
Timeless: Love Lost in the Darkness (BL)

Fifteen years have gone by since the day where one life was sacrificed to save the life of another. Lixin was born into a well-off family with everything he could have needed. The only exceptions were his cold-hearted father and his two-faced stepmother. The only light in his dark and gloomy world was his childhood friend from next door. They were practically stuck to each other like glue. One day, Lixin’s actions caused his world to fall apart. He lost nothing, but at the same time, he lost everything. Author’s Note: Although it does not seem like it, it is a BL story with a decent amount of sweetness. I might change the description/blurb later on. Feel free to leave comments on what I can improve on or need to change! Rather than having an editor, all y’all can be my editor! I’m also taking requests for plots since I am planning on making this a long story. A little about me: Hardcore BL fan! Loves seggsy stuff, but isn’t comfortable with writing about them yet so this might be shounen ai rather than yaoi! This author-nim is pretty busy and broke as poop… Will try to post maybe twice a week if I can stay on track! I'm also a noob writer, so I'll be slowly adjusting my writing! Any artists that want to help out and make me a cover would be greatly appreciated. DM me for how I want my male leads to look hehe. Twitter: @mogul_crimson I’m also gauging interest as of now to see if I want to continue so please give me some positive reinforcement to keep me going!!!

The_Mogul · LGBT+
9 Chs


"I never introduced myself, did I. How rude of me." The lady stood straight and… posed. "I am the cute and elegant goddess of luck, Biyu! In the name of luck, I am here to save you!"*


Lixin stared blankly at this strange woman. Seeing that her brilliant entrance had no response, Biyu pouted.

"You were great, Lady Luck." A small fluff ball popped its head out of a pocket in Biyu's sundress.

"Thanks. At least someone appreciates art." Biyu patted the small fluff ball. The small fluff ball rubbed against her hand.

Seeing their interaction sparked buried memories inside Lixin.

"Gege!" A small boy ran to hug the taller boy who just got back from school. "I missed you!"

The older boy smiled and gently patted the head of the boy clinging onto him. "Xinxin ah, I missed you too."

Tears swelled up in Lixin's eyes. He tried to wipe them.

Biyu noticed Lixin's small actions.

"Oh don't cry." She walked toward him. "I can help you save him."

"I would do anything." Lixin looked into her eyes. "Anything."

Biyu clapped her hands. "That's settled then! Dandan ah."

The small fluff ball raised her head. "Yes, Lady Luck."

"You're going to accompany Lixin in his other lives."

The words past life confused Lixin. He didn't understand what she meant. Biyu saw Lixin's confusion and decided to be generous.

"This world is just one of the many worlds in existence. The gods oversee all the worlds to make sure they are in harmony and nothing bad happens in them." Biyu crossed her arms. "These stories follow fate. Each character has a destiny to follow, and Yufei and you are just two characters that destiny controls. Once one world ends, another begins."

"Then why are you trying to help me?" Although Lixin was desperate, he understood nothing in life is free. She must have a motive.

Biyu could understand why Lixin was cautious, but she had her own reasons for helping him. She couldn't tell him the truth, so she just smiled, "I just pity you. I've watched over all the worlds, but I had noticed something. Two peoples' fates who were never supposed to entangle always went against destiny, but it always ended in tragedy."

There was too much information for Lixin to comprehend. [Gods? Worlds? Fate? Destiny?]

Biyu continued. "I also ran away from my father, the Heavenly Emperor, so I wanna mess with him a bit ya' know. Soooooooooo, I am giving you a chance to change your fate. You can wake Yufei up if you manage to collect all his soul fragments. It will nourish his soul that is heavily damaged. Easy, right? Would you like to take this chance?"

Although Lixin was still skeptical, he was willing to risk it all. He had nothing to live for in this world anyways.

Lixin stood up straight. "I'll do it."

Biyu was pretty surprised he answered so quickly. Maybe their bonds are deeper than she thought.

"Okay. No backie-outsies." Biyu clapped her hands together. "Dandan will be your guide. Oh, I forgot to mention, you will have no idea which person is Yufei so good luck."

She gently reached out into her pocket and grabbed the small fluff ball. Biyu tossed the small ball to Lixin, who quickly responded. Mentally, Dandan was crying.

#My Lady treats me so roughly. Waaaaaaa.

*Guess what reference this is to hehe

Once again, sorry for the short chapter! I didn't expect this week to get so chaotic!

I know I promised a longer chapter, but I have been overwhelmed with stuff...

Hope you all are doing well!

The_Mogulcreators' thoughts