
To Be loved

Everyone who looks at her from outside would tell her that she's blessed with brains that were enough for her to become the Ceo of XOXO company, but little did they know that she had a desire to be loved. but she didn't let anyone come close to her, she was afraid to trust anyone except her elder brother who is busy managing his cancer struggles would she find her love?

nikethsivani_ · วัยรุ่น
8 Chs

chapter-2 | Office


I walked into the office with my proudness dominating my attire. A lot of people stared at me as I passed with a formal greeting, but their eyes told me something different.


I had always been feared of and I liked it somehow because it kept everyone away from me. I grew sick of fake people around me but this way, no one dared to come near.

I opened my office door and sighed. I wasn't always like this and it tired me to be someone I was not. I wished to be like my powerful father who never showed any emotions, even to his children. And I wanted to be someone everyone feared. I wanted to be the fire.

But everything has side effects, I felt lonely all the time.

I wanted to be loved, but I feared betrayal, I had few friends from the college who hung with me only because they wanted to say they were Azalea's friends, I had no one.

"Good morning Ma'am," my secretary entered the room with a pile of files that were to be assessed.

"Is that all?" I asked her and she looked bewildered.

"Yes Ma'am," She didn't express anything through her words, but she backed away and sat in her usual position.

She has been working with me for almost 5 years now, from the time I fired my dad's old secretary who ordered me to do things his way.

She was a little older than me with red hair and black streaks on it, she always wore the Peach pink lipstick which actually looked contrasting. She loves doodling, and I found it amusing and I never asked her about it. because it was the only thing that lifted my mood.

sometimes they were crazy and sometimes not, but still the original version of me loved it.

I stood up and looked over the expanse of beauty on the wide transparent glass which had been installed on my notice. It had few hatches, it had been a while since I opened this, but it felt good when the air rushed on my face making me blush.

I opened it and I smiled.