one day when Suzy decides to get her revenge she gets to know that Arthur is also some one who is like her will these two hearts be able to get their revenge by joint their hand or fall in love after knowing each other's past .
After Arthur and Hyena noticing the sixth finger to the officers hand Arthur started filling the officer and Hyena went to do a background check on the officer she also went to find out what was the officer doing on the day of weather reporters death . Arthur find out that this officer have the habit of drinking everyday night in the same bar. Hyena asked Arthur to find out weather he went to the same bar on the day of weather reporters death . Arthur went to Check on cctv footage . As Hyena expected they couldn't see the officer in the bar on the day of weather reporters death. Their suspension on officer was true . The officer has some relation with the murder .
On the next day morning the officer went to jogging . A car came ahead of him and took the officer inside the car. The officer asked why did they took him in but Hyena didn't listen to him she keep raising the speed until they reach an edge of the cliff . After looking at the cliff the officer panicked and asked Hyena to take back . Hyena said if we should take back the car then you must tell us about the night of the weather reporters death what powder did you give him and who asked you to do that . The officer said I don't what you are talking about . Hyena raised the speed and took the car little front . Officer said ok I will say you the truth . The officer started telling that day in the morning I went to the station asusual but a parcel was already waiting for me on my desk . on that parcel a letter was written saying I have to hand over this to the weather reporter on that night evening If I do that correctly they will make my daughter win in a singing competition and that is what I know . Arthur asked then did they make your daughter win the competition. The officer replied yes they did they have done what they said so I have . At first I thought it was just a parcel . But later it actually lead to a death . so I kept silent about this . They left the officer after hearing to that .
Hyena asked Arthur while driving car to their hotel . Arthur it was just a parcel delivery they could have used any other person to do that but why did they choose the officer to do that . Arthur replied I to doubt the same but if you think logically the officer was the one who was supposed to Handel the case but now he is involved in the case that is the reason why they involved him in . And also that is the reason why he stopped us from investigating the news at the begging. Hyena asked now what should we do next . Arthur replied we will go to the weather reporter's house we may find any clue over there or we may find the packet atleast we will know what is in there in that packet . Hyena said ok tomorrow morning let's go to the weather reporter's house .
They went to the hotel . In the hotel infront of there rooms there was a letter written and kept . Both of them opened the letter and started reading . Hi you may not know who I am but here is an important information for you . In order to save your life's run away from this island . There are people roaming around inorder to kill you with your photos in their phone . After reading that both Arthur and Hyena rushed to reception to check the cctv footage to know who kept the letter but the receptionist said their cctvs were broken one mont ago .