
Time Travelers' War

When Vincent was in a hopeless situation while fighting against an enemy he never met before yet was weirdly familiar with, a God of Time appeared before him and offered him the ability to go back in time if he abides by the rules he created. At first, it sounded like a perfect deal, but after knowing more about it, Vincent knew it wasn’t as simple as it seemed, yet he needed to accept it because of his hopeless situation From then on, Vincent started preparing for the war and changing the past. What consequences will his choices have? How many choices does he have? And how many other ‘choices’ would he need to abandon to achieve his goal?

Writer2137 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Second chance

The sound of metal clashing with each other spread through the battlefield. Giant monsters with different shapes, sizes, and colors were slaughtering brave heroes of humanity.

The shouts of both sides could be heard from kilometers away. All kinds of weird abilities appeared on the battlefield.

The stench of blood filled the air. The sky was gray, covered in smoke left after the flames of war. Seconds passed like hours for the human warriors who were currently facing the overwhelming might of their enemies.

They could still hold on thanks to the few of them that were facing hundreds of enemies by themselves.

One of them was swinging his sword like he went mad. He was spinning around, jumping, crouching, doing everything just to avoid getting injured and hitting at the same time. The white, long, elegant blade was now covered in blood. Unlike the chaotic way he behaved, his expression was unchanging and peaceful. Even though he was covered in sweat, he wasn't slowing down for even a second.

Another one of them was standing still, with his eyes closed, a bunch of insects defending him. None of his enemies could get past them. All the creatures defending him had injuries, he didn't look too good as well. Although he didn't get injured yet, he was gasping for air all the time. His eyelids and lips were trembling.

Among a group of people like this, there was one person who wasn't outstanding at all but wore the same emblem signifying his equal status.

"Good job! Keep it up! Our left flank should be here in a moment! If we can keep it up, we can win this fight!"

An insignificant-looking young man shouted from the back after defeating one enemy. He had none of the characteristics that others had.

He wasn't handsome nor elegant like the swordmaster, neither was he tall and skinny with mysterious feeling around him like the person controlling insects. He was just an average-looking young man. Neither high nor short, neither handsome nor ugly.

The only thing that wasn't average wasn't something easy to notice - it was his great intelligence.

"Haha! With your plans, I'm sure we will win with these monsters, tiny Vincent!"

A man over two meters tall shouted from afar. His hair was fiery red. His arms were so broad that he could contain 3 Vincents in them. He had a long beard that covered most of his face, which made him look older than anyone on this battlefield. Although he looked like this, he was only 17 years old!

After saying his part, his giant fists started burning with blazing orange fire. He jumped at his enemies without hesitation. They couldn't even block one attack properly.

"How many times do I need to repeat that I'm not tiny?!"

'They are all monsters themselves.'

Vincent sighed to himself after rebuking his friend.

The battle ensued for a little longer before Vincent was suspicious about the lack of reinforcements until now.

'Something is wrong.'

Suddenly, he had a bad feeling. He wasn't sure what was wrong, but a bunch of negative emotions accumulated inside of him.

'Left flank, why aren't they here yet?!'

He understood now. From the very beginning, they planned to destroy one-third of their enemy's army and then take care of the two-thirds left. It was a dangerous tactic, but it was their only way to survive.

'We sent half of our people there. Scouts said that the weakest part of the enemy army is there, I also confirmed it, then why are they not here yet?'

The more Vincent analyzed the situation, the more weird things he noticed.

'Aside from one outstanding leader on the back, there is no other powerful demon here! If this was the primary force of the enemy, then they would've never been able to break through all of our defenses and push humanity to the brink of extinction.'

"Everyone, keep your guard up, there is something fishy about this situation! By now, the left flanks should have been here, we need to take care of it by ourselves from now on!"

As soon as Vincent's comrades heard it, their movement became slightly more rigid. They could fight until now because of the hope that it was close to the end. Now, after learning about their hopeless situation, they got a lot less eager.

Just as Vincent was about to motivate them, they all heard a scream coming from their left side.

"Let go of me, you ugly, skinny, disfigured, stupid bastard! I swear if you hit me once again, I will bite off your hand! Wanna try?"

What they saw threw all of them into a state of agitation.

A weak-looking demon with two big white horns on his forehead dragged the craziest but the strongest human currently living with a devilish smile on his face.

"Vincent! I was looking forward to our next meeting! This time, I'm on the winning side, I brought you a gift, it seems to be pretty loud. Let's make it quieter."

After hearing the signal, a demon with four long slim arms with a Katana in each pierced through the stomach of their crazy comrade.

Vincent squeezed his fist and gritted his teeth before trying to stop his comrades from stupid actions.

"They want to agitate us, don't let them manipulate-"

Before he could finish, the friendly red-bearded guy who was as big as a bear jumped forward only to be thrown away by a fist as big as a small fridge. If he lived on earth once, he would assume that it was a truck that hit him, not a fist.

The demons on the battlefield didn't waste time and started stabbing him to death immediately.

"Argh! Why is it happening right now?"

The insect controller's mental state worsened and his battle strength fell drastically. It wasn't needed to say that he didn't stand a chance, especially when the demons coordinated with each other more efficiently than before. The mastermind behind controlling them didn't hide either. He was staying quietly on the side with his eyes closed.

"Human, your swordsmanship is impressive. To think that someone with only four limbs could achieve such a high proficiency. If you were born a four-handed demon, you would've surpassed me. Unfortunately, your end is near since you are just a lowly human."

A demon that was over two meters tall with four hands said. He wasn't like all the other demons that looked more like a mountain of muscles than a living being. He was over two meters tall, and he was so slim that he was like a stick. His four arms were long and looked like branches.


The human swordmaster ignored the contempt in the eyes of his enemy and started fighting. The sound of swords cutting the air and then clashing with each other was clearer and sharper than ever before. It was the first time for Vincent to see this level of proficiency. His disadvantage was obvious, he died as well.

These events happened at the same time and ended after a minute.

"How is it? All your comrades are dead. I won! I won-"

The demon that resembled a human the most and was the most inhumane started laughing like crazy when everything suddenly stopped for Vincent.

Everything around him turned gray, the entire world was devoid of colors. There was no sound he could hear, until after a moment, he heard footsteps behind him.

He tried to turn around, but he couldn't move.

Noticing his urgent need to see who was coming, the being from behind him started laughing.

"Don't worry, I'm not your enemy, human. Or at least I don't think of myself as one and you won't either for the time being, as for what future or past will change, we still can't tell. Let me introduce myself as an act of apology."

The being said stood right before Vincent and talked once again.

"I don't have a name, but you humans call me a God of Time."

Vote for me in this WFP with your power stones! Today I will release a few more chapters. Starting tomorrow (0:00 +8 GMT) I will release 2 chapters every day around 1 am (+8 GMT).

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