
Meeting a new one

Both Suzy and Arthur came out of the party hall reached the parking lot . Suzy thanked Arthur for saving her face earlier Arthur told to Suzy I think here ends our date act . Suzy said yes while they were talking zayan and Sam came over there holding their hands Arthur looked at them and said to zayan you guys are out of the party hall . They immediately released their hands . At the very same time a person came to them who is almost drowned in the blood and told them the password is "distance to reach the peak". By telling this he fell into the hands of Arthur Arthur and other tried to take him to the hospital but in the mean while he died.

All the four over there couldn't grasp the situation . They reported to the police . The police has arrived over there they looked at his body and said he works in a media company which is against the rulling party. So there is no wonder he has many enemies. They said to Arthur we will look into this case sir you people may live now . And also the officer asked did he tell something before he died Arthur was about to tell it but Suzy inteptted and said he only said to help and take him to the hospital. After telling this they left . Arthur asked Suzy why did she tell like that Suzy replied I know that man he is a honorable journalist I can't let his efforts vain in a executive system working for the legislative one.

After hearing to Suzy arthur asked then what are you planning to do . Suzy replied I will get into this myself so don't worry . Arthur and Suzy left that place Arthur and Suzy went to their respective homes. Even the Sam and zayan to . All of them are exhausted because of the party and slept well .

The next day morning Suzy got a call from Sam telling mam open the internet . Suzy opened the internet and she was on the top search again but reason was something which she didn't expect . Sam and Suzy know that Suzy is going to be on the top search of internet but the reason they expected was she has become an equal shareholder along with her father in her father company and the rucuss she created in the party bur all of them were at the down and the reason for her top search is the couple reason between she and Arthur . Suzy was stuck in between of laugh and cry and the public enthusiasm in her personal relationship. Suzy asked Sam contact the zeera company and ask them how they are going to react for this article. Sam contacted them and said Suzy that they are willing to have a press meet inorder to smash the rumors. Suzy agreed to it bu Sam was not happy with it because once she let the press to ask the questions then they may talk about the yesterday party . And said that to Suzy but Suzy was ok with it so Sam accepted for the press meet.