
To Be loved

Everyone who looks at her from outside would tell her that she's blessed with brains that were enough for her to become the Ceo of XOXO company, but little did they know that she had a desire to be loved. but she didn't let anyone come close to her, she was afraid to trust anyone except her elder brother who is busy managing his cancer struggles would she find her love?

nikethsivani_ · วัยรุ่น
8 Chs

chapter-5 | looking at her

Huxley Lockwood

We walked into the magnificent hall and I just couldn't wait to see her, I wanted to rush to the 19th floor and just see how she looked exactly, what colour of eyes she had, how pretty she was, and how her voice sounded.

"Ley?" my father called me out from my dream and I saw him looking at me curiously

"Dad?" I scratched my head and I suddenly realised I was in presence of so many people who were eying at me.

"Is there anything wrong? you seemed to be in a different world," he smiled at me and I wanted to tell him yes, I was but I held my tongue from saying that and shook my head.

"We're going to meet an amazing woman who runs this company, I wish you marry her,"my father blurted and I looked at him wide-eyed.

"Father, please do not talk about my marriage and I'm not interested in marrying the woman you're talking about, "I was so angry that I wanted to get out of his presence, I couldn't understand what's the big deal in marrying the people with same standards, and the only reason I came here is to see the girl.

"I'm sorry, I tend to forget things, my son. You see, I'm getting old" he answered and I felt guilty for being rude to him.

"I'm sorry Dad, "I smiled and he seemed to be okay.

"Okay, do not be the same way to Ms Azalea Xoxan, she's ruder than you, but yeah she's very perfect," he seemed to be very proud of her which annoyed me so much, I mean who wouldn't be annoyed when your father speaks very proudly of someone else.

"Lemme see her then, "I winked and now I was curious to see both the girls who just grabbed my attention for different reasons.

The lift opened and we stepped inside, the lift looked transparent and I got the whole view of the city outside, and I was sure that whatever the CEO was called had a nice taste since I head the entire building was renovated just 3 years ago.

My father pressed the 19th-floor button and my heart raced and palpitated at the movement of the lift, I wiped off my sweat bud near my eyebrow decently aware that the guards were near.

The lift door opened and we walked towards the last door in the dimly lit grandiose corridor filled with lamps of the same size and the floor mat invited us with a royal vibe.

"I'm impressed," I whispered to my dad who was talking to one of the bodyguards.

'Wait till you see Azalea, I'm sure she is a beauty who'll steal your eyes," my dad winked and my more annoyed by each step we kept towards the door.

"You can wait outside," my dad ordered the guards and they saluted him and stood outside.

The door automatically opened as my dad pressed his thumb and the Cabin was the most marvellously built I've ever seen in my entire life. It wasn't bigger than the one I was provided, but definitely is exquisite beauty which replicated the hallways and looked grander providing the view of the entire city from the 19th floor.

And it was when she turned, she was an Impeccable beauty, she dimmed the beauty of the entire cabin, her hair touched her hips just below her chest, it bounced as she walked towards us and the more closer she came, the more my heart felt heavy, It didn't take me long to realise she was the girl who I was thinking about, but I regretted not wandering in the possibility that she could've been the CEO. I regretted not accepting the marriage proposal given by my father.

She stood before me, with her proudness being contagious, anyone who stood before her felt the vibes so strong which cannot be handled. Her pitch-black eyes were highlighted by her long lashes which were so thick and I wondered how did she manage to blink without getting tired.

Those flawless cheeks looked pretty without any dimples, and I knew enough about makeup to realise that she wasn't wearing any except for a pale pink lipgloss and a thin line on eye-liner above her eyelids.

"Hello Mr Lockwood" Her lips moved in harmony as if someone had choreographed it and all I could do was to stare at her.

"I told you that you could call me uncle and this is my son, Huxley Lockwood," my dad shook hands with her and I stared at those eyes which held me in my place,

"Hello, Mr Junior Lockwood," she extended her hands and I was surprised and my heart started beating fast, I was perplexed enough to just gaze at those slender fingers.

"Ley," my dad shook me out of oblivion and she looked at me once again and dropped her hand down and gave me an awkward smile, that's when I realised what exactly happened.

I pulled her hand and shook it vigorously hoping that it would make up for ignoring her previous handshake, she jerked her hands out and adjusted her fingers as if she was ready to hit me, but she just smiled and backed away.

"I'm sorry for what my son did, I hope you don't mind" my father gave an angry look and looked at Azalea.

I felt nervous and anxious at the look she was giving me, her sky-blue jumpsuit suited her perfectly, she gave me the perfect first impression and I gave her a jerk.

"It's perfectly alright Mr Lockwood, let us proceed to the works now," she gave me a look that pulled the life out of me and I followed behind my dad.

I just wished I hadn't rejected the marriage proposal given by him.