

During her high school graduation, she got raped by a boy whose face was masked. Unaware, the event turned out to be most regretful moments of her life after she found out she was pregnant. The pregnancy did not only made her a laughing stock among her pairs as she struggles alone with her illegitimate daughter Luna. Life gives her another chance to fall in love and start afresh again with her beloved, only to unravel the masked man that destroyed her life. Warning : Computer errors in the use of punctuation marks in the dialogues and grammatical errors from chapter 2-5. It will be reedited once am done publishing the chapters.

AuthoressChioma · วัยรุ่น
11 Chs

Chapter Two : Yes he wore a mask and rape me

He looked into Diana eyes then to Janet and smirk,which for some reason Janet felt uneasy.

"Janet, what a Stubborn girl but I'm more dangerous! Diana". He called out softly then curved his lips as he walked back to his chair.

"Diana baby am so sorry for leaving you", Janet pleaded. "No its okay, who is he anyways??" Diana asked .

"He is the crush of every girl in the school including the teacher's", Janet said as she stared at Aryan from afar. "Oh how didn't I know about him??Diana asked still staring at him", "You wouldn't know him, since in the class your always minding your business, since you asked, he's a science student and some say he extremely rich even more richer than the president perhaps that's why everyone throws themselves at him regardless of his attitude". "Do you like him"? Diana asked as she ate her pizza.

"Oh no i don't like him, he's too proud of his looks and wealth,most certainly not my type and so is his arrogant friend James. They both make me sick". Janet said with disgust.


"Aryan are you gonna let this pass?? She embarrassed you publicly by turning you down in front of the entire students". James asked unaware of Tristan whom interest grew in Diana the more. When they were kids, he'd secretly stalk her and click pictures of her.

"Am not going to let it go, no one ever turned my request not even the owner of the school and a mere commoner who's not worthy of exchanging words with me dared to publicly disgrace me". Aryan murmured as he clenched his fist watching her chatting with janer. He called james to a corner and whispered something in his ear softly!!!

"Don't let Tristan find out!!" Aryan warned.

"Trust me with this, just do the job and I'll do mine". Tristan didn't bother knowing what they wanted to do since its not the first time they hid or did things with each other

As Diana and janet ate their food they chatted and played games with each other, Unaware that this night will be a stigma for the rest of Diana life!

"Aryan baby, I heard you went to some girl and she embarrassed you! She's gonna get it back from me darling".

"Maya" Ayan girlfriend said as she placed light kisses on his neck giving Aryan an arousal. James decided to give them some space as he went to a corner and drank some alcohol.

Aryan and James drank so much that they both were drunk and leftwith James. "Tristan why don't we go, it's late already! Aryan suggested as he called his bodyguard's to pick them up.


" Janet let's go its been long were both out". "Fine let me go pay our bills, wait for me at the basement backdoors , am sure you don't want to meet Aryan even though he left already". "Janet you know am only being cautious". "As you wish then".

Ten minutes later Janet haven't arrived at the basement.

Ring,Ring,!! Janet didn't pick up the call, Diana was scared because it's dangerous to stay out by this late hour of the night.

"Am waiting at the basement and janet left me once again, Diana murmured worriedly!! At a distance a guy in black balaclava watched her and smiled as he approached her!

Diana shivered as the cold breeze felt harsh on her bare skin, She looked around and noticed everyone have left the area except her and perhaps Janet. Did janet forget me? or is she with her boyfriend around ??Diana thought of many reasons why Janet hasn't come out yet but no one to answer.

"Janet, please come and get me,she cried a bit and decided to go home since its eleven thirty in the night and will soon clock midnight". "Young miss, are you lost" ?Said a man in blue which Diana guessed it was one of the staffs in charge of the party. "No I'm waiting for my friend, she told me she's paying up our bills but I can't find her".

"Miss I've locked the whole rooms including the bars and club around and no one is here except for you and I, why don't you go perhaps your friend left you. It's very dangerous to stay out alone as a girl, many thugs roam around hurting Innocent girls" !! The wait-staff said as he locked the big gate. "Oh thank you sir I'll head home now", Diana said as she walked further.

She reached an apple tree and felt someone presence and walked faster to the road , The person pace fastend up and her heart beat was loud enough making the masked guy chuckle at her funny expression!, The person grabbed her shoulder and dragged her backward to where he is, she turned and met a pair of grey eyes that showed a glimpse of danger lurking in it !!! "Who are yo-you, Le'tt me go",she stammered in fear while choking with tears, shh princess is time to satisfy daddy need". "No go away, somebody help me", she shouted and was able to loosen her wrist from his grip!, She ran as fast as possible to avoid him but was cut off when the guy appeared in front of her and slapped her making her stagger and choke with tears",

He pushed her into the woods and tore her dress, he punched her in the eyes when she tried to struggle and will bite her so much that she will bleed.

He dragged her hair and forced his penis into her mouth roughly,he moved her head up and down making her choke while she cried,he removed his belt and tied her hands above her head,then his shirt and tied her legs.

Diana cried out as she chocked and was beaten,he bit her nippled,squeezing and injuring her , he turned her around making her back face him and slams into her anal and hit spanks her with a whip from his pocket, her skin was badly injured and the whip gave her scars...

He closed her mouth so she wouldn't shout and blows her in her spinal cord, he forces himself into her vagina and slams hard and releases load of sperm in her vagina walls",blood was dripping everywhere, Diana bites his hand only provoking him but felt a sharp pain and Alas he pierce a broken glass in her laps...

Mom dad help me, she sobbed softly as she cried in Agony! He entered her two holes and slams harder while pinching her nipples with his long fingers!" He turns her around and blows her mouth and nose and blood gushed out uncontrollably, he opens her mouth and pour loads of drugs into her system.

Those drugs were hard drugs_not advisable, it is only for dramatic purpose.

"He dressed up and walks away living her in her own pool of blood.

" Hello!! Release her friend and go away from the surrounding now"!! The masked guy commanded over the phone. "Yes am coming"

in a dark room was Janet whom was drowsy from the drugs injected into her body while paying, "Ouch my head hurts, Dia, Diana??Oh no I dozed off, she must be scared, "diana yes the basement" , she hurriedly went down stairs and met no one and runs out time the road and didnt see anyone!" Did she go??? janet asked herself".

Sobs,Sobs. She heard someone cry??who's crying in the woods!" Janet walked slowly into the woods and on her phone, Its a girl that crying! "could it be Diana" ?? She rushed there and Froze at the girl who kept scratching and rubbing her body in disgust!
