

Eric's POV

''And what are you doing here.'' dad asked as he sat on the bed.

Hearing the tune of his voice, I sighed in relief and walked away from the door.

I walked to his side of the bed, placed my left hand on his forehead, and realized his temperature was okay.

''Thank goodness.'' I murmured to myself as I took the seat beside him.

''What happened.'' I asked 

''Nothing, I just woke up and found myself in the hospital.'' he explained angrily.

I sighed in relief and relaxed on the chair as I rubbed my hand on my forehead.

''I've already called for the healer, don't worry, I will be fine.'' dad assured me and placed his hand on my left shoulder.

I stared at him for a while before removing my gaze away from him.

''You look so scared and tired, what's wrong.'' dad asked as he fixed his gaze on me.

''Nothing dad.'' I replied and rubbed my eyes tiredly.

''You are not fine, I hope it's something you can handle.'' dad tapped my shoulder before removing his hand.

''You are alpha Eric, you can handle any problem that comes your way, you are my son, and I'm so proud of you, now if you may excuse me I want to sleep.'' he flashed me a weak smile, lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

I stared at dad as a big smile cripes my face, I stood up from the chair, opened the door and left the room.

I got outside and met one of dad's men at the entrance.

''Call me if anything happens.''

''Alright Alpha.'' he replied

''Thank you.'' those words did not leave my mouth before I felt a cold shiver run down my body, but it quickly vanished.

''Mate.'' my wolf whimpered in pains.

''Victoria.'' I muttered out as I searched my pocket for my phone,but it wasn't with me.

''Shit.'' I muttered out as I walked faster to my car.

I opened it and noticed my phone was on the Passenger's seat.

Quickly I went for it and saw six missed calls from Liam.

''Shit.'' I muttered out and starts the car.

I drove out of the hospital, drove in high speed and luckily the hospital wasn't far from home.

I drove into the house, jumped out of my car and rushed into the sitting room.

The moment I got into the sitting, I saw Liam in the sitting room, walking around with his hands in his pocket.

''Why the fuck were you not picking up.'' he yelled.

''I left my phone in the car, where is Victoria.'' I asked as I stared around.

''she upstairs in her room, and I think she is having the signs, you have to do something.'' he replied.

Quickly I climbed the stairs, opened the door of her room and got in.

The moment I got in, I Noticed how hot the room was, I checked the heater and noticed it was on high degree.

''Victoria.'' I called out as I noticed she was in bed, covered with a blanket.