
Just a record

The world was in a commotion because a single man has just passed away seconds ago. Nobody asked why the death of a single man has caused such a commotion and nobody has stood up to calm the mass.

A politician

A criminal

A mother

A father

An adult

A child

Everybody know him.

Developed various medicine that targets almost all the incurable disease.

His charity program has helped the poor children all over the world.

Invented mind blowing technologies.

Known as the wealthiest man, the wisest man, the kindest man, and the oldest man to have ever lived.

Born on September 12, 1997 and died on December 13, 2999 at the age of 1002 years old.

The greatest man that was listed in the annals of Earth's history.

His name is Daniel Shadow.


I opened my eyes and found myself floating in a place devoid of light.


After 1002 years of living, I finally died.

Although the life I've lived was not that good, it wasn't that bad either.

I may not look like it but I have experienced all the up and downs life has to offer.





Will I be floating endlessly in this dark place forever? Is this what happens after death? If so, death is such a boring state one could be in.


A light?

Although it is still very far away, I have a feeling that it is not heaven and it seems that I am currently slowly floating toward it.

Seconds, minutes, and hours has passed and I am still very far away from the light.

I tried swimming towards it or willing myself to float faster but all of my attempts ended in vain.

In the end, all I could do is wait until I reach the light.





A ve~ry long time has passed and the light is still ve~ry far away. It might have been a month or two, maybe a year have already passed. I am amazed at myself for still not losing myself alone in this very dark place.

Back when I was still alive and spending my remaining days confined at a hospital, I have my hobbies to kill time with. Like reading manga/novel or watching anime and movies. Speaking of novel, I wonder if the successor of M*d Sn*il has transformed into a Mad Rabbit and finished that novel named TDG. Heck! A millenium has passed and that novel still isn't finished.



What the heck?!

A powerful suction has suddenly appeared and it is pulling me towards the light at a very fast rate.

I instinctively closed my eyes because of the powerful drag I felt.


I feel like throwing up.

After some time has passed, the suction stopped and I slowly opened my eyes.

I am now currently in a white space with nothing on it except for a desk, a notebook, a pen, and a being I can't visualize. Although I can see him/her, his/her form doesn't register in my mind. It's like a photo with a very blurry image.

"Welcome to the *****" said by the being in front of me. I clearly heard him/her but I can't make out what he/she said at the end.

"Uhmm, hello? Ma'am or sir? How will I address you?" I timidly asks the being.

"You can call me anything. I don't really care about that. For I am just merely an entity that records everything all through out the cosmos and guides the left over being from a living creature to their journey after death." I don't have any idea how but I know It smiled at me.

"So you're like King Yama?"

"In a way, yes."

"Cool, so what is the judgement?" I nervously ask the Entity.

The Entity flips the notebook on the table and read it's contents to me.

"Daniel Shadow, son of Kage Yoshinobu and Angela Smith, born on September 12, 1997 and died on December 13, 2999 due to old age. I must say, for the creatures living in your planet, it is a miracle you have managed to survive that long. I won't question you on how you did it for I already know everything.

Performing great feats such as advancing your world's technology, creating a drug that can cure various diseases and many more resulting in a very large or should I say astronomical amount of positive Karma that even the Highest Gods is having a hard time to accumulate such amount.

According to the "Rule of the Great Flow", A being must be in it's pure state before it undergo the process of reincarnation, meaning you must be in a neutral state. One of the condition to be in a pure state is to remove all the accumulated Karma. For the one's who has negative karma, they must purify themselves first in the "Fire of Salvation" before they can reincarnate. As for the one's who has positive karma, they can make any wish they can think of as long as it is equal to the amount of karma they have. Another condition is to wipe all the memories and experience clean.

So Mr. Daniel Shadow, may I hear your wish?" the Entity looked at me after it finished reading the notebook.

"Just to be clear sir, I can make any wish as long as the positive Karma I possess right? But what if there is still a leftover after making that wish? You have mentioned earlier that a being must be in it's pure state before reincarnating. So does that mean if the first wish doesn't completely used up all of the positive karma, A being can still make another wish until nothing is left, right?"

"You are correct Mr. Daniel Shadow. So? What will it be?"

"Hmm... Although I would to wish for it but world peace is a big no-no."

"I know you have been expecting me to ask this and there is no reason for me to do this for I already know everything but I would still do it in order to satisfy your ego Mr. Daniel Shadow.

Why is it a big no-no?"


Do you really have to speak that sentence before asking me?


"With world peace, there will be no conflict. Without conflict, there would be no competition. Without competition, there would be no progress. And without progress, the world would continue to deteriorate until everything died down. Am I right Sir?"

"Although your answer is full of holes, it is still an acceptable answer that is not far from the truth."

"Hmm... So what will be my wish?


I can wish for anything right?


I can finally fulfill one of my fantasy!

Sir, my wish would be to have a system! The kind of system that would assist me in my next life."

"What kind of system do you want? Although I already know, I still want to hear it coming from your mouth."

"First, the system must be fully fused with my soul and must be fully mine where no one can intervene or hack between the connection between me and the system. Second, it's function will be this;

1. Controls of the System: When I strongly focus on the word Menu, an almost transparent screen will appear in front of me and can only be viewed by me and those that are spiritually linked with me. It's contents will be the functions I would add later which can be freely controlled by me without any hindrance.

2. Character Interface: I can view the full information about myself. Although I would like to add the parameters, but I'd rather not because I don't want to be overly reliant on the numbers displayed in front of me.

3. Leveling Functions: By doing various things which could strengthen me in a way, like cultivating, working out, reading, or just simply walking, I would accumulate experience which is necessary in order to level up. For the scenario where I have to kill, some of my victim's memory would be removed and that particular memory would be transformed into experience. Ohh, before I forget, make it so that I won't have to experience or view the memory of my victim but I would be able to access that memory if I want to. It would be terrible if it did. Worst case scenario, I would be confused of who I am.

4. Skill Functions: A list of all the skills I have learned. The learned skill won't deteriorate no matter how much time passed I didn't used it. A leveling function must be attached to each skills except for some special type. In order to level up a skill, I must reach a certain milestone or simply by just filling up the exp required. By performing the skill or my comprehension of the skill is the main source of the exp needed to level up the skill. If a certain checkpoint has been reached, level cap, the skill would evolve into it's advance form at the basic level. As for learning skills, I can learn skills simply by just experiencing it or comprehending the skill. If a manual exist and I touched it, A notification would pop-up where only I can see it and it would ask me if I want to learn it or not. If I agreed, the contents of the manual would be directly be learned, But if I don't want to, nothing would happen.

5. Title Functions: Titles would be given when I have accomplished an astonishing feat. A title would have a certain effect on it which would be entirely up to you, Sir. This function is very difficult to explain it in words but if I would have to give an example on how it works, It would be like the title function of Satou's system from Death March Kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku.

6. Inventory: An almost infinite alternate dimension where time is stopped and I can store inanimate things inside. I could freely take in or out everything I want within 500 meters as long as it is recognized as my possession.

7. Map: A full detailed display of my current location in real time through 3D hologram where I can freely navigate through it like zooming in or out, a search tab where it would automatically locate what I want to search within the planet, and marking.

8. Shop: I could buy whatever I want as long as I have sufficient points for it. The price for the products would be determined by you sir. As for gaining points, it would be up to you sir on how I could gain one. This function would serve as my motivation and I know that you already have an idea of what I mean by that.

9. Dungeon Travel: I'm having difficulty in explaining it into words but I would like this function to be just the same as Wu Yan's dungeon travel function in his system from the novel Shoujo Grand Summoning.

10. Affection Function: Distinguish the type and measure the degree of affection a certain individual to me through digits and description.

That's the description and functions of the system I want to have Sir. Do I have enough points for my wish?" I nervously asked the Entity.

Once again, I don't have any idea how but I just know that the Entity just smiled at me before answering.

"When I said that you're positive Karma was astronomical, It is to the point where it visually manifests and you're very being is lighting up a great deal of the dark and lifeless void. The system that you wished for has many holes in it but I can fix that for you, I can even add a certain function but I would not tell it to you right now. I want it to be a surprise when you reincarnated. Of course it is not free. Anyways, by granting you that wish, although not entirely but you're positive Karma has diminished by a huge amount. You can make another wish but the remaining Karma is not enough if what you want is something equal to the system."

"Hmm... How about I retain my memories of my life as Daniel Shadow? And when I reincarnate, I want to have a thought process of the me right now the moment I will be born."

"Granted, you still have a great deal of karma Mr. Daniel Shadow. You can still make another wish."

"I have a system and my memories. There is nothing more I could ask for. Do I really have to spend all of my Karma, Sir? Can't you just erase it?"

"If you want to experience going through the "Fire of Salvation", then I will erase it. I will remind you just in case that even a wisp of it's flame can cause you a great deal of pain."

I break into a cold sweat after I heard what the Entity said.

What do I need?

What more?

I have what I need in order to start a new life with great ease.



"Sir, I want the Enkidu of Gilgamesh from the Fate series which I could freely manipulate without any cost. And the remaining positive Karma if there is still something left would be used for a starters pack. The contents of the starter's pack would be up for you to decide Sir."

"Very well, since all the process has been done. It is time for you to reincarnate Mr. Daniel Shadow. As for your wish, it would be granted after you were born. I hope you'll be happy in your next life. Until we meet again."

That was the last thing I heard from that Entity before I was engulfed in darkness and lose consciousness.


Future update will be unstable for it will only depend on my mood if I want to write.


YingJuncreators' thoughts