
Time to grow

Learning how to transcend from being a teenager to being an adult. 19 year old Cole was what you'll call a typical rich spoilt brat who thinks he can use his father's wealth as a source of his power and bully those he thinks is beneath his league. Well, life had other plans for him when his parents died in a car accident and all his father's wealth was taken over by the government as Cole's father didn't prepare any will in the case of his demise . Now Cole has to learn about life the hard way and appreciate it on the long run.

Daoist2000 · แอคชั่น
21 Chs

Fitting in (1)

   It's been three week since I started working at Nico's illegal warehouse /laboratory. The job wasn't exactly what I thought it was. When Julian said I was to work as supervisor,this wasn't what came to my mind.

  My work consisted of me cross checking the packaged orders and going to with whoever delivers them to make sure that the customers get their orders.

  I don't exactly get why I was given this position but I heard along the lines of what Julian said that 'there's no other person Nico would rather trust to handle it here'.  When I asked Julian why he couldn't do the job, he said he already had enough on his plate being Nico's second in command.

I also asked why the other guys couldn't do the job and he said that they already had other branches they were heading and so their hands were full.

Since I couldn't quite argue with him,  I just rolled with it. I wasn't doing anything dirty like killing, just delivering illegal- ish stuffs to whoever wants it.

So right now I was at the packaging area preparing myself for a late night delivery to one of the biggest arm dealing organization in the country who was a regular customer of ours.

I had never done any late night deliveries in the past weeks so why now?  I guess that would be a question for later.

When the goods were loaded up in the truck, the driver and I left for our destination which was well over a mile from the city.

The road was surprisingly free from traffic so we had time to spare. By the time we got to the venue, there were some guys with leather jackets leaning over their bikes and there was a jeep parked close to them.

"I guess that's our guy" I said with a sigh as I got down from the truck and walked over to the guys.

When I was three feet away from them, they gave me a look with a scowl on their faces.

"good evening gentlemen " I tried to lighten the atmosphere which was so unlike me but to no avail.

"and who the fuck you think you are"

"I'm your delivery guy"

"ah-ha, so you're telling me that Nico sent us a kid? Ahhahaa!"  is this guy being serious, I may have a baby face but I'm nineteen for fucksake.

"ha ha, can we please get on with the delivery cause it's getting pretty late and I don't want to miss dinner "

"the fuck you say? "

"I said that can we PLEASE get on with this cause it's getting darker " it may have came out a lot harsher than I planned but whatever.

"you little piece of shit, do you know who we are? "  is that supposed to be a question for me to answer? I don't know.

I was starting to loose my cool with this guy. First, I was given a late night delivery which I had never done before. Secondly, I had missed lunch because I was running an errand for Julian, now all I want is to get home before dinner time so I can enjoy the food while it's still hot bit I can't because of this jerk!

"yes I do, now can you please come and get your order " the jerk narrowed his eyes at me.

"Leno, that's enough. Just go check the stuff" a black haired man coming from the direction of the car said. I guess he must be their leader.

Grumpily, the jerk walked to the truck to check the stuff if it was in one piece.

"I'm really sorry about Leno, he's always like that, y'know being a jerk and all"

"oh, it's okay. I'm not bothered "

"you're not? " he looked at me with clear disbelief but I couldn't care less because I wasn't really bothered by that jerk.

"yeah" I replied him sternly without looking at him, probably he would see that I wasn't really bothered.

"well you're the second" now that got my attention. I turned my head to face him while still looking at the jerk from the corner of my eyes. I keep getting the feeling that the jerk was not to be trusted.

"what do you mean? "

"Leno there always scares the shit out of all Nico's men "

"really?  But there's nothing scary about him except that huge beard on his face"

He laughed but I could tell that it was forced, but I still went along with it.

"that's exactly what the first one said "

"who's the first one? "

"um let me think... I think his name was Harry "    what?! Harry?

"ha, I have to admit, that kid is one scary ass shit." 

Well that's news to me, I didn't know Harry was scary. He could be dangerous if he wanted to but scary? I don't know about that.

"how scary is Harry? " I know I shouldn't be asking questions but I really wanted to know and knowing Harry, he won't say a word if I asked.

"Leno annoyed the shit out of the kid and guess what he did.... "


"he punched Leno straight in the face, dislocating his nose completely hahaha, funny right?"  

   How is that supposed to be funny, but I still nodded my head anyway. After a little more cross checking, the jerk came back with the all clear which meant me and the driver were free to go.

"I didn't think I got your name "

"um, I'm Cole "

"COLE " he said my name as if he was savouring it on his tongue.

"well, I'll be seeing you around Cole, the name's Cameron "

"oh ok, see you around... I guess "

I watched, dumbfounded as he got into his car and drive off.  This was such a strange night, I shrugged as I got into the truck straight for home silently praying that I was going to be on time for dinner.