
to be someone else- erotic stories

a set of kinky stories written by me. They are a bit weird so you have been warned. Includes mental and physical changes. the chapters are seperate and have no connection. current worlds include naruto, bleach.

SONA_SITRI · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

naruto x hinata's alternate self

In the forest of death an 18 year old Hinata was training to release her frustration. Hinata could only lament in sadness. 'Naruto-kun only likes Sakura who loves that traitor sasuke even after all that he has done' she thought. If only she had the courage to confess her feelings to Naruto, her own clan forbid her love for Naruto."Wish I had the courage and strength to do as I wish" she said as she kicked a stone.

The stone landed in the bushes where it hit something metallic. Curious to see what it was, she found a small hatch underground. She opened the hatch and descended down to find out what this place was. 'hmm, this place looks like an old abandoned Lab, judging from the dust'. She stumbled upon a scroll which had the log to  an muscle suit which can increase the strength of the wearer to rival tsunade senju. Though it had one drawback that it very difficult to remove. There was another suit included which resembled skin of a human, it was made for spying by completely covering the skin of the wearer. The skin would connect with the users chakra and flush out the sweat and dead skin cells out of its pores allowing the user to wear it indefinitely. The skinsuits is made using the DNA templet of the target. It also contained a chip to allow the mental reconstruction to allow the wearer to behave like the target as well as access their memories. The log seemed to end at October 11th, the day of the kyuubi attack.

Conflict arose within Hinata. On one hand she could use it to become more strong and confident, while as a loyal shining of the leaf she must inform lady tsunade of this place.

"Maybe I can create a skinsuit of myself over the muscle suit and nobody will know the difference, then make use of the mental reconstruction to become more confident. Yes! That way I can inform lady hokage about this place after destroying the log and evidence except the mental device and that would help explain my new personality." Happy that she could finally solve her problems she started looking for instructions. After reading the instructions she removed her clothes and entered the scanner which provided to make a 3d diagram of her body. The computer processed the data and quickly began to create a lean exo-muscle suit.

Following the next step Hinata had to sacrifice her breasts and ass/hips fat. Hinata steeled her resolve" come on Hinata, this is for naruto-kun". She injected herself with a fat dissolving liquid, which started causing her fat cells to dissolve painfully. Her breast lost their firmness. Same thing happened to her ass.

After an hour of pain her breast/ass felt like they were filled with viscous liquid. Hinata stabbed her left breast which quickly deflated.  Her right breast followed soon after. She was now flat as a board. She did the same for her ass cheeks.

She entered the next room where she found a bathtub where she mixed certain chemicals according to instructions. She felt like crying as she said her last goodbye to her beautiful dark blue hair and started shaving. Once her hair were shaved off and all the hair across her body were removed. She then took a dip in the bath which cleaned all the dirt and germs off her skin while also destroying her hair follicles. Exiting the bath she washed off her skin with normal water and entered the drying zone. With a blast of hot air all the moisture on her skin evaporated. Her skin now looked very smooth like a boiled egg.

She entered the next chamber filled with lockers where the muscle suit was ready, waiting for her. She opened one of the lockers to remove a tube of gel which would allow the muscle suit to bond with her, allowing her control over them. She then proceeded to take the muscle suit which looked like the internal structure of a lean yet strong woman. The suit would cover her entire body except her her head. Applying the gel she on her entire body she proceeded to insert her legs through the neck of the suit which was extremely elastic. Inserting her legs into their respective slots right up to the toes. That was when she felt three structures in the suit press between her legs. Gasping in surprise she saw a catheter, a vaginal sheath and an anal sheath. Building up her courage Hinata inserted the catheter. She winced in pain, as she inserted the tube in her. The vaginal sheath was easier comparatively followed by the anal one. She then inserted her arms in the suit, which after a bit of searching found their respective slots. It allowed her to pass her nails through the slits at the fingertips.

Once the suit was completely worm she entered a chamber in the room. Pressing the switch in the room made it heat up to 55 degrees Celsius. The suit tightened against her, pressing all over eliminating all the air pockets. The gel cured and connected her to the suit allowing Hinata to control it. Unused to the increase in strength she stumbled but managed to retain her balance. The sheath were now connected with her allowing her to feel everything as if it was her own. "Amazing! i feel as if i can crush boulders with raw strength alone. My  strength is now comparable to lady tsunade!" Hinata muttered in excitement.

She then entered the next room where she took out a set of special fake breast and padding. These acted as an additional chakra storage giving the user the chakra capacity comparable to 3 tailed biju without the loss of chakra control as they would only act as battries which will refill her chakra when depleted and siphon when her chakra coils are full. she attached fake breast and ass padding which acted as a chakra battery using the gel which was dried off using a hand dryer. The padding connected to her chakra system and started siphoning her excess chakra to be stored for future use.

Entering the final room she was greeted by herself or more accurately her skin in a mannequin. There were subtle differences compared to her original. The new face was a bit more stern looking compared to her own. The lips were a bit fuller. The hairstyle was a different compared to her princess cut.

She took the knife on the table and made a cut along the spine of her new skin and proceeded to take it off the mannequin. On the inside the skin consisted of a fleshy structure. There were arrangements to connect to the orifices between her legs with the muscle suit.the mouth had a complete set of teeth, jaws, there was a sheath for tongue. The ears were built with a tube. Reading the last set of instructions she winced. She took a knife and proceeded to cut off her earlobes and used the healing jutsu to stop bleeding. The cartilage of her nose followed the same fate. Picking up the skin Hinata placed her legs inside reaching the toes. Then she connected to attachments between her legs to muscle suit. She brought up the skin to her torso and inserted her hands inside till each finger reached its destination. By this time the skin had begun to absorb her chakra and begun healing the cut very slowly.

She then went to the mental reconstructor with the head flailing between her new breasts. She thought about what kind of personality she wanted. She proceeded to scan her own mind in it. She quickly started to change aspects of her personality, first her shyness became confidence, courage replaced her fear, dominance replaced submission. Her habit of holding back was removed and habit to take initiative was added. She added a bitch like tone to her voice and the habit to apply lipstick on lips like kurenai-sensei. She added the habit of leaving her jacket open and flaunting her new body like ammo. She wanted to completely remove any embarrassment from her new personality. She kept her loyalty and sense of honour unchanged.

Satisfied, she created an alternate set of memories to help her new personality to stablize as memories are an important part of the mind. Memories help shape the personality of a person. In her new memories she was a aggressive bitch who dearly loved her naruto and protected him. She won all the spars with hinabi and beat the shit out of neji during chunin exams. She did not let Sakura beat naruto and made anyone who hurt him pay. She did not tolerate the bulls hit of her clan and used her strength to have her way. She was unmatched among her peers. She had an enormous amount of chakra yet her control was better than most. She used her massive strength with her gentle fist to decimate her opponents. She knew she was a strong bitch and she loved it. She believed herself to be above other due to her strength and beautiful. She liked to show dominance over those who defy her especially Sakura, the stupid fangirl who was lucky enough to be in naruto's team. She would smack kiba whenever he would try anything perverted. She thought herself above everyone except naruto who alone was her equal.

Satisfied Hinata pressed enter and the machine soon ejected a small rice grain sized chip. Hinata made a small cut a Small cut at the base of her skull where she put the chip in. She then healed the cut and focused on her new skin which had healed all the up to her neck. She then applied a special paste on the teeth. Slowly the teeth became loose and fell out of their sockets. After the last tooth fell, Hinata rinsed her mouth throughout. She then took the special lenses made from her DNA along with the skinsuit and applied those over her eyes. Due to the byakygan DNA in the lenses her own eyes were further enhanced as the bio-lenses fused with her eyes painfully. When Hinata's vision returned she took the head of the skin and slowly put her head inside. She opened her lips and took in the oral structure which imitated her mouth on the outside. After aligning her jaws, she put her tongue in her new one like a glove. She aligned her old lips within her new ones. She inserted her old nose which she had cut off the cartilage into her new and beautiful one connecting the nasal passage. Finally she aligned her new ears and inserted the tubes of her new ears with the leftover ear holes and insert them inside allowing her to hear. She then used Healing jutsu to accelerate the healing process of the skin. As the cut healed the skin started connecting to the nerves allowing her to feel touch but it was still feeling a bit numb and she could still feel her original skin being covered, which in turn was distorting the sense of her new skin.

Hinata started searching through the research log for the solution. After few minutes of searching she found a solution for her dillema. An injection to dissolve her old skin but it would make the user unable to ever remove the new skin making them effectively trapped in their permanent new skin. "oh dear, well I don't think it will be a problem for me. I was going to stay like this anyway". She then filled an empty syringe with the solution and injected herself. Soon she started feeling heat all over her body.

The sensation from her original skin was slowly becoming numb allowing her to feel more of her new skin. Without the obstruction of her old skin, the muscle suit was further able to integrate with her giving her better control and dexterity as the suit fused with her real muscles. It also enhanced her stamina as the new artificial muscles did not need oxygen.

Hinata walked in front of a mirror she could see the muscles stretching her new skin a bit but that was being fixed right before her eyes as the melting of her old skin was making more space within her new skin. The muscle suit slowly fused with her original muscles. She then got dressed but left her jacket open and put on a applied lipstick on her lips which she never used trying imitate her soon to be new personality in an embarrassing manner. In the end she was left with looking like as more stern version of herself with a different hairstyle, fuller lips and a slightly more athletic build compared to her original.

Mean while the the chip was slowly moving towards the brain, reaching the brain it started extending tendrils all around the brain. Two tendrils connected with her optical nerves to control the eyes. Another two tendrils connected with the visual cortex. Two tendrils connected with ear nerves. The rest of the tendrils connected with her medulla oblongata and took control of the body. The chip then began loading the personality and memories programmed within.

Now, the mental process had a fatal flaw which made unable to link the original personality with the new one that the skin represents. It caused the chip to take over the brain trapping the person in their own body while the personality and memories on the chip took over the control of the body of the user. The new personality will be unaware of the person trapped within. The trapped person will see and feel everything the new personality does while their bodies are in control of the personality the skin they wore represents.

One such example would be the new hokage herself who was actually kushina uzumaki trapped within the skin of tsunade and controlled by tsunade's personality. The real tsunade had sacrificed herself during obito's attack to save her life. Blaming herself for tsunade's death she took tsunade's body and scanned her mind and buried her body secretly. And performed the same procedure as Hinata except with tsunade's skin and personality to allow tsunade to live in some form. It backfired on her and Tsunade's personality then took over unaware of kushina being trapped in her head. The artificial skin did not age allowing the new tsunade to look youthful.

Hinata began destroying the machines and all the evidence, she burned all the documents and broke the machines. She was nervous about the chip and was waiting for it to take effect. Suddenly she was assaulted by a headache and collapsed on the ground.

When Hinata woke up something felt wrong. "huh? What the hell am I doing in this dump, where am I?" a voice came from her own mouth. 'wait no I didn't say that!'. The new owner of the body put her hands in her pockets showing off her body. Any trace of shyness was absent from her face and her posture radiated confidence of a person who is sure of herself. Sporting a mean smile she gave herself a look in the mirror.

The new Hinata started to leave this dump, after all she had more important things to do like hanging out with naruto and teaching that weakling trash Sakura a lesson. Mean while the real Hinata was panicking 'why can't I control my body!, how is it moving on its own!'. "How the hell did I get here? I don't remember coming here, was I captured? Unlike, this place seems abandoned. Now where the fuck is the exit?!" the new Hinata said.

Little did Hinata know that the new Hinata would full fill all her dreams just not the way she expected and she was coming along for a ride weather she likes it or not. New Hinata soon found the exit and found herself in a familiar forest. " I feel like crap. Maybe I should go to the hot springs to relieve some stress." new Hinata said unaware of the distress the old Hinata was experiencing.

Initially the new personality of Hinata caused a lot of commotion . Due to this she was taken to the T&I department.  but with a mind scan by inoichi revealed that her memories are contradictory to the real life events. Soon they came to the conclusion that this is Hinata but of another timeline. "I am happy lady hokage but based on her memories I can conclude that she is telling the truth. While her personality is very different to our Hinata but she still remains loyal to the leaf" inoichi explained to tsunade along with kushina trapped in her head.

Tsunade being ignorant of the similarity of her situation to Hinata, informed the friends an family of Hinata that she may have switched places with herself of an alternate timeline. They were saddened to hear to hear this but accepted the new Hinata as time is something beyond their control. 'no! I am trapped in here please help me!' cried original Hinata in her head.

Time went on and the new bitchy Hinata made herself a place in what she thought was an alternate timeline. She made a name for herself through her strength. Unknowingly she was fulfilling the things the old Hinata could only dream of.

Meanwhile she was giving old Hinata a first person view of her dreams being fulfilled. New Hinata had already invited naruto on several dates. Many of which ended with them spending the night together. All of this made original Hinata embarrassed but she was unable to faint due to not having control. Each night naruto and new Hinata spend together, original Hinata was there with them without their knowledge. Sharing all five senses, she inhaled naruto's scent, felt his touch, she tasted his kiss, heard him calling her name, saw his handsome face, felt the pleasure of his passion along with the new owner of her body. She felt her body moving without her command under the control of the new personality, speaking without her intention. But she still felt everything.

(1year later)  

The new and improved Hinata went on to become the strongest kunoichi. She later proposed naruto who had been enamoured with the new Hinata and was dating her for about a year. He agreed.and soon they both got married. Whenever the hyuuga clan tried to object her, they were met with swift thrashing from her with them being helpless against her vastly superior strength. Soon her clan learned it's lesson.

"and now I declare you man and wife" said the priest"you may kiss" .

The old hinata initially was in denial but soon accepted her fate. 'At least I still get to be with naruto-kun' she thought while feeling naruto's lips over hers. The new hinata continued kissing naruto passionately unaware of the passenger enjoying along with her. Soon the passenger will enjoy the nights with her for the rest of her life.