
Time to grow

Learning how to transcend from being a teenager to being an adult. 19 year old Cole was what you'll call a typical rich spoilt brat who thinks he can use his father's wealth as a source of his power and bully those he thinks is beneath his league. Well, life had other plans for him when his parents died in a car accident and all his father's wealth was taken over by the government as Cole's father didn't prepare any will in the case of his demise . Now Cole has to learn about life the hard way and appreciate it on the long run.

Daoist2000 · แอคชั่น
21 Chs

Fitting in (2)

   When I got to the house, the lights were still on, that meant I was right one time. I was greeted by the sound of talking and laughter as I approached the kitchen.

"hey Cole, what's up man" Conny was the first to see me as the others turned their heads to face my direction welcoming me.

"welcome home cupcake " for some unreasonable reason Julian had been calling me that for the past weeks after our little cupcake picnic. It was really frustrating to get him to stop calling me that.

"hey buddy, you look beat" I always trust Harry to notice little things like this.

"yeah, I am"

"aw, poor cupcake, why don't you have a seat while I fix you a plate of burritos "

"thanks Julian, I'd like that "

I took my seat opposite Harry while Julian was fixing my dinner. I wanted to look at Harry's face while I was eating, I wanted to see if there was anything dangerous about how he looked.

While I was eating, I kept staring at him as he was talking with the other boys. They were probably talking about how their day went. I was being careful not to be so obvious.

"don't you know it's rude to stare at people " shit I guess I must have been staring too long and hard.

"um, I'm sorry " I said facing down at my food, I can't look up at them coz my face was red from embarrassment.

"if you have something to say, you know you can say it " the other guys nodding in agreement with him.

I take that as my cue,

"do you know a guy named Leno? "

  There was silence for a while that I thought he wasn't going to answer but  then;

"as a matter of fact, I do " he said with a wide smile on his face.

I think he remembers what I'm thinking and he's going to tell me what I probably should know.

"so how do you know him? "

"he's the bodyguard of the leader of Black Spear"

"so you mean he's Cameron's bodyguard? "

"you know Cameron? " they all chorused.

"yeah, I met him tonight actually and we talked "

"wow dude, you met Cameron VonTiello ?"

"well yeah.... I mean I don't know if that's the last name but I did talk to a certain Cameron "

"wait, your delivery today was Black Spear wasn't it " Mike asked like he was just catching up on our conversation.

"yes it was"

"then you definitely did meet Cameron Von Tiello " he also confirmed.

"man, that man is legendary "

"yeah, he's a legend in the black market "

"really? " sounds interesting

"yeah, he and Nico go way back....." Julian added.

Julian went on and on, telling us about how Cameron and Nico knew each other.

So apparently, Nico and Cameron were once friends but they fell apart. Now they weren't friends neither were they enemies.

After a little more chat, we were all getting tired so we all retired to bed.

I couldn't sleep immediately because I still had a lot of questions bugging me that I needed to ask and this would have been a good opportunity for me to ask since we were now alone. I just hoped he was still awake.


"hmm, yeah? "

"are you awake? "

"I am now, what's up " I could hear him shift on his bed.

"um, I have this question that's really bugging me "

"OK...let it out"

"I don't mean to invade your privacy but what exactly do you do for Nico? " thank goodness the lights are out, I really don't want to see his face and I didn't want me to see mine.

"you want the real truth? "

Do I?  "yeah"

"I'm Nico's sword "


"I kill anyone who proves to be difficult for us to handle "

"k..ki....k? " I couldn't bring myself to say the word kill.

"yep "

"I don't....why? "

"because apparently that's what I know how to do best "  you've got to be kidding me.

   A long silence followed his last statement before he broke it.

"get some sleep, tomorrow's gonna be a long day "


"hey Cole? "

"yeah? "

"everything you've learned today changes nothing...we're still gonna be best buddies "

"yeah, sure "   was he thinking that I was going to stop being friends with him?

"good night "

"good night Harry "

I relaxed into my bed trying to fall asleep but I was still astonished. With everything that I'd learnt today and what just happened now.

   Harry was feeling insecure about our friendship.

I guess that was why he refuses to tell me things, he was afraid of what I would think if I found out about what he does.

    I suddenly feel bad to prying.

Falling into slumber, I start thinking of how I was going to make Harry know that he was still my best friend. He was the one who took me under his wing when no one wanted to have anything to do with me. I could  never have imagined myself surviving the streets without him.