
Titans descendant

While the rest of the world is in chaos caused by the awekening of the gods descendants and the invasion of the demons, Bruno, a 19 yo genius finds himself isolated from the rest of the word, living in a little selfmade shelter to escape the eyes of his terrifying parents and the gaze of fate who is trying to bind him with a story that does not belong to him. Something hower, changes his situation and he is forced to accept the powers granted by his bloodline and the destiny that comes with it.

Morsex · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Forced Awakening


-Thats not fair-, was what Bruno was thinking while grinding his teeth and watching the message written in the floating screen in front of his paled face.


"Do you wish to initiate the second awakening of your ancient bloodline?"

(Yes) (No)

*WARNING: since 5 years have passed from the first awakening, if the second awakening is refused again the current bloodline you posses will be rejected by your body, all the powers that come with it will be lost, and all the fates associated with yours will be reset.


"Bringing my loved ones in my fight isn't fair!"

He shouted while striking the wooden table in front of him with all his strength.

A loud ~BOOM~ resounded through the house and the table crumbled into scrap and ashes,

He lost, he knew that there was nothing he could do about it even with that smart brain of his, and so, after a long minute of silence

he decided, with resentment and anger in his firm voice, he muttered:"fine i'll play with you"


While his body was glowing and his clothes were being torn apart, his mind run free, a hint of resentment appeared on his face as a tear was on the verge of being shed.

He thought about all the troubles he had gone through just to avoid this from happening, and just like that all his effort turned to ashes…

[5 years ago, when he was 14, he used to spend all his time reading and watching the sky trying to understand if living in this grey word that offered nothing but worries and problems was worth it.

However his reasoning always arrived at the same conclusion: life was worth living, it ended like this because of his loving family and his closest friends, still he imagined himself having no goal in life even after dozens of years, because, even after becoming millionaire or billionaire he would still die, like everyone else.

His thoughts proved out to be wrongs when on a cloudy sunmer evening while he was staring at a lake from the balcony of his house a screen appeared in front of his nose, the writing on the screen said:


Congratulations your bloodline awekend and the powers of your oldest ancestor will be returning to you after being in a lightless slumber for all these years.



Just like now, back then his body started glowing and after about a minute of waiting

His body returned to normal with only slight differences in height and weight.

Back then he thought he was the chosen one and that he would be the only person to receive this power…. Once again his thoughts turned out to be wrong.

It was rare for him to to be wrong but it happened twice within a matter of minutes.

At the time the window also said: [you are the first person to aweken your bloodline, Gaia rewards you with a unique ability: (eyes of fate).

[Eyes of fate:


Proficiency:1st stage

Description: you are able to see things that others won't ever be able to]

Current status:

[Name: Bruno Race:human


Body: peak rank 1

Mana: low rank 1

Mind: low rank 7

Awakening: rank 1


(Unique) [eyes of fate]lowest 1st stage

(Unique)[time affinity] lowest 1st stage


^innate traits


{cronus descendant}

^awakened bloodline


Snapping back to reality he sighed and opened his eyes, then he checked his status and, comparing it with his old one he said with a low voice and a face full of nostalgia:

"It sure took me a long way to get where i am now, if i decided to follow the path the heavens set for me …. God knows where I would be now"

His status indeed went throught massive changes from last time, the only things that remained the same were: his name, his race and his awekened stage, well now the latter also changed .

[Body: (peak rank 1)——(low rank 6)

Mana:(low rank 1)——(mid rank 13)

Mind:(low rank 7)——(peak rank 21)

Awakening : rank 1 —— rank 2

Eyes of fate:(lowest 1st stage)——(high 9th)

Time affinity:(lowest 1st stage)——(low 17th)


It took five years, but his status completly changed, sure it wasn't nearly enough to resist the will of the skies but he tried to hold on until the very end, being so stubborn that even Gaea, the "system" was forced to threaten his family and loved ones to get him in the chosen path.

At that point he entered the race and the only thing left for him was to gallop faster than anyone.

He was no fool and wouldn't have decided to take this road if he knew that there were no chances of living, the only thing he could do was trying to grow stronger, strong enough that even Gaea couldn't do anything to him and he had to do it quickly, quick enough so that the fate he was trying to escape wouldnt devour him before he could even retaliate.

The only thing that made him take this decision was his innate trait, {genius} the only way out of this hell, and the same thing that started it.

{genius: innate trait

Description: your intellect is higher then everyone who has ever touched this land … everything you really put your head into will result much easier than for other people}

This seems like something positive, however, during his previus research, thanks to the eyes of fate and a lot of hypotheses he came to know something no one other than he did:

There were certain conditions that resulted in the awekening of one own ancient bloodline and, thanks to his unique ability gifted to him by gaea, he could discern those condition, when he searched his own ,what appeared in his mind was unbelievable.

{awakened bloodline: Cronus.}

(conditions: possession of the trait: {genius},

Possession of the bloodline: {cronus})

That's right.

It was ironic , the same thing that brought him this power and fate that he despised was now the only way he could find to get out of it.

He was just at the start of his long journey and yet he was already tired and exhausted from thinking about things, he packed his things and went to sleep, it was only 21:00 (9pm) and normally he would stay awake for at least another 3~4 hours, however waiting for him the next morning was the spark that will first ignite his spirit and, sooner or later, the world in a flaming fire.

Thats right tomorrow he was going to go to one of the temple branches and register as a descendant under a false name to hide him frome his parents gaze, the cover wouldn't last for long but it would hopefull be enough for him to acquire some power and authority.

Even with his high intelligence the only thing he could do was hope, hope that luck would be by his side while he confronted all the challenges fate would throw his way.

With his eyelids as heavy as lead he laid on his bed and immediately fell asleep.

"Ddddrrriiiiinnnnn" The alarm clock, as loud as ever, started drilling into Bruno relaxed ears

making him curse in his mind at the him from yesterday that decided to set it at 6:00.

Still, he slowly raised his arm and slammed it on the clock to make it stop, soon the body followed the example of the arm and after a little bit he went to wash his face,

Now, the alarm clock was silent and he could hear the sound of the early birds, whose chirp formed a chore.

He walked trhough the bedroom and the living room of his isolated house that today seemed even lonelier than usually, maybe it was because he went trough his second

awekening, but his steps sounded heavy and he could hear the beat of his heart.

Finally, he arrived at his destination: the kitchen. He took one of the few eggs he had left in the shelf of his fridge and broke it on the pan that was already filled with oil and heated by the blue flames, a good smell slowly took over the room as some bacon started frying in a second pan right beside the first one, occupying one of the only two stoves on the counter.

In 3 minutes both the egg and the bacon were ready to be eaten and as he let them slide from the pan to the plate the scent of the crispy bacon slices pierced his nose making him salivate.

He quickly sat down on the sofa, eating the plate with a silver colored fork and holding his plate with his thighs since the table he broke down last night was the only one he had in the house apart from the large desk in his study, however, he didnt want to ruin the boar leather of his desk with an oil stain in case it fell so he just sucked it and ate on the sofa.

After enjoying his breakfast he took a bag filled with various items and a container for his already cooked lunch composed of scrumbled eggs and a few slices of bread,

and then left.

Leaving behind the wooden house that accompanied him during this 2 last long years of research.

After leaving the house he walked throught all the woods and decided that it would be in his best interest to reintagrate with society for a cople of days before actually registering himself as a descendant, just to find out about the situation in the world so that he wouldn't make a fool out of himself in case someone asked him a question.

He finally reached the city after about 4 hours of running, even though he didnt go through many awakenings his body was still rank six so he could easily run about 60 kilometers in that time, he could've gone faster but he didnt want to reach the city full of sweat.

To escape the eyes of his parents who didnt know he was an awekened, he spent the last 2 years of his life in the woods of one of the most dangerous places on the planet: Russia.

About four and a half years ago, when Bruno was still quite new to his power, strange gates started appearing all over the world. The people brave enough to explore them never came back, so the government of every state in the world decided to leave them be, they continued monitoring them so that no one would face the same fate as the first explorers.

At the same time the bloodlines of peoples from various countries started to awaken and, after a month of stall, all the gates inthe world exploded simoultaniously, initiating the demon war.

That's right, demons started swarming out of these gates, and disaster befell the countries

that had no awakened individuals, the best example was russia that lost almost all its territory while managing to maintain only the capital,

That, was exactly where he was at the moment: Moscow.

First chapter of this new series, if you dont understand something it will surely be clarified in the next few chapters

Hape you enjoyed ( :

Morsexcreators' thoughts