
Tiny dancer

In a somewhat apocalyptic world where zombies roam the earth in search of their "perfect" selves to become perfect themselves, lives the two lovers Tini and Cora and her three adorable clockwork rats. as they roam around near death we above do not notice as we are the Giants that roam their small world. little do clock makers Know that their creations could make and break new world's beyond our imagination. But remember that with every world that is made openly, their are those that are made in secret.

Brian_s_Anderson · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

the truth

"what are you doing! to my friend!" yells Tini grabbing another gear and striking Cora in the head with it.

"wait Tini wait!" yells Cora "it's me Tini!" she yells again. grabbing Tini's wrists and hugging her. "it's me" she says her mouth close to her ear. "okay " replies Tini, "but who was that, and why did it look like you !?." After a few surprising words between Tini and Cora, Tini finally understood what was going on.

"Do you think their are more of me?" Tini asked gloomily, her once surprised state now fading.

"wait a minute" said Cora remembering the real reason why they came here, Cora lifts Tini into her arms and setting her onto the bed that she was placed on by the fake doc.

"if that thing wasn't the real doc, than wheres the real one doc?" nearly at the moment the words slip from her mouth they hear a creaking from in front of the door the metal rats stomach creaking open and a steampunk themed doll crawling out from inside.

"Doc!? why didn't you fight back!?" Cora said to doc.

"you already know i cant fight back and neither can, beezus" he replies after flicking the metal rat who was supposedly called Beezus in the nose," he's all bark and no bite", and after that the somewhat huge rat starts to click and screech as it shrinks down to the same size as the other three with there musical instruments.

"so who's this?" he says pointing to Tini and nudging the dead Cora into a corner. "my new friend Tini" replied. Doc walks up to Cora " oh a friend" he says and smiles at her.

"just fix her please "she replies blushing

Doc walks up to the table to begin with the cracks on her side.

"oh what have you been up to today" he asks as he starts to fill in the cracks.

"too much to handle" replies Tini slowly drifting to sleep after her tough day.