
Time to grow

Learning how to transcend from being a teenager to being an adult. 19 year old Cole was what you'll call a typical rich spoilt brat who thinks he can use his father's wealth as a source of his power and bully those he thinks is beneath his league. Well, life had other plans for him when his parents died in a car accident and all his father's wealth was taken over by the government as Cole's father didn't prepare any will in the case of his demise . Now Cole has to learn about life the hard way and appreciate it on the long run.

Daoist2000 · แอคชั่น
21 Chs

New project (1)

  The ride back was really awkward, I felt as though I didn't know who Harry was, which in truth, I really didn't. I felt as though he was a complete stranger.

  I was tempted to start asking him questions but I decided to wait until I had gotten some food in my stomach.

  We got to McGee's, our favourite restaurant to get something to eat. I waited in the car while Harry went inside to order some takeout for us.

  After a while, he came back with two plastic bags containing what he ordered, then we drove to my shed.

  I call it a shed because it used to be a storage room before. It was used to keep grains by the former owner. When we got to my shed, he said,

"You're just gonna grab a few of your things, then we move to our new crib"

"Our new what?! "

"Crib, it's where we're gonna be staying from now on"

"But I don't have the money to afford a new house "

"Don't worry buddy, it's all been taken care of"

Harry sure knows how to give  unexpected surprises. Taking people by surprise is his specialty.

''By who???''

''It's best if  you didn't know that ''

By Harry's behavior, its obvious that it was Mr Finley who played for the house.

'' It was Mr...Nico....who payed for the house, wasn't it?''

'' Yeah, it was ''

'' Alright, when do we move ''

''As soon as you're done packing your things ''

''Okay ''

We both opened our takeouts and started filling our stomachs. After we were done eating, I packed a few of my things and we head for our new home.

It was a pretty long ride to the new location as the sun had already set by the time we got there.

The house was a three bedroom flat with an extra terrain and a garage at the side, you wouldn't even know it was there. It was the nicest house I had seen so far....except Mr Finley's of course.

  Harry packed the car inside the garage and we got out of the car and went inside the house together. The living room was breathtaking as was the other parts of the house.

   Conny and Mike were the only ones at home. They helped me and Harry to carry the rest of my things to the room we (me and Harry) would be sharing.

   The room was bigger than my entire shed combined but was just of of the little rooms in the house.

   The house has a total of five rooms consisting of a master bedroom with three little rooms and a guestroom.

  Harry and I had a room to ourselves. Conny and Mike were biological brothers hence they also shared a room. Jeff share a room with someone called Julian, whom I'm yet to meet. And the master bedroom belonged to Nico (Mr Finley).

  The house also had a large kitchen with a dinning area. It also had a library for whatever purpose I didn't know about. And a study which I was told is Mr Finley's personal space. A laundry room and of course two bathroom and toilet. One for the family and the other for guests.

    I found out all this during the quick tour Harry gave me around the house before he left me to finish up unpacking my stuffs.

   By the time I was done unpacking, I heard voices downstairs. It sounded like people laughing and having a good time so I decided to go join in the fun.

   Getting downstairs I spot Harry and the other boys in the kitchen with an unfamiliar face I suspected to be Julian.

"Cole " Harry voice calls out to me.

  Setting aside my nervousness, I walk into the kitchen.

"hello everyone "

"hey... " they greet back.

"you must be Cole, I'm julian" he says offering his hand.

Taking his offered hand,

"nice to meet you "

"pleasure's all mine"

"hey, why don't you join us"

"sure" I take a seat close to Harry.

"so what were you guys talking about"

"we were talking about some job we have to get done by tomorrow evening " Sonny explains.

"wow, that's cool"

"yeah, it's only cool when we've got the job done..... "

"...and if not, we're screwed " Jeff completes.

"is the job that important? " I ask looking at each of their faces and the expressions tells me that the job is important.

The kitchen goes silent for a good couple of minutes before Julian alerts us the get the table set for dinner.

I have to mention that the dinner was pretty good. Julian did a really good job that I couldn't help but think that I'm gonna enjoy living here.

  After eating dinner, I helped Julian with the dishes while the others retired to their various rooms as tomorrow they'll be carrying out the job they needed to carry out.

  When I was done with the dishes, I greeted Julian goodnight and went straight for the room I was sharing with Harry.

"hey buddy" Harry says when he sees me entering.

"hey, what are you doing? " I asked noticing that he was packing some stuffs into a bag.

"I'm just getting prepared for tomorrow "

"for tomorrow....wait, are you also going with them? "

"yeah, I am"

"what about the factory? "

"well, there's been a change of plans"

"what????? "

"listen buddy, I promise when I get back tomorrow, I'll explain everything to you"

"everything? " I wanted to make sure.

"everything "

"now get some sleep, tomorrow's gonna be a tough day go you"

   I wanted to ask him what he meant by that but he beat me to it.

"Nico has another job for you, so you'll be quitting the factory too"