
To be a leader

We start with an everyday cosplaying otaku walking down the street and boom truck kun ! (No one expected that) and when he awakes he is given wishes now let's see if he can live up to her legend ?

Cyanta · อื่นๆ
17 Chs

The Feast

As soon as we're done beating the wave we we're summoned by the King to attend a feast to celebrate the "4 heros beating the wave" but it should be more "3 heros and their parties" because currently me, Master and Raphtalia are inside a grand Hall filled with the heros and their parties all eating and drinking there is also a couple nobles and the like. Me and Master are standing by the window in the corner while Raphtalia got some food.

Master was very kind and I requested to be materialised during this feast which he allowed. I did receive some looks of interest but they all saw Master and instantly turned disgusted, he didn't mind at all and just ignored them. Currently I'm just wearing my casual clothes without my shinai which is making me a bit uneasy but I know I can summon Excalibur in a moments notice.

I then hear the "king" begin to speak "heros, I appreciate the efforts of your journey ! We received Little damage compared to last time. Even I cannot hide my surprise about it ! Tonight we feast ! Enjoy yourselves to the fullest !!" ("King") he says this while standing infront of his elevated seat with a chalice probably filled with wine held up high infront of him

'I detest this man with every fiber in my body.'

"Master." I turn my head torwards him

"Yes, Saber ?" (Master) he looks up a bit

"May I have some of the food ? I know I do not need to eat but as I used to say "an army walks on its stomach"."

"Hm. That's true, go on then" (Master) he just goes back to looking out the window

I walk off and join Raphtalia in eating. What I see is foods from full fleged steaks and side dishes to cakes and the like. I don't mind food is food.

Time skip

I get tunnel vision while I'm eating, because before I knew it I was the centre of attention even Master was a little shocked because besides me is a huge stack of plates all eaten clean and I don't look bloated at all, what can I say i'am a Spirit well from my memories as Artoria she even ate alot and didn't get bloated she would even have eating competitions with... mordred... whenever I think of mordred I always feel dread, guilt and shame I hope I can fix our relationship.

"What's Saber doing, Raphtalia ?" (Master) he asks her while I start to walk back over to him while I'm still receiving looks of bewilderment from almost everyone in the room, mostly the nobles because the "heros" are telling stories of their "heroism"

"Hmm... Well you see, Saber became the centre of attention after eating so much food and not slowing down or even looking full at all. Well I still got some food would you like us to eat together, I'm sure it's probably, absolutely, delicious !" (Raphtalia) she presents Master a plate of food with two forks in the other hand

"N-no, not right now I'm fine..." (Master) he puts up his hands in defense

"Master, I say share it with her "an army marches on its stomach"." I smile slightly as his reaction is funny

"Saber ? Are you okay, you ate alot" (Raphtalia) she hands the food to Master who begrudgingly takes it and walks up to me and does a little check on my physical condition

"Yes Raphtalia, I'm fine back when I was alive I was famous for being able to eat portions other deem impossible" I say while she is still checking me once she's done checking she walks back over to Master, she takes back he plate and forks and takes a bite

"This is wonderful, Master Naofumi~!" (Raphtalia)

She urges Master to have a bite which he takes

"Well, doesn't it taste amazing ?!" (Raphtalia)

His face contorts in disgust "...No, it doesn't"

'Oh yes I forgot... food doesn't taste good for him after Myne betrayed him, I don't remeber when he starts to taste things again'

"Ah, there he is ! Don't move one step from there, Naofumi !" (Spear "hero") people start to make a path for him once he gets close to us he stops and points accusingly at Master

"What...?" (Master) he already has a fed up look on his face

"I heard about it ! I heard how you got Raphtalia to follow you ! SHE'S YOUR SLAVE !! And I'm 100% sure that the other girl is a slave as well !!" (Spear "Annoyance")

"Your bringing this up now ? Yeah, that's right. She's my slave and Saber she's a type of super powered familiar. So don't touch them so freely" (Master)

This makes the others in the room burst into murmurs

"A slave ?!" (Noble 1)

"A Hero has a slave ?!" (Noble 2)

"What did he mean "super powered familiar" ?" (Noble 3)

"Why you... People don't belong to anyone else ! Let's not forget, that we, people from a different world, won't be forgiven for such behaviour !!" (Spear "bastard")

"Won't be forgiven... for what ? That's 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 logic, not mine." (Master)

"Wha... Lets have a duel ! If I win you release Raphtalia and Saber !" (Spear "idiot") As he finished saying that I summon Excalibur coated in invisible air and rush torawrds him and point it at his neck so fast the air around it blew away making a small vacuum sound


"I would not recommend starting a duel with my Master as long as you don't have a death wish." I say with a completely monotone voice with my eyes full of malice

With everyone's attention on me we don't notice a knight sneak up behind Raphtalia and gag her

"*muffled* MGUH !" (Raphtalia) I instantly turn my head keeping Excalibur in its place near The Spear idiots neck

"Raphtalia !!" (Master)

"I hear all about it. A Hero who would dare to use a slave... of course it would be none other than the criminal Shield. In comparison Lord Motoyasu is a compassionate man. I will permit this duel" ("king")

'This son of a bitch' I turn my head to the "king" and stare at him with disgust

"Whoa. How about not deciding for me ? I don't gain anything from this duel !" (Master)

"What a pity... it would appear that she suffers from a curse of she does not stand by you. It pains me to say this, but have her restrained for the time being. Upon lord motoyasus win, we will remove the curse of yours, posthaste. Once the court magician attends to it, it will simply be a matter of time." ("King")

"Wait..." (Master)

"The duel will take place in the Palace gardens !" ("King") this sets Master off

"LISTEN TO ME !!" (Master)

"You can't be thinking of turning down the duel, Naofumi ? You COWARD !!" (Spear "idiot")

"I recommend that you stop speaking Spear "hero", you are ignorant of Masters circumstances. You and this "king" are both unworthy of your titles. You for one uphold none of the qualities which make a hero, you are to self absorbed with showing off to your harem, you also have no noble qualities and should be ashamed by going around claiming to be a "hero" your nothing more than a fraud who brings shame to me and my fellow heros." I dump this on him which makes his face contort in shock and surprise,

I turn to the "king" who has a flabbergasted expression "and you, the one who holds the title king. You should be the most ashamed, you allow your personal feelings to effect your judgement, which as you should know is a terrible quality for a king to have, a king should protect EVERY citizen no matter Race, age or species. They ride onto the battlefield with their Knights and defend their kingdom, not sit in the backline sitting all cushy and happy with exquisite meals and hands which have never held a sword *deep breath* You have no right to call yourself a king, you would be better suited as a jester." Once I finish speaking I dematerialised Excalibur and walked to my place besides Master, it was so quite you could hear a pin drop everyone in the room was silent and staring at me like a deer in headlights.

I take this opportunity to tell Master "Master, you do not need to fight in this duel, I'm more than willing to fight on your behalf"

"...No. I'll fight. I'll show the that I won't lie down and accept this farce. I will win !" (Master) he says this with all his pent up rage showing on his face

"... *grits teeth* Criminal Shield, you will fight Lord Motoyasu. After which there will be a second duel between Myne and that girl " ("king") he says while pointing at me "when the girl looses she will be executed."

"And what if I win ?"

"If you win *mutters* which you won't. What you said today will be dropped and a punishment will not be given" ("King") he says with a sinister smirk

'He trying to entice me into a fight he thinks I can't win... idiot'

"Understood I agree with that."

"I'll show you just how much you should regret even steeping foot in this hall" (Bitch)

"We shall just have to wait and see now won't we"

P.s this is my first time writing a lecture this big so something might not be as impactful, if you have any way I could change it I'll gladly take them into consideration. I'm getting more comfortable with artorias way of speaking, but if she ever says/does something out of charcter blame it on her old personality/memories 👍good ? Good. Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if it's not good quality blame the fact I wrote it at like half 11 at night and am just finished at half 1. Hope you enjoyed ❤