
We meet again

Eric's POV

The next morning, I was woken up by the constant ringing of my phone.

I checked the caller and saw that it was Dad.

I hissed and ignored the call while getting off from the bed.

I went to the bathroom and took a hot shower. After that, I search in my closet and decided to dress simple, so I pick up a green turtle-neck long sleeve a jacket and a black jean.

I was still dressing up when dad call came in again. I hissed before picking up the call.

“Dad”. I murmured.

“You finally pick up, I was about to send some men to your house to check if you were still alive “.

I hissed but did not say a word. Today was his birthday, and I wasn't in the mood to banter words with him.

“Where are you “.he asked.

“Home”. I replied nonchalantly.

“You should be here by now “.

“I'm on my way, dad “. I noticed he has nothing important to say to me, so I quickly ended the call.

I pick up my car keys and left my room. I got to my sitting room and met my housekeeper and Driver there.

“Good morning alpha “.they both greeted.

I nod my head at them and hand over the keys to the driver. He took the keys from me, and we left the house.

Few minutes we were at Dad's place.

I got in and saw dad busy with instructions.it felt like he was expecting someone special.

I hissed and walked over to him.

“Happy birthday Dad “I smiled at him before giving him a tight hug. Right now, he was the most thing in my life.

“Thanks”.he muttered in the hug.

I released him from the hug and look around.

“Are you expecting someone”. I asked when I saw how well the place was.

“Yes”.he replied.

“Who “. I asked 

“None of your business, and please get yourself busy, we would like to make use of your strength”.he said those words while walking away.

“I could have just hired an event planner “. I shouted at him, but he ignored me and walked away.

I hissed in frustration and look for anything I could possibly do, but everything was already in place and the people there refused me doing anything.

A few hours later, guests were arriving, and I couldn't help but wonder how dad got such numerous friends.

I felt bored at the party and wished to go home, but dad won't allow it.

I moved away from the crowd and stood at the extreme end.

I drank a sip of my drink and thought of a way to communicate with my wolf, since he has been silent since last night. I tried communicating with him, but he just won't talk to me. I felt angry and frustrated at myself.

I was still in thought when I heard someone yelled my name. I looked around and saw that it was Jessica, my little cousin.

She smiled and waved at me before walking toward me, but someone else caught my attention.

“Mine”.my wolf whispered.

I tried suppressing him, but this time he was stronger.

“Mine”. I whispered.

She stared at me and I felt myself getting dawn by her. I was still in a daze when Jessica hugged me lightly, she knew I hate been touched.

“I miss you “.she spoke up while giving me a cute smile. I shift my gaze from her and looked at Jessica.

“Why is the color of your eyes darker”.she asked, confused. I did not answer her but rather looked at the direction my supposed mate was, but she wasn't there anymore.

I groaned in frustration and search around the hall but couldn't find her. 

“Are you okay “. Jesse asked, sounding worried.

I chuckled and ran my fingers in her hair, 

“Are you worried about me “. I asked while caressing her cheek .she smiled, chuckled and looked away.

“I'll go find mom”.she said those words and left me .once again my wolf became restless, asking for his mate. I hissed in frustration and started looking around when finally I found her.

She was with dad and a girl I suppose was her friend .the moment I saw her with dad then and there, I realized what dad did. I ran my fingers in frustration and anger. I need to get out of this place before my wolf do something stupid.

I took the last sip from my drink and was about heading for the door when dads voice stopped me on my track.

“Alpha Eric, where do you think you are going “.his voice was calm but rough.

I hissed in irritation before turning around.

“I have an important meeting to attend”. I lied, 

Dad stared at me but did not say a word.

“I will call you when I get home “. I said those words and tried leaving the party, when dad's threat stopped me.

“Walk out from this part and consider me dead to you “.his words were of serious threat.

I hissed and looked at him.

“What's the meaning of this, dad “. I asked in anger.

He stares at me one more time before walking away.

I hissed and went back to the party. I Scan around the party and found Jesse with Aunt talking to some family friends, one noticed me and smiled at me, but I ignored him.

I move my gaze around the party and found her sitting in a corner of the room with a drink in her hand. Obviously, she was thinking about something because her thought wasn't in the party. I was about looking away when I saw Kelvin walk up to her.

When did he come and why is he talking to her so casually like they knew each other.

For some weird reason, I felt angry and jealous.

“No, that wasn't me jealous, that was my wolf”. I tried convincing myself.

I stare back at them with irritation and this time Kelvin was sited besides her talking so casually.

As if he noticed my stares, he looks back at me with a smirk on his face. I gave him a death dare and looked away.

Time to time, I kept on staring at them and wondered what it would feel like to have a discussion with her.

“Stop thinking that “. I angrily told myself.

I was taking a sip of my drink when I watch her get up from her seat and went to the restroom.

I met eyes with Kelvin and gave him a death look, but he has a big grin on his face. I ignored him and looked away when my wolf started howling in pains.

I tried suppressing him, but he was too strong for me.

“Mate”. He whispered, 

I hissed in anger and stood up from the chair. This is one of the reasons I never wanted a mate, 

I left the party hall and went for the washroom. I knocked on the door but got no answer, so I went in and discovered she wasn't there.

She has left the restroom and did not return to the party.

“Mate”.my wolf howl in frustration.

I hissed in anger and ran my fingers in my hair before closing my eyes and took a deep breath. Within a second, I was able to perceive her scent.

I closed my eyes and inhale her scent before walking towards the direction the scent was coming from.

I left the restroom and the scent led me to the back door of the house .what would she be doing here. I asked myself.

I went through the back door and discovered her scent was intoxicating me, indicating she was near.

Through the back door I made it to the garden where I saw her brown eyes full of shock, and she was shivering.

The moment she saw me, she ran up to me and gave me a tight embrace, with her hand on my waist and her head on my chest.

I was surprised at her action, but another thing that surprises me was that I did not feel uncomfortable in her touch.

She realized what she did and quickly move away from me.

I stare at her and noticed she was scared and visually shaking .my wolf growled in pain when he saw how disturbed she was.

She was about saying something when I heard my name from behind. I turn around and found Sophie staring at us with an angry look.