Shema swallowed his own vomit.

"Look at me, what do you want here?" Kabera asked maintaining the eye contact with Shema.

Shema stared back, freedom

He stood up on his feet.

"Freedom?" Kabera asked as if he read his mind.

Shema tried to breathe again but failed.

"Shema, you have passed my test all these years you have proven to be strong and wise and now I am going to reward you freedom and something more"

Reward? Test? All the torture was a test?

Kabera stood up and groped on the drawers of his desk and removed some papers.

"Now that you have proven your worth" Kabera said as he handed him the papers "As gift for finishing your highschool and a reward I name you as the president of Jabana textile, you will be in the office starting from the monday, I am more happy that I am retiring leaving someone able and that is you my son" Kabera said and patted him lightly on the head.

Shema gripped the papers feeling his insides churn.

"Your mother and sister would be happy that you are finally in control and I know that you wouldn't be happy to leave your sister and mother!" With me, Kabera added with a sweet smile.

Everyone in the room watched in the interaction waited for his answer some individual feeling grateful that they weren't the center of the attention.

Shema swallowed hard as he felt as if his soul was getting sucked to hell and back and heaven and back.

He gripped his hand from shaking as his heart was shaking from different emotions.

"I thank you for your generosity ....father... sir"Shema replied slowly.

"That's my son, I am glad to say that I am looking forward to this new chapter of our life" Kabera said as he raised his hand to dismiss him " Now go and enjoy the party with your peers"

"Thank you, I will not disappoint you" Shema muttered and turned to leave.

"Won't he say anything?" Sibomana asked as Shema got out of the room.

"He knows better than talk"

"Did you just give him the position as bribe?" Kayitesi asked confusion clear in her face.

"Silly,You all have to learn many things" Ruremesha replied as he took in what happened amusement clear with the sinister smile he had.

"Then what was that?" Mugesha asked.

Kabera lit his cigarette not caring that there were in a confined space.

"That young man remind me of his father, he is father except the looks of course" Kabera said with knowing smile "he remind me of my greatest fear, it always taunt that he is also perfect like his father trying to cover others' ability blocking my Linda like his father did to me when we where young, I took the textile company and the wife from my twin feeling like I won but there come his incarnate watching me taunting me that I did nothing because he was righteous as his father, I tried to break his soul mentally and physically but.... I failed.... He grew to be strong and every description of perfection that I always feel Joseph laughing at me when I look at him"

"So you are giving up?" Habakuki tried to sum up but not grasping the concept.

Kabera smiled.

"Breaking his soul?"

Kabera nodded.

"But the Kaberas never gives up we change tactics" He said but continued on as he saw that no one got it" Why crush or throw a strong seed without giving it a chance to sprout? You can cut  shower it with acidic water for it's  fruits to be bitter and poisonous for the neighbours or you can cut it's beatiful flowers and sweet fruits only leaving thrones to hurt your enemies"

"I don't understand" Mugesha said his face frowning.

" What he means is that...?" Ruremesha  started after face palming himself because of the slow witted people in front of him. "Why not turn him into an evil flower which works for him after failing to break him in order to defy his righteous father? and the kid is more able to coordinate us"

More grasps.

"That's very cunning of you Sir" Kayitesi commented looking at Kabera looking very impressed.

"And the kid want is hungry for power so let me give it to him to gain his trust and his side"

" What if he wants to run away? Power is poison after all" Sibomana asked cautiously trying not to offend the amused man at the moment.

"Power is poison but an addicting poison once you taste it there's no going back"Kabera pointed out.

Speaking of a certain individual.

Whom they thought was oblivious of their true intentions but the guy was wise beyond their brain capacity.

Shema walked robotically to the stairs reloading what just happened.

He was going to be the president of Jabana textile.

Kabera was going to retire.

Kabera was a criminal.

Kabera wanted a new chapter

All the elite group we're criminals

He sat down to the halfway stairs feeling dizzy, he wiped a lone tears on with his sleeves, he almost hoped that he was going to forget how ridiculous and annoying being sad could be.

He cursed himself for dreaming of freedom such an unrealistic dream.

He couldn't leave his mother and sister in that beast's hands.

For their safety, he sold his soul to the devil.

His freedom as the package.

He was going to be a pawn in their dirty games.

"Freedom" he breathed out and laughed maniacly.