
Timeless Fate

In the enchanting Empire of Aurorana, where the delicate balance of time weaves the destiny, a young boy named Yan Sen finds himself entangled in a web of ancient secrets, martial prowess, and unbreakable bonds. Yan Sen, a spirited and quick-witted 6-year-old, leads a seemingly ordinary life within the prestigious Yan family in the Kingdom of Serenvale. Yet beneath his youthful innocence lies a powerful secret—the guidance of a mysterious Time Sovereign, a being of ethereal wisdom and unmeasurable power. Protected by the Chrono Orb, Yan Sen's journey transcends the limitations of his young age as he cultivates the Unified Chrono Heart Cultivation Technique, a rare cultivation art that can cultivate the soul, body, and qi.

Prime_Cyborg · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Chapter 18: Lightning-fast

The arena hall fell into stunned silence. In the VIP area, family heads rose in unison. Hu Tong, head of the second-class Hu family, was among them. He rose from the audience seats and strode toward the stage. Beside him stood Hu Xinlan's parents – the mother, tearful and agitated, and the father, still in shock. On the stage, Hu Xinlan ascended one of the platforms, fury emanating from him. He confronted General Guan Xuantong, demanding, "General Guan, what is the meaning of this? Xinlan is just a child of six. Even if he erred, to end his life without proper investigation is excessive!" Guan Xuantong met his gaze, retorting, "Investigation? For what purpose? The child has been proven guilty of trying to blind a fellow student. Moreover, I did this to appease the influential figure behind Yan Sen. If I hadn't acted, your Hu family could have faced repercussions. Do you believe a six-year-old could procure Blindthorn fungus? Perhaps it came from your family treasury. It's no easy task to execute a six-year-old." A ripple of shock swept through the crowd. Was there truly someone of such might backing the Yan family that General Guan felt compelled to take a life to secure the Hu family's safety?

In the VIP platform, Yan Meng rose and addressed Guan Xuantong, his voice firm, "Xuantong, don't shift your actions onto our Yan family. Even I find your actions unsatisfactory. The boy was but a child. Taking his life without proper inquiry was rash. You even implicated my grandson's master. Is there a reason you're covering up?"

Guan Xuantong's countenance turned clammy. He was well aware of the power wielded by the Yan family's master. He replied, "Old Meng, I'd never dare. I was anxious about how Sen'er's master would react, so I acted as I saw fit. Please, understand."

The Princess, Ling Ran, intervened, her voice cutting through the tension. "This matter concludes here. The plot is revealed, the perpetrator punished. Grant the Hu family five years of tax exemption. I wish to hear no more of this. Clean the arena promptly; the assessment shall proceed without hindrance. Students, let this serve as a lesson. Though adversaries in the arena, you are all Faybrook Spirit Academy peers and Serenvale citizens. Tomorrow, you might stand together as soldiers for the kingdom's safety. Remember, causing harm to fellow students shall not be tolerated and will be met with severe consequences." With that, she settled back into her seat, her intervention aiming to defuse the escalating tension between the Yan and Guan families, vital figures in a kingdom at war. Despite her suspicions regarding Guan Xuantong's motives, she halted the probing to prevent further internal strife.

The academy staff cleared the stage of Hu Xinlan's remains and attended to his hysterical mother, ushering her out of the area.

Subsequent battles continued, yet an air of gravity prevailed. Even Yan Sen, and his two friends, though possessing the souls of a twelve-year-old and a fifteen-year-old, couldn't shake off the shock. Faybrook City hadn't seen violence in a long time, and witnessing a fellow student's murder was overwhelming. They continued to battle, stripped of their arrogance and humor, solely driven by the desire to win. When Yan Sen and Li Wei encountered each other in the final eight, Li Wei surrendered without resistance. Because it was his first defeat, he was spared from elimination. The battle continued, when there are only four people left, the two friends were faced against each other again, this time, Yan Sen conceded because Li Wei will be eliminated prematurely if he lost again. As they progressed, the joyous spirit of the tournament faded. Yan Sen eventually faced off against Li Wei in the final match, once again, Li Wei admitted defeat. However, Li Wei's submission wasn't due to his inferiority; he recognized Yan Sen as the first disciple of their shared master. Establishing superiority in this arena wouldn't be genuine, for neither could reveal their full strength.

As the tournament concluded, the top three grade one winners claimed their prizes. All second-year students were then summoned to draw lots for their upcoming assessment. Amid the process, Yan Sen's voice rang out from his seat, "Dean, Li Wei and I wish to partake in the grade two assessment. Is it not a rule that the top three of a grade can attempt the assessment of the higher grade?"

The dean contemplated Yan Sen and Li Wei's request. Their intent to challenge their limits was not unprecedented, considering past prodigies who'd crossed grade levels. Though most top-three winners couldn't win when fighting opponents three minor realms above, the dean approved, acknowledging the duo's competitive spirit. Their cultivation stood at the fourth level of skin tempering – the minimum requirement for grade two. This time, however, most second-year students were at the sixth or seventh level, on the cusp of advancing to grade three. The dean acceded, "Certainly, we shall add two more numbers to the drawing for you."

In the Guan family area, Guan Wei's eyes bore into Yan Sen with animosity. "When the opportunity arises, I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget, Yan Sen."

Guan Xuantong, fearing incessant inquiries, remained in the family section rather than returning to the VIP platform. Observing his son's glare, he spoke, "Listen, from now on, show goodwill to the Yan and Li families. Forge alliances instead of enmity. Yan Sen and Li Wei possess a formidable master, untouchable by any of us. Spread the word among our kin."

Guan Wei was taken aback. "But father, aren't we bitter enemies with General Yan? Can we really feign friendship?"

Guan Xuantong replied, "Son, in this world, adaptability is essential. One must know when to advance and when to retreat. Besides, who said we need to truly befriend them? We'll display goodwill, but ultimately, they will fall into our hands. Wait and see."

A grin spread across Guan Wei's face. "As expected of you, father."

The lottery concluded, and the tournament resumed. Yan Sen and Li Wei, assigned numbers eight and twenty-five, faced their matches. Yan Sen battled in the initial ten, facing off against Li Xiao, Li Wei's cousin. As they stood in the arena, Li Xiao initiated a conversation, her voice friendly, "Yan Sen, word has it that you possess a powerful master. Yet, I hold an advantage in cultivation. Let's do our best." Yan Sen grinned, responding, "Thank you for the reminder, sister Xiao. But you're mistaken – I'm the one with the cultivation edge." The match commenced, and Yan Sen, true to form, dominated, leaving Li Xiao no room for retaliation. The VIP platform spectators, once again astonished, mused over the potential cultivation level of these prodigies. Li Wei and Yan Sen had exhibited only fourth-level skin tempering previously. As first-grade students, they should have reached the 4th level at best. Yet, the power they displayed exceeded these expectations, baffling the onlookers. The most astounded was Guan Wei, who had defeated Yan Sen and Li Wei with ease not long ago. Now, he questioned if he could triumph against them.

As the battle timer rang its end, Yan Sen was declared the victor. The subsequent ten fights saw Li Wei effortlessly securing victories, mirroring their performance in the grade one tournament. The audience, this time, was less amazed, anticipating their dominance due to their shared master's guidance.